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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. Hilarious that conservatives think they are based on rationality. The reality is thst modern conservativism (excepting the evangelical part) is based on pure unadulterated greed
  2. My precious NDP? Come off it. I have never in my life voted NDP anywhere. I simply don't subscribe to the team mentality some people do. The UCP were always going to attack education and healthcare becausr they are republican north. And rachel notley did some good things for this province at a time when itnwas needed. But people like you just thought that a change in government would make oil boom again so you didn't bother to do any critical thinking about the election. Why would you ever trust Jason Kenney? The man cheated his own party to become leader! What did you think he was going to do to the rest of us?
  3. Implying that obama was bad? What is that based on? Look Bush and Trump have been absolute disasters as president. Obama did a lot of work to try and fix the messes Bush left hiwever he had ti deal with an obstructionist republican controlled senate for a lot of that. Obama tried to work with the other side and they only wanted to stonewall him.
  4. It is all in there. Or did you think administrative bloat was actually true? Plus you had to look at what they said and how they acted outside if just what they wrote in their platform. You voted for the leopards eating faces party and are now surprised they sre eating your face.
  5. And which misinformation are you referring to?
  6. No I dont think democrats want the court to strike down the 2nd amendment at all. That is whataboutism. Both sides are not the same and trying to imply that is just being willfully ignorant. Roe v. Wade wasn't the court making a new law, it was about saying that laws that restrict a womans rights were unconstitutional, and it struck down laws that infringed upon those rights. That is what the court is supposed to do. Uphold the constitution. Just because the minority that is the right wing don't like people having rights doesnt mean they are right. There are far more progressives than there are regressives, but the regressives have gerrymandered their way into having a disproportional amount of power. That isn't even getting into these nonsensical originalists who want to interpret the constitution as it was when it was written. The writers knew that it needed to be a living document that evolved with the times. That is why there was a process for amending it.
  7. More whataboutism... and of course it is wrong. Change to a simple majority was done in response to republican shenanigans. And your drivel about republicans not wanting judges to create laws while democrats want them to create laws is hogwash anyway. Republicans want judges who will strike down laws they don't like plain and simple. Democrats want judges who will rule on laws with impartiality, as it is supposed to be. The right wants to take away rights and it is the courts who are supposed to prevent that. Which is why republicans are desperate to appoint judges who dont believe in these rights.
  8. Ok, but what makes this lady a candidate that the republicans are so desperate to seat other than her politics? You want politics out of the process? I completely agree however this candidate is 100% a political one so stop trying to pretend it is the democrats injecting politics into it. It is all on the republicans (specifically Trump who nominated her)
  9. It always amazes me the way that people are always having to explain what Trump actually meant to say and still praise him for telling it like it is. Conservatives in a nutshell really. They hate when the quiet part is said out loud.
  10. It isn't only vaccines though. It is also better treatments. That was a big part of the initial reason for a lock down. Learn about the virus and how to better treat it.
  11. Jason Kenney and his doofus health minister are just out to **** everything up in the worst way possible. I lost so much respect for 70% of this province for voting for a guy who told everyone he was going to do this crap once elected. Leopards ate my face!
  12. When it comes to Trump, someone else is always paying. He doesn't pay his own bills ever.
  13. It is because some people want to live in a black and white world and can't grasp the nuance that exists in nearly everything.
  14. Republicans only care about one thing: power for themselves. Nothing else matters. It is why anyone who supports them at this point is either an idiot, willfully ignorant or just a plain old horrible person. Or i suppose a ricj greedy *******, but let's be honest that is a minority.
  15. So much whataboutism. Just admit you are ok with the shirty person cause you share his opinions.
  16. No? He was sued in the 70s by the justice department for discrimination in his renting practices against African Americans... he took out full page ads in newspapers calling for the execution of black people who were already exonerated of the rape/murder they were accused of... he campaigned on the idea that Mexicans were criminals and then went about putting Mexican immigrants in concentration camps ripping families apart and even going so far as genocide. He won't denounce white supremacists, what do you think the dogwhistle about saving the suburbs is really about? The man is a racist and shows it constantly. Don't handwoven away the constant dog whistling he does.
  17. Sorry you are uncomfortable with your own racism.
  18. Only at people who can't see the truth. Trump was a racist long before he was pregnant he has done nothing to change it. Dunno why people constantly make excuses for him.
  19. Then open your ******* eyes. Yeah people don't ever want to be known as a trump supporter because that leads to people thinking less of them. They just happen to like what he does. Well sorry to saying you like what trumpnis doing you are a Trump supporter. Just own it.
  20. You being a trump supporter is so totally en pointe I guess... Look Donald Trump is a complete piece of **** and always has been but it gets glossed over. Guy has been accused credibly of sexual assault by many people including underage people but crickets.... his government is running concentration camps and no one is talking about that any more. He is trying to subvert democracy and its just Trump derangement syndrome. You know what the derangement is? People like you trying to defend an absolutely worthless piece of **** like that because you have this irrationL fear of left wing people.
  21. Bullshit. Trump gets a free ride from the media considering the sheer magnitude of shitty things he has done over the years. Or are you actually going to try and defend an indefensible person like that?
  22. Yeah except Kyoto didn't do much to accomplish that. Seriously it was a poor plan.
  23. The Kyoto protocol was a socialist scheme. I mean i am fine with governments trying to tackle climate change but Kyoto was just a wealth transfer scheme.
  24. Was gonna say, the right side of his face is doing something different than the left. Just more evidence he had a stroke I suppose.
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