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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. I am still pissed off at Lapo for that crap gameplan I had to sit through. What a load of crap. Can't expect to beat a team like Calgary if you expect to win based on their mistakes.
  2. Assuming the get their asses in gear and get a CBA worked out.
  3. There is nothing wrong with getting excited about things, and if it doesn't pan out on well, we move on. But this refusal to be excited until a thing happens.... what a miserable existence that must be.
  4. But you're not a realist, that's why people always argue with you. Being negative is just as biased as being positive. Doesn't make it any more of a realist.
  5. This I actually do believe. The problem as always stems from some people having a more inherently negative outlook on the world. Rather than thinking what will go right they instead first think "how can this go wrong" As a positive person it annoys the **** out of me. How can people constantly look for negatives? It leads to people being miserable. Gotta find the positives in things.
  6. At what point do we give Walter's the benefit of doubt on the OL? Done pretty good building it and picking guys who contribute in the draft.
  7. Democrats don't show up to vote if they are unhappy with the party, they have to cater to them, unlike Republicans who have guaranteed support no matter what kind of **** they do.
  8. Except that people from Trumps campaign team are in jail, so perhaps they were well within their rights and in fact simply doing their duty to investigate them. It's like a mobster complaining that it's unfair that the cops are spying on them. Don't want to be investigated? STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLES!
  9. Impeach Obama!
  10. I get the impression that he simply puts more time and effort into it than anyone else does.
  11. It sure is, but Trumpers don't care to read it and simply deny it.
  12. Bullshit. You come running to his defence all the time with tried and true trumpism whatabouting Democrats. Now maybe you're not actually defending trump and just defending Republicans.... but it is the same thing... ir maybe you're just anti Democrat... which is the same thing. But perhaps if you don't want to be labelled as a trump supporter consider how your actions look. You don't criticize a guy who is wide open to be criticized and try and what about obama/Hillary all the time. That's straight from the trump playbook.
  13. No collusion!
  14. Why no indictments? Because he said flat out in the report he was adhering to the DoJ memo on not indicting a sitting president. So he did what the proper procedure is in that situation, let Congress do the job they are supposed to do. He said "ok here is the evidence we have collected, as the over sight on the executive branch you guys decide what to do with it" The reason they aren't rushing for impeachment is because the GOP controlled Senate is going to do everything they can to shield a Republican president so they are taking their time and making sure all the details are in order. You can see it with how they are treating Barr refusing to show up for their investigation. Ask the guy to show up, give him plenty of chances, say you will escalate appropriately if no compliance. Be patient, you will see this play out. Trump campaign colluded with Russia, people are already in jail for it, Trump obstructed justice, he will be punished for it.
  15. Hillary's buttery males and the Ben Gay scandal! These are the real problems!
  16. The report shows plenty of both, there were no charges because Mueller followed DoJ convention that you can't indict the president, but he was pretty clear that it was up to Congress to deal with it. Which is where the gaslighting comes in, barr is spinning it to sound like what your saying, which isn't true at all.
  17. Well released after having parts censored and the Attorney General gas lighting the actual contents of the report.... see that's what they are banking on, get their own spun version of things out there first and then hope people just don't care enough to actually pay attention to what is in the report. I see it worked on you...
  18. Doesn't mean that just because they're backups they are useless either. I mean I don't know anyone expects the exact same level of play... however replacing guys internally with players you have groomed is an easier transition, and in the case of gray that's a high potential player. So best case scenario for replacing people. They always have the option of changing the ratio as well. Lots of people fretted over the loss of Bond last year and the line was just fine. That's all people are saying, the pieces are in place to weather the storm of losing 2 guys. As for Jones, there was plenty of talk last year already that he was a threat to take the starting job if not for his injury troubles so I wouldn't worry over much there. Everyone here laughed at Loffler getting the allstar safety nod anyway.
  19. So what you're saying is the people who can see the big picture surrounding the Bombers understand the depth we have at the position and believe we can get over losing people, while the people who don't follow the team as close and only do superficial analysis of the team over react at the loss of names because they are looking at the small picture. Gotcha.
  20. I like Thomas, but maybe 50% of snaps should be what we strive for here....
  21. Liberals and Conservatives are both the same, they are beholden to money. It's just old money (liberals) vs. New money (conservatives)
  22. What we need to do is stop treating corporations and the wealthy like they're better than everyone else. Hold them accountable for the **** they do, make them pay their share of taxes to fund programs that benefit everyone. Socialism, capitalism, communism, what ever else it is these are just theories. It's how those in charge implement them that determine their outcomes, and right now the north American society isn't really capitalism, more like the rich make the laws and give themselves breaks while squeezing the middle class as hard as they can.
  23. but do you know who the biggest benefactors of "socialism" are in the States? Corporations. That's where capitalism has failed. It's corporate welfare for the big companies and free market capitalism for the plebs. It is a problem no matter how much the left wing boogeyman drum is beaten.
  24. Trumps base is tiny, he has driven people away from the Republican party, but the system is rigged for them down there.
  25. You're not wrong, however I think attitudes are changing. It was easy to be rah rah capitalism when the cold war was going on, but capitalism has run roughshod over the working class and poor and younger generations don't have the same advantages previous ones did, socialism is gaining more traction as people realize that capitalism has left them behind.
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