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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. the fact that they were willing to go to arbitration with this tells me that they have no interest in just releasing him so I can see them making him sit out the year just for pure spite. Williams really might have screwed himself over here, once you start throwing up red flags like this teams are a lot less forgiving of **** in the future.
  2. The only ruling that makes sense. Now whether the guy can put his ego aside and show up to camp...
  3. The only time I am disappointed with changes is if they make changes to the characters themselves. Generally they've kept it pretty close but there's a few things that have just pissed me off cause it changes the characters for the worse, and quite honestly it's the way the characters are written that makes the books as good as they are.
  4. I don't think that should be a surprise to anyone. Hefney has always been a bit like that... before he was just so good that it didn't matter. If his performance is slipping it's no wonder he'd be in trouble. People always piled on Johnson last year for a bad attitude but I think that was a load of crap. Johnson will put in the effort he needs to, he's just arrogant, which is to be expected but if there was one guy was going to get lazy in that secondary I always felt it would be Hefney.
  5. well the reason that people want to see it done exactly like it was in the books is because it's so well done and powerful in the books. It's tricky to get things that work in print as inner thoughts of a character onto the screen, but I felt for that scene at least they captured it quite well even having it play out slightly different.
  6. well it's easy to say that before you actually go through all the preseason. If someone new steps up and play better it's hard to be so certain.
  7. I love Burkes attitude as a head coach. No bullshit, just play your asses off and everything will work out. Really hope it translates into a better record this year. There were some concerns when he took over last year, but hopefully with him being able to put his stamp on the team from the get go everyone buys in.
  8. love the quick reply and mobile options specifically. Looks sharper than the last layout too. I'm a fan. But everyone needs to get a unique avatar up asap so I can see who's posting what since my eyes don't immediately look to where the username is actually displayed right now.
  9. well I guess you shoulda picked a better team last season then
  10. do yourself a favour and read the books, seriously it's got so much more depth than the show can possibly hope to have.
  11. that's a damned shame you know.
  12. but at the same time it's a 4th round pick... those are the ones you swing for the fences on. Guy was a good receiver who dropped because of the injury risk... so you take him in a later round and if he doesn't make it or gets hurt, oh well 4th round pick, if he works out and stays healthy it's a big win cause you snagged a solid guy in the 4th round. Not like this is a guy they took with a first round pick or something.
  13. I'm thinking this is Poblah's year to either break-out or to forever sink into Bauman-like mediocrity. I like him and think he has potential, but if being inside and seeing way more balls doesn't lead to dramatically increased production then not sure what more can be done with him. Exactly. They're moving him to a new position just to suit what they feel his skills are, if he doesn't make the most of this move after being so underwhelming to date then it's big questions about him as a player. He's getting a spot gifted to him, gotta make the most of it.
  14. guess so, not that it matters, everyone whose thoughts I care to read already posts here. My only regret is thinking I could get one more post in before I went out in a blaze of glory, ahh well, next time. I was curious so I just sent you a PM on OB.com & it went through so you may not be banned, 17to85. If I can send you a PM that must mean that you are still an active member, I'd think. nah it's a banning, he's angry cause I had the audacity to state some truths about what happened and his ego can't handle it when people don't kiss his ass. Really does consider himself some kind of hero for owning ourbombers.
  15. guess so, not that it matters, everyone whose thoughts I care to read already posts here. My only regret is thinking I could get one more post in before I went out in a blaze of glory, ahh well, next time.
  16. I think we need to keep in mind though that Poblah has only started for one year, because he was hurt in his first year. I think, as the Bombers did with Etienne, we need to have a little bit of patience with him. I think putting him in the slot is the best way to use his skills and I hope to see him take another step in development this year. The difference between Etienne and Poblah is that Etienne was acknowledged to be a project from the start, but with Poblah he was touted as being ready to step in right away and good enough to get a look as an american before his eligibility was cleared up. This guy injuries in his first year or not needs to start living up to that hype. Yeah it was a position he was in that didn't get a lot of use, I understand that, but if they're moving him inside just to help his production he needs to justify that move, that's where the pressure comes in.
  17. because that's Terry Jones MO. ***** about everything when the press aren't treated like the royalty he thinks they are. The worst kind of reporter, one who thinls being a reporter makes him some kind of special person and by god if he's not treated to the best seat in the house to report from there's hell to pay!
  18. Not saying there aren't guys I'd put there before Brown, but Brown is definitely worthy of it.
  19. Are they doing this to try to get Poblah inside? Yes. everyone likes to pile on Etienne, but to me Poblah is #1 on the gotta prove something this year list. Came in with so much hype it's about times he becomes a factor in the passing game.
  20. probably upset that the press box won't have an access ramp for his rascal and won't deliver pizza straight to his seat there.
  21. it's strange isn't it? Like he can only ever find one type of player or something... I just don't get it.
  22. For what it's worth I didn't intend on turning it into a bashfest, it just sort of happened. Bottom line I am quite pleased that you guys opened up this place for whatever your reasons, I feel it was badly needed.
  23. and you know he had the audacity to lie to my face and claim that this place opening had nothing to do with his rush to get an upgraded ourbombers up there.... I tell ya that guy is something else.
  24. But...is there really a situation where you don't call the penalty? In reality, if he plans to call the infraction he needs to go ahead and do it. It wasn't a delayed call because both teams had a player going off. yeah it's just really a shame they'd make a call that doesn't change the play when the Hawks are getting a prime scoring chance.
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