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Everything posted by Samcanadian

  1. He picked an angle and then talked about it in a relatively well-written article. If you take it for face value, you see a sportswriter talking about the state of the franchise and how it would appear based on the off-season moves we've made. Not too inflammatory imo. Any further that's being read into the article is a choice you're consciously making. He's presenting a story and we can either like it or lump it.
  2. The longer we wait the better it'll be for us. The bargaining chip Ottawa had is gone now that Glenn has stated he's unhappy, and like someone else mentioned before me...the Redblacks are NOT in a position of bargaining power here. All that being said, I think Glenn is the perfect guy to back up Willy and at least give us a chance to win if Willy A. Sucks or B. Goes down.
  3. What's the deal with Smarties in general? About 10 years ago they started tasting different, and I can't even say stuff like "Hey Guys, our Smarties are so much better than your Smarties" to my American in laws anymore because I hardly have a case. Sure ours are chocolate and covered in candy...but it's gross chocolate covered in gross candy now.
  4. Lawless is a bit of a windbag, but I don't hate his stuff. Since he's been writing with a bit more of a positive attitude, I find it easier to read/listen to. Negativity will wear on anyone and even though he has a bit of a track record to smooth over, I'm willing to let Gary settle into his role as a main sports "guy" in Winnipeg.
  5. How many QBs do we usually have in camp at this time? Seems like we're starting to get full on that side of things.
  6. If anything, it's nice to see that there IS some semblance of a fresh start/positive attitude around the franchise and the future. It makes me feel a little better about this summer and a new product to show off at that beauty of a field.
  7. Looks like a guy who might be able to make use of the wider CFL field. Seems to see the field well, as well as being able to direct blocks/choose lines. I don't mind his lack of East-West moves. I find those kinds of returners haven't done as well lately in Winnipeg as the basic North-South burners who see a line, stay on that line and run really hard.
  8. This site is already better than the other one. I think I'll stay.
  9. Burris, Reilly,Collaros ,Tate,Smith,Durant all have big arms. This is what I mean. Maybe these guys in the CFL don't have "NFL World Beater Calibre arms" but they sure have "Better than Winnipeg-level QB" arms. NFL Level NFL Practice Roster Level CFL Starting QB Level Me Current Bomber QB Level Oh dear god...not this again. I will beat you with your own arm. One of the main reasons I'm over here now is because of some guy deleting my QB thread from the other forum. I figured if they don't want to be in on the ground floor of greatness and the new era of Quarterbacking in Winnipeg I'd take my online attention elsewhere.
  10. What does she say about accuracy? Just not in the face. Yeah, because then you start getting your....uh...balls whapped down?
  11. so it's official, you'd ***** about Ray as a bomber? Esks fans always bitched that he couldn't make a play without fantastic protection and his arm isn't that strong... How about this, Bomber qbs haven't been put into a position to succeed because they're had shitty o-lines, shitty offensive coordinators and sometimes shitty receivers to work with? That makes too much sense and is far too logical for the Internet. I'd appreciate it if you mentioned something about lack of scrambling ability or having tunnel vision with receivers.
  12. Burris, Reilly,Collaros ,Tate,Smith,Durant all have big arms. This is what I mean. Maybe these guys in the CFL don't have "NFL World Beater Calibre arms" but they sure have "Better than Winnipeg-level QB" arms. NFL Level NFL Practice Roster Level CFL Starting QB Level Me Current Bomber QB Level
  13. He looked good in his...what...one game with us?
  14. I'm somewhat concerned about, yet again, a QB with no rocket arm. I know it's not everything (and I understand what we had with Michael Bishop) but just once...I'd like to see a guy that's the complete package without that "weak arm" disclaimer.
  15. I like Buck. I hope he sticks around the city.
  16. IMO Justin Goltz never had the tools to get it done, especially when you compare him to my boy BB.
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