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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Trump admits that Obama born in the US. Oh well, let's just move on he says. What a moron.
  2. True confessions. Please elaborate & tell us more.
  3. The Stamps used to rely on corporate sales but with the layoffs & cutbacks companies no longer spend their money like that. If they're going to spend $$$ on tickets, it'll be the Flames. The CFL was always thought of as family type entertainment but single game day tickets are very expensive. It's not family entertainment anymore.
  4. Smaller cable networks just don't have the resources to go all in. Too bad. The big advertising dollars still belong to the major networks.
  5. The Flames ownership has to buy a clue & figure out owning a CFL team is quite unlike owning an NHL team. It's a totally different demographic regarding ticket sales & fan support. Never understood the reason to charge $85 for single game day tickets that sit empty or not giving fans who may he hard up for cash the choice between 3 & 4 game mini pack as opposed to full season tickets. It's almost this elitest snob mentality with the Flames that we're too good to lower ourselves to selling mini packs or changing single game day ticket prices to make games affordable. Especially considering most people think that McMahon Stadium is an aging barn with little or no real comforts.
  6. Smear campaign against Willy? You mean there's no smear campaign going on by some fans here that say they'd rather have a half blind dog on 3 legs play qb than Kevin Glenn?
  7. Riders on the cover, right? Hmmm...
  8. One hundred thousand people out of work. Economy of the city is depressed. Expensive single game day tickets which discourage any kind of walk ups with families. Team refuses to do mini packs like the Bombers do so 7-9,000 seats sit empty most games. It's not the people of Calgary who are insane it's the Flames who own the team & gouge their fans. Now they want taxpayers to support a gargantuan project that includes an inferior football stadium/fieldhouse hybrid along with an arena for $1.8 billion dollars. The Flames ever the civic heroes will throw in $200 million though.
  9. Cable networks have different standards than the major networks when it comes to content. They don't have as strident restrictions. On the downside, cable networks also don't have the budgets either hence half the shows. You can't convince me that fans of The Walking Dead or Game Of Thrones wouldn't be thrilled with 22 episodes rather than 13. Yeah, they just love 13. Then have to wait a full year to see another 3 month season. Even with different standards there are some outstanding series on the major networks like The Big Bang Theory, Blue Bloods & Criminal Minds.
  10. WHY do I want to watch that? That entire season should be expunged.
  11. Section A is all rush Safeway seats at $21.99 plus GST per seat. You just have to get to a store in Calgary likely a day or 2 before the game & buy them. if you have friends here ask them to do it for you & pay them back.
  12. Meanwhike in the JJ Abrams universe there must be no Klingons.
  13. They could have got someone to help them.
  14. Wonder how Eskimo fans feel about Jones trading Nichols basically for a bag of footballs last year?
  15. Why? That makes no sense. Why not go 5 or 3? Why not just delay it 6 months?
  16. Every series on major networks are at least 22. I don't recall too many people complaining it's too many. Your slant is different. I just think that the producers & writers are delaying the debut until May. Why not wait now until next September. Maybe that video of the Starship got such bad reviews they realized they had to go back to the drawing board.
  17. Bakula's character wasn't the worst. he was an inexperienced explorer. No book was written in his time as to how situations should be handled. Janeway was an experienced Starship Captain who preached the Prime Directive every week & broke it every week. She was an awful character & Captain. It's a wonder her crew never killed her.
  18. Why do we even give that asshat Pederson any recognition for what he says?
  19. With more & more teams going away from 4 starting Canadian OL that may explain why there's a shortage in the Top 20. Rankings will change though as we know.
  20. Walters better not draft another Mulamba. Also nice to see the first 7 picks not OL for a change. With most teams going to 2 & 3 Intl OL their value may have dropped & players at other positions may have risen.
  21. I don't begrudge Carter's upbringing as a rich kid. What I do begrudge is that his Dad spoiled him. He has been an entitled brat since he got to college & he should've been set straight by his family. That being said, doesn't excuse Cato going off the deep end. Ranting, raving & fighting with teammates won't bring his friend back. If he's that upset then he shouldn't be starting this week.
  22. You obviously didn't know Rich. He used to call himself Turd. He did that. And he referred to himself by that name. That was the way he was. You'd know on a weekend late Fri & Saturday nights if he was into his beloved Bombay by the way he posted & what he said.
  23. RIP Rich! Have a glass of Bombay in his memory.
  24. I think he means nothing.
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