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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I think different. I meant that really no one watches or cares about TNA that much other than its core fans. If TNA folded tomorrow, I wonder how many fans would actually care?
  2. As a wrestling organization it is irrelevant. There is talent there for sure but how many people watch TNA? Not many.
  3. More of a complaint about the local media than Walters & pushing up fan expectations. Too much rah rah. Not blaming Kyle for this one.
  4. How is this good, Dee? We lost out on a great young receiver but hey the Winnipeg media was proclaiming on twitter that the Bombers had contacted Carter & were very, very interested. Made it sound like Winnipeg was going to be the landing spot for Carter. At least that is how I interpreted the media tweets. Didn't turn out that way. Every CFL team was interested in Carter so why would that have been considered news? Not surprised he went to Montreal & I was actually expecting it. If the media is proclaiming that the Bombers contacted this guy but didn't sign him then that guy but didn't sign him etc then it makes Walters look inept or pretty clear that as an organization we don't want to spend the money. I just hope we sign Dressler.
  5. In or around 1983 Winnipeg federal Liberal Cabinet Minister Lloyd Axworthy came forth with funds for a new arena where Portage Place is now. However, the City wanted no part of it & said no. They built Portage Place instead. Anyone recall that back 30 some years ago& provide better details than me as I'm going from memory. I do recall Mayor Bill Norrie being really ticked off with Axworthy over this as he didn't want to build a new arena, I believe.
  6. There is a cap geek type website for CFL salaries. However, I think we established here last fall that it isn't a reliable source for salary information.
  7. Okay, I agree & point taken. Then let's just say Dressler is "one of the best high profile free agents" this off season. What a prize catch (pardon the pun) he would be.
  8. if you hire two coaches thru tampering then I believe that would be 2 offences. Man, if agents & lawyers argue over the math then I don't know anymore.
  9. Sure, who would you rate higher, Jacquie? He's only 30 & in the right system would be an immediate impact player. If we sign this guy he will be an absolute difference maker. He'll win us some games just on his ability alone.
  10. I saw the Lawless link here but the second page was so small I had to enlarge it to 200% & then it still wasn't clear. Thanks for clarifying Jacquie & TLB. Yeah, those penalties will make teams think twice about hiring buddies away from other teams while the assts are still under contract. Not many position coaches are worth losing a first round draft pick for. Especially if it's 1-3 pick. The $5,000 fine the Argos paid to get Jones from Calgary a few years ago was a total joke. Now, it's a serious offense that could cripple a team.
  11. This is why they're irrelevant. They are on their last legs I'd think. The WWE needs competition but they just can't do it.
  12. Now just get a drug policy in place. Don't sign or draft players from CIS who use PEDS & are under suspension.
  13. Twenty five thousand dollar penalty & loss of a supplemental draft pick for the first offense & then fines as well as suspensions with lengths up to the Commissioner on the second offense, is that how it is now set up if I understand it correctly? Would that have been enough to stop the Riders from pursuing Chris Jones or the Esks Jason Maas? I could see one result of this new rule being more new talent coming into the league from the NCAA or CIS. Less of an Old Boys Club with coaches recycling from team to team.
  14. I don't agree. They hire the President. If he fails it's on the Board for hiring him. This arm's length stuff is truly semantics. They may let the President do his job unencumbered after being hired but ultimately a bad hire & failure at that position is solely on them.
  15. Yep, things haven't changed. Just the gangs. PP should be torn down. Waste of taxpayer money.
  16. Is Portage Place as dead as it was 26 years ago when I moved to Calgary?
  17. TNA who cares? Entirely irrelevant.
  18. I don't like the fact that salaries are kept secret. Other leagues announce their salaries & I think we should as well.
  19. Old argument of public vs private. If you have great owners then private is the way to go Ithink. But if lousy private owner then fans would want public ownership back. Both public & private have their drawbacks & positivities.
  20. Social Outcasts hopefully are done. Not one of those 4 guys have any redeeming qualities. They're boring & are jobbers. They killed Adam Rose feuding with a bunny. Kurtis Axel is just a terrible wrestler with average mic skills unlike his dad who was a true superstar. I think Vince keeps him around because of his affection & loyalty for his late father. Even this League of Nations crap. There's no chemistry between any of them. And Jericho's "Ayatollah Of Rock N Rolla" is just a tedious saying going back 10 years. Fans don't seem too excited about him now coming back, do they? Cena did hit the mark about part time wrestlers leaving & coming back when he feuded with The Rock 3 years ago. After awhile fans just stop caring because they feel the wrestlers don't care about them.
  21. Well, crunch time for Kyle Walters. Can he deliver on the highest profile free agent available this off season? The next 4 1/2 months will be a very important time for the organization & perhaps his career as a CFL GM.
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