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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. No. I could have private messaged Rich very easily but thought others would have wanted to have an opinion. That's why I'm making these comments.
  2. It's not like I don't use it Rich, I can't use it so I have no choice. If it only benefits part of the membership then why have it? You have to be a Freep Digital subscriber to read the articles in Newsfeed. As far as what can we have instead, I mean... one just has to browse other similar websites to see what's up. I can't give you an answer because I haven't thought about it. I uust think the Newsfeed serves no purpose. if there was at least some discussion when stories were posted I'd probably feel different but there is none. To me & I know there are others here who feel the same, it just seems like a dead spot on the website. And that's not a knock or trying to be negative on the work you do here as the site looks great. Just a suggestion to maybe change it up just a bit when it comes to the Newsfeed.
  3. Never even tuned in Raw tonight. Watched the National Championship game instead. Went to Pro Wrestling Torch website who always give a description of what went on Raw & Smackdown, read how crappy Raw was tonight, I never bothered to watch the replay after the football game. This is happening more & more with me. Finding better things to do than watch Raw on Monday Nights. It's this Authority thing that's been allowed to go on now for almost three bloody years. It grew tiresome & predictable a couple of years ago & allowed to continue. And increasingly unwatchable.
  4. I think it annoys people who don't live in Winnipeg that can't access the stories. As far as what could replace it, all the Newsfeed does now is take up space anyway. Like I said, there's never any discussion so what's the use? I've asked in the past why there's no discussion on the stories posted & the answer I got back was that these are all discussed in the Bomber section which makes the Newsfeed redundant then. If not everyone can read Freep stories which seem to be the majority of what is posted in that section then why have it? My feeling is that if you don't have anything better to replace i, that still doesn't seem a reason to keep the Newsfeed then why not save space & get rid of it?
  5. Price for a 6th rounder? Why didn't we make that trade?
  6. Refs lost control of that game. Some guys should have been thrown out earlier in the game. That probably would have taken care of things early but didn't. Today, Marvin Lewis was defending both Burfict & Jones publicly. The only way he can do that is if he knows the owner or GM aren't firing him. Amazing Lewis can say the things he did & still stay head coach.
  7. With a new format, I'll raise the old argument, what's the point of posting Free Press articles when some or most of us have to pay to read them? I think the Newsfeed is a waste as first people can't read FP articles & there's absolutely no discussion on anything in that section. If the answer there's no discussion because the stories get raised in the Bomber feed then the Newsfeed is redundant. Maybe it should be discontinued & the space on the website used for something else useful we can discuss to raise traffic on the site. Just a thought.
  8. The fanbase has eroded now as the team has absolutely stunk since. Most fans don't trust the team anymore. That's almost a different era. Today with the game on TSNHD, most fans would say **** it & stay home.
  9. Marve had no knees.I think he tore his ACL on one knee 2 or 3 times & his other knee was damaged. Why would we even sign a guy like that? Sure enough, first start, stunk the joint out, injured his knee & had to retire. Thanks scouting staff...
  10. Ziggy Stardust is dead. Wow, sad news... Remake 2003.
  11. "Pushing for a run to the cup." I can't believe that you're serious? This team was nowhere close to pushing for a run to the cup after the 2014 season. Do you believe in leprecauns?
  12. Dumbest head coach in NFL history is Bill O'Brien. Said he never once considered benching Brian Hoyer. He should be a ball boy not a head coach.
  13. Is Waggoner going to be more of an impact player than the number 2 CFL pick we don't have now? That's what I want to know as time progresses.
  14. We wouldn't 20,000 for a Bomber playoff game in temps like that.
  15. Pac Man Jones almost signed here. What a fool.
  16. "Who you gonna call? Kanebusters!!"
  17. He was going on a duck hunting trip in Saskatchewan & the private plane he was in ran into engine trouble. Slammed into the runway hard on approach in Regina. He said he was thankful to be alive. Said it happened so fast he didn't have time to think about life or death.
  18. Fans that hate Cena will come to appreciate him when he's gone. Fans were complaining about too much Seth Rollins. Then he got hurt & we were force fed Sheamus. We still have Sheamus & just how brutal is the WWE championship becoming?? We'd all like to see Rollins back if only just to get rid of Sheamus & send him back to the mid carders. How can Mr Perfect Curt Hennig have been such a great wrestler & so charismatic in front of the camera or mic while his son Kurtis Axel is. just. so. bad....
  19. That's what all offenses do now. Zone blocking. The back looks for the hole & goes to it.
  20. Bud is great. Old School all the way. God bless him!!
  21. True. Agree 100%. We did think that way.
  22. Well, not quite but better than it has been in awhile. BTW, in 1986 We had Clements as our starter, Huff as the backup & Jim Zorn as our #3. Unreal. I'd go to the Bomber games back then & marvel at the talent we had at the qb position. I thought it was pretty good back in the day & today when I think back I'm even more impressed.
  23. Lat night a Ti Cat fan tweeted that he thought Jeremiah Mazzoli (is that how his last name is spelled, whatever?) was the best backup qb in the CFL. I think it was Mike @Ticats. i said he was dreaming & asked him why? He tweeted back "Because I can". I said it's his dream & he can dream anyway he wants. Mazzoli???
  24. Hey, I haven't been on here since last night & I didn't have to sign in... AWESOME!!!
  25. Any thoughts on Aftermath? I think the host's name is Jacquie Redmond. Is she ever annoying. She does a lot of shouting. Other than Jimmy Corderas who was a WWE ref for 20 years & knows the business as well as guys like Vince & Paul Levesque, the 2 other guys on the panel are nerds that know nothing about wrestling.
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