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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I don't think Burris is a bum, he just doesn't think sometimes when he speaks. Like I care if Hank has played on 3 different Grey Cup qualifying teams. That's only important to him. He's only won the GC once. That tells me a lot more.
  2. Odell Willis is right....
  3. My niece bought cheapie tickets this morning for the game & took her brother. They sat in the $499 seats & she paid half the price.
  4. On a slightly different note, Orridge giving the Grey Cup to Reilly from Dunigan looked a bit awkward.
  5. Was Hank on tv talking about himself saying no other qb has been on 3 different Grey Cup qualifying teams?? Who says there's no "I" in team?
  6. Lots of time to get the ball back tho. Redblacks D didn't step up.Just to add. I think the Esks were the best team in the west and league this year. I'm not convinced Ottawa was the best team in the East. I think they were just the healthiest. I'd have gone for the first down. The season was on the line.I think in situations like being down that a coach has to go for it. I believe you punt if you're ahead not behind with under 2 minutes. I think Campbell's decision ultimately cost the redblacks. .
  7. Campbell punting with 1:57 left in the game was mind boggling.
  8. As are young 20/30's something millenials who don't know **** from a hole in the ground.
  9. Teddy Roosevelt....
  10. So, if the Eskimos in Alaska don't feel it's derogatory why should the Eskimos change their name? The Eskimo brand & logo is worldwide not just Canada. Like I said, Redskin yes, I think it should be changed.
  11. Of course it's offensive. Everything is offensive today. Someone doesn't like something so of course it's offensive. I can understand Redskins. But Eskimos?
  12. In Canada, for lawyers instead of Esq we have QC. So, Joe Smith,QC. It stands for Queens Counsel. During the reign of a male monarch, it is referred to as Kings Counsel. They are judicial appointments usually based on merit that includes years of service in the law profession. Each province do their appointments differently. Quebec stopped these appointments entirely in 1975 & Ontario foillowed in 1985. They have replaced it with another designation. However even though Ontario doesn't call these appointments "Queens Counsel" anymore as they use another designation, lawyers that are honoured can still use the letters QC after their names if they want to. In Alberta here the Lieutennant Governor still appoints Queens Counsel. Not sure if Manitoba does the same.
  13. In the US mostly related to the law profession down there, I believe. You can be a lawyer with the designation Esq. So, Atomic, Esq. Attorney At Law.
  14. Like I said on the Washington Redskins thread, what about our team? How many people will be offended by the name "Bombers"? I watched the NFL Network show about the high school team in Barrow, Alaska. The kids in Barrow call themselves Eskimos & not inuit. They were proud of their "Eskimo" history I heard them refer to that name at least once or twice during the show when they were describing their way of life. I guess they're too young & ignorant to know the word Eskimo offends some guy thousands of miles away in a suit living in Toronto. Or some Inuits across the border in Canada.
  15. Watched that NFL Network program about high school football in Barrow, Alaska. They players were calling themselves Eskimos. Not Inuit. How dumb are those kids not knowing they're insulting themselves nor are they being politically correct?
  16. What the league didn't say...
  17. I believe the movie "Parkland' represents the known facts fairly accurately in regards to the autopsy and handling of the body. Tell us more....
  18. I wonder when the Bombers will be told to change their name as the word Bomber is offensive to some?
  19. I know people who go to the GC every year. Take holidays & go. People who go to the Grey Cup every year are similar to Brier fans who also go every year. They make friends & it's a real social event. They love the atmosphere of each event. Been to 2 Grey Cups & to the Brier in 1997. It was fun.
  20. NFL & NHL are iconic. This isn't. It's just a logo not a Red Badge Of Courage.
  21. Still a strong company. I know the argument was that the expense of taking the telecom into the future was too big. But I read a comparison between MTS and Sasktel where Sasktel was quite favorable. The voluntary retirement happening at MTS right now isnt a bad thing. Good for the company and good for the people. Employees have been asking about it for years. They used to do it more often and they have people who have worked 30, 35, 40+ years that have been waiting for the right offer to retire. Still a strong company. I know the argument was that the expense of taking the telecom into the future was too big. But I read a comparison between MTS and Sasktel where Sasktel was quite favorable. The voluntary retirement happening at MTS right now isnt a bad thing. Good for the company and good for the people. Employees have been asking about it for years. They used to do it more often and they have people who have worked 30, 35, 40+ years that have been waiting for the right offer to retire. Some have worked there 30-40 years & are waiting for the right offer to retire? They've maxxed out their pensions so WTH?
  22. Well, with reduced capacity & discounts after people paid full price of course there's negativity & skepticism. It seems like people weren't breaking down the doors to buy tickets at their full prices.
  23. There are a bunch of people that go to Grey Cups every year. It's like a social club for them. They've made friends over the years & the GC is when they all get together. A lot of older fans from websites now gone dating back to the late 90's like Total CFL. Some of these fans also travel to games all over the country during the season as well. I wish I had their bucks...
  24. A lot of those media guys are actually here in winnipeg now tho. I guess more people are watching the 6 o'clock news on a Monday than weekend news on a Saturday.
  25. In the FBI's defense, it must've been chaos & having to deal with the White House & CIA as well as Dallas Police... It might've been a real circus so the decision was made to move the President's body out of Dallas to Washington to do an autopsy which was botched.
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