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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. When I was an 18 year old, I used to drink whiskey at parties. Got the cheapest I could find & brought some coca cola & that was good enough for me. Over the years, I got away from whiskey & was more into vodka & rum. I think I'll give that Crown Royal whiskey a shot. It's Manitoba so they deserve our support. Drink sensibly. If you drink, don't drive.
  2. It was 1000 tickets and it would have been a taxable write off for Nissan since the tickets were donated. Nice that you spin this story in a negative way, when there are now 1000 students (lots from lower income families) that will now get the chance of a lifetime to see the championship game live with their teammates. This wouldn't have been possible without Nissan's generosity. I didn't "spin" anything. It's what I heard. I was asking if anyone knew if the story told to me was true, that's all. That's the way your post came across to me. Yeah, well you work for the Bombers & it appears that you are extra sensitive. If you're going to be this way maybe you shouldn't be a mod here as it is a conflict of interest. Just a member. I was just asking a question, nothing else.
  3. Careful now, don't be greedy. How would poor Jimmy Shaw get along without his $16,000/day for life pension? http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-magazine/jim-shaws-16000-a-day-pension/article567977/ This is one aspect of the Canadian business model that is repulsive. The CRTC steps in to protect an industry by preventing competition from outside sources but then allows the industry they're protecting to rape fellow Canadians. Damn straight!
  4. It was 1000 tickets and it would have been a taxable write off for Nissan since the tickets were donated. Nice that you spin this story in a negative way, when there are now 1000 students (lots from lower income families) that will now get the chance of a lifetime to see the championship game live with their teammates. This wouldn't have been possible without Nissan's generosity. I didn't "spin" anything. It's what I heard. I was asking if anyone knew if the story told to me was true, that's all.
  5. He is a liar as he obviously said it. I agree. Dude has to apologize.
  6. The game is going to sell out at these prices. Yea that miller guy was one craaaaazy fox lol The game is going to sell out at these prices. Yea that miller guy was one craaaaazy fox lol The game is going to sell out at these prices. Yea that miller guy was one craaaaazy fox lol LOL! At four thousand less capacity than planned. If you believe that they had to move the halftime show to the end zone, okay. Can anyone confirm a story I heard today from a friend in Winnipeg who told me Nissan purchased 2,000 Grey Cup tickets to be given away to students in schools all over Winnipeg? If Nissan did purchase such a huge block of tickets I would think they wouldn't have paid full price for them. Once again, it's just a story I heard. I don't know if it's true.
  7. Somehow, Shaw, Rogers & Telus will find a way to screw us & keep their huge profits so it'll be the same or worse.
  8. That's not what you said but really, more Internet anger for nothing on this site. Who ******* cares? I said young people go to the game to get drunk and socialize? Doesn't the beer snake alone prove my point? Whatever. This is a dead end argument & one I don't want to fight. If I offended you & SPuDs I apologize.
  9. Well, he keeps getting elected so if he's hated that much why does he keep getting in? This is frigging politics. Politicians insult each other all the time so it's nothing new.I saw former NDP MP Pat Martin in a video call a candidate at an All Candidates forum, " A f u c k i n g a s s h o l e" & it didn't even make the news because the person to whom he called the slur was another man. That's just as disresepctful or worse than calling a woman a w h o r e. So, disrespect crosses all party lines & not just reserved for Conservatives. If you don't like it then follow something else or get a tougher skin. Yeah, what he said was disrespectful & he needs to apologize. He would be wise to do so. If not, he's in for 4 years & like Pat Martin when he was in office, just doesn't care.
  10. That's not what you said but really, more Internet anger for nothing on this site. Who ******* cares?
  11. So, the WWE is throwing Charlotte under the bus. Career over before it started. Why the hell did the writers & producers think it's okay to kick **** over someone who is dead? I had turned Raw off by that time & watched the football game. I just can't watch Raw anymore in the 3 hour format. Like I said when Bray Wyatt comes on does another stupid rambling promo or comes out with the Family to do a match I just tune out & don't come back.
  12. Sure it was. Definitely disrespectful but worth a journalist resigning in anger?? Like I said the NDP candidate it was aimed at deserves an apology & that's it. If that's not enough for that person then take civil action.
  13. The middle east has hated us for way longer than 100 years. Islam has been trying to eradicate Christianity since it's inception 1400 years ago. And there has been an ethic cleansing of christians going on there for over a hundred years. In the early 20th century 20% of the population of the middle east was Christian. ....now it's 5% and quickly falling. Cause it's not like Christianity hasn't tried to eradicate other religions throughout history. I'd say Christians are all suckers. Suckers as in letting refugees in that among them would kill our loved ones in a second.
  14. Well, politicians calling each other names. If another male politician called another vulgar names it would barely be newsworthy. How many times did former NDP MP Pat Martin call people vulgar names? So, this bad behaviour crosses all party lines. If the guy quit his job on principle over the fact the Medicine Hat newspaper refused to run the story then who's really the dumb one? I'd say the former reporter himself is playing politics now. If the NDP candidate feels like her character was besmirched then she can take civil action as the comment was made outside of the H of C. I think most people in the riding & elsewhere are going to say that the comments may have been out of line but there's bigger issues to deal with right now. If he was my MP, I'd just want him to own up to it, apologize rather than deny, make the apology public, say he's sorry & then move on.
  15. Because, they aren't democratically elected governments. They can do whatever they want. And they aren't going to take in anybody - why would they? That means less money in the pockets of the regime that controls the country. Humanitarianism isn't something that these kinds of countries engage in. The hypocrisy of people who criticize anyone for wanting to slow the process down is sure prevalent here. The people criticizing anyone about immigration of Syrian refugees saying nothing about how these Arab countries refuse to fight against ISIS or for not taking any refugees from Syria.
  16. So, basically you're saying anyone under 35 are stupid.Can we amend that to anyone under 33? Asking for a friend..... I'm 34 and go to the games to watch football. The only stupid fans are the ones who can't drink responsibly and end up hurting themselves or other fans. Not every fan no matter what age drinks to the point of being drunk. And if they do they should be arrested & thrown in jail. You seem to have a penchant for painting a group of people with the same brush.
  17. Respect has to be earned. Doesn't matter if it's the Prime mininster or the person who delivers the newspaper to your door. Being elected PM doesn't give him the right to think he'll be respected.Only Trudeau's actions & words can do that.
  18. So, basically you're saying anyone under 35 are stupid. Can we amend that to anyone under 33? Asking for a friend..... Okay, anyone under 33.
  19. I havent seen if this has been changed in the last couple of days but from BBC: Ahmad al-Mohammad, from Idlib in Syria, has been named as one of the attackers involved in Friday's terror attacks in Paris. His was the name on a Syrian passport found with the remains of one of the attackers, though the man's identity has not yet been verified. It is believed he entered mainland Europe after arriving by boat on the Greek island of Leros, like many refugees fleeing Syria's civil war. Additionally, other terrorists have entered countries as refugees, perhaps most infamously the Boston Marathon bombers. I'll be honest, as much as I think Trudeau's plan is politically motivated based on how it looks, and I think prudence requires a step back, I am hesitant when I see so many US states determined to ban refugees. I dont want to embrace a knee-jerk reaction. In a perfect world, or even a normal world, we should do our part to help people. However, its not a perfect or normal world. ISIS has said they will hide operatives among refugees. If it was any other group and any other event, we wouldnt hesitate but to choose more security. If Trudeau goes ahead with his plan and someone commits a terrorist attack in Canada or the US (entering by means of Canada) who was among these refugees, what would Trudeau say then? When someone says how they will attack you, you dont shrug and say "odds are long". How many Arab nations are taking in refugees? I think some people get this impression that the entire world is bringing in tens of thousands of refugees and us hateful Canadians are wanting to *gasp* fully vet any before we bring them in, and its not true. Never mind the economic and social issues of bringing in so many. Its a complicated issue. I'd love to help as many people as possible and accept that they are all good people with no ill intentions. But if I had to take responsibility for their actions, I couldnt do it. 1. The person blew him/her self up - but the passport was still in good condition 2. The desire of US governors to ban refugees - is also politically motivated 3. The refugees who will come to Canada have been in UN refugee camps for a few years 4. How many countries are taking in refugees? I would counter that with some other questions - which are merely food for thought a) How many countries took in Jewish refugees during the Holocaust? Very few b ) Did people / countries take a risk when they helped Jewish refugees? Absolutely c) Was it a greater risk than taking in the current refugees? It's hard to argue otherwise I think the other question you should be asking is how many rich Arab countries are taking in refugees? Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar & Kuwat? The answer is zero. Yet, we are supposed to bring in an influx of 25,000 in a month? Why are these countries doing nothing?
  20. So, basically you're saying anyone under 35 are stupid.
  21. Yeah, so imagine what support the Bombers will get with a winner.
  22. That's exactly how I feel. Put a winning team on the field & the fans will come back. Fans are just itching for a winner. The question is when will the team do that?
  23. Wow. That's crushing. Hang in there, Doug. We're with you. Yes, losing one parent is devastating enough but both... like that My condolences to Doug, Darren & their families.
  24. Wally being Wally. He majorly ****** over the Lions last off season. He's the one who should go but Braley loves the guy.
  25. I'm just curious & I'm not trying to criticize or pick a fight. I genuinely want to know why you're an Oilers fan? Again, just asking.
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