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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Ticket prices are stupid. Four hundred ninety nine dollars for a good seat? Three hundred ninety nine for a Bomber STH. Miller was nuts.
  2. Nice win for the guys. Go Jets Go!
  3. My parents made up for it when I was 10. They bought me a road racing set as a Christmas gift. Oh My God... You have no idea how happy I was!!! I was the most poipular kid on my block as everyone wanted to come over & play. If I had the room to set it up permanently, I'd buy another set for myself. That was sure fun... Strombecker? They made some seriously good ****. We had about 400 ft. of track circling our basement until the Boyne River flooded and wiped it out. :-( Living on an island in the prairies is apparently a bad idea. Scalelectric. They were as good as Strombecker. There were 3 companies at that time that made road racing sets. I had a track that had 3 options. I liked the figure 8 the best. I think Strombecker is still around. Too bad that happened as that track must have been awesome
  4. You'd think. Funny how employers always talk about loyalty especially in the hiring process & then they just cut... I learned a long time ago to never trust anything an employer says about loyalty & long term careers. It's all talk & we're nothing but numbers to companies.
  5. We had a table hockey tournament at Churchill High School & I finished third. I thought I was pretty good & I was but some of the guys were better. Back to the minors on the farm...
  6. Table hockey is the still the best. CCM made a great set but no longer around.
  7. My parents made up for it when I was 10. They bought me a road racing set as a Christmas gift. Oh My God... You have no idea how happy I was!!! I was the most poipular kid on my block as everyone wanted to come over & play. If I had the room to set it up permanently, I'd buy another set for myself. That was sure fun...
  8. Who got the axe in Winnipeg?
  9. Sad news. Doug reports both parents had fatal heart attacks today :( Yeah, they died an hour apart. His father first & then his mother an hour later. Sad. My condolences to the Flutie family.
  10. I was given this game in the early 60's as a Xmas present. I was all excited until you plug the game in , line the guys up, turn it on & then the board starts vibrating & the players go wherever they want. Swich it off line the guys up, turn it on & away they go again. Played the game for 10 minutes got bored then put it away never to play it again.
  11. It's hard to believe a guy like Landsberg approaching 60 would still have a job while others with more talent lose theirs. Landsberg should have been cut.
  12. Kill those *******.
  13. Yeah that pissed me off. In 2011 the place was packed out with a whole bunch of fake Lions fans and then last year there were thousands of empty seats. BC sucks. You just cant have it in the same city twice in 4 years. You can if you're ******* David Braley.
  14. Only if he is a leader that the players will look up to and follow, and is a communicator and teacher. I'm sure Buck, Glenn, Allen, Flutie etc. have the knowledge to be an OC, but if you can't communicate what you want done, and be able to change it mid game if necessary you won't be successful. Yup, good points, and let's not forget that the player needs to be a good student. That could be why he couldn't make the changes during a game as he never played qb.
  15. I feel for Mike Toth. He was a very good young sportscaster on Global Calgary twenty years ago until when he was cut back when Global got rid of their 30 minutes sports show a decade ago. He went to Toronto & was on Sportsnet until he was fired after an altercation with a colleague. I haven't seen him on television since & I know he was working in radio in Toronto. Now he's cut again & I don't think he's even 50 years old. His career may be finished so that has to be tough. What do these guys do who've been in the business for 25 years & a decade or more away from retirement? It seems lots of guys get squeezed out of television in their older years & get gigs working in radio doing jobs I am sure they'd never thought they'd do but I guess they have to pay the bills. There's a guy here in Calgary named Peter Watts who used to be on TSN from its beginning in 1986 but was laid off 15 years ago. He was from Calgary & came back working on CHQR doing the weekend morning shows from 6 am to 8 am. as well as filling in on shifts here & there but he seems out of his element if it isn't sports. I doubt if 15,000 people listen to that station on a weekend morning that early. Always thought he would be a natural on their Stamps football broadcasts but he has never worked a single game over the years. Yeah,it truly must be tough.
  16. Thought the same thing but the accountants at the Bell Media HO probably don't know the Fordes are married &/or don't care.
  17. Haven't watched OTR in years. I stopped watching because the show became all about Landsberg & his huge ego.
  18. All 9 of those guys would make us a considerably better team. If we don't go hard in free agency this year, I will be extremely disappointed. They've gone hard in free agency both years under Walters and signed some of the bigger names available. It doesn't mean a damned thing if you can't draft well and can't supplement your free agent additions through your scouting. Free agency is but one part of building a winning team. Scouting is so important & where we've really fallen down. Our CFL draft record is so so under Walters. A hit with Chungh & a miss with Richards & that seems how it's been since 2014. Very similar to Joe Mack. I don't see much of a difference with Walters & I was a huge critic of Mack's drafting .I expected much more from Walters as he was considered a CIS guru when it came to drafting players. Very much a disappointment. I wouldn't want Bagg or Getzlaff here. Older players who will want big contracts again on the downside. Getzlaff can't stay healthy. I like Anthony Allen. If there's 1 FA from the Riders worth signing, it would be Allen. I like Allen and think he would be a compliment to Marshall. Kinda like Czonka and Kick. :-) Showing your age with that comment.
  19. I just hope it's not a repeat of the 1991 Grey Cup or worse.
  20. It explains why Kane was suddenly put in to a program with Seth, to try and rehabilitate him up the card. I dont mind it. The wrestling wont be good but sometimes a good gimmick is a nice distraction. I think there is enough good will between the fans and Kane/Taker that its a decent draw. Maybe I'm in the minority but I just think the Wyatt Family is dreadful. I think the Family angle is just about at its end. The only things fans like is their ring entrance. It's to the point that when these guys come on I just change channels. I can watch MNF.
  21. Pretty hard to take seriously a 50 year old plus Undertaker, a guy who bounces around from being the Comedic Kane in the back to Corporate Kane & now Demon Kane feuding with a guy who can't win wrestlng matches on his own in Bray Wyatt along with a 7 foot untalented pylon in Stroman, (sorry to insult the pylon) & the other 2 stooges beside him. That whole feud just has the pungent aroma of rotting garbage. The big question is WHY?
  22. All 9 of those guys would make us a considerably better team. If we don't go hard in free agency this year, I will be extremely disappointed. They've gone hard in free agency both years under Walters and signed some of the bigger names available. It doesn't mean a damned thing if you can't draft well and can't supplement your free agent additions through your scouting. Free agency is but one part of building a winning team. Scouting is so important & where we've really fallen down. Our CFL draft record is so so under Walters. A hit with Chungh & a miss with Richards & that seems how it's been since 2014. Very similar to Joe Mack. I don't see much of a difference with Walters & I was a huge critic of Mack's drafting .I expected much more from Walters as he was considered a CIS guru when it came to drafting players. Very much a disappointment. I wouldn't want Bagg or Getzlaff here. Older players who will want big contracts again on the downside. Getzlaff can't stay healthy. I like Anthony Allen. If there's 1 FA from the Riders worth signing, it would be Allen. Way too early to declare Walters drafts poor. Goossen will likely be the starting center next year and let Richards get healthy first before saying that's a miss (although I would have preferred Durant there). Waggoner will make more of an impact next year too. I'm going to wait a year or two before passing judgement on Walter's drafting. Didn't say poor. Said so so. But what you said is a fair point...
  23. All 9 of those guys would make us a considerably better team. If we don't go hard in free agency this year, I will be extremely disappointed. They've gone hard in free agency both years under Walters and signed some of the bigger names available. It doesn't mean a damned thing if you can't draft well and can't supplement your free agent additions through your scouting. Free agency is but one part of building a winning team. Scouting is so important & where we've really fallen down. Our CFL draft record is so so under Walters. A hit with Chungh & a miss with Richards & that seems how it's been since 2014. Very similar to Joe Mack. I don't see much of a difference with Walters & I was a huge critic of Mack's drafting .I expected much more from Walters as he was considered a CIS guru when it came to drafting players. Very much a disappointment. I wouldn't want Bagg or Getzlaff here. Older players who will want big contracts again on the downside. Getzlaff can't stay healthy. I like Anthony Allen. If there's 1 FA from the Riders worth signing, it would be Allen.
  24. Probably would have been. Dubya invaded Iraq to finish the job his father couldn't do. (Could you imagine the conversation in that family over Sunday dinners???) Well, it sure got Hussein out of power but look at the ramifications for the Middle East as well as the rest of the world. Bush just walks away clean. Nothing stuck to him.
  25. Would you agree that we are more than an OC away from having what it takes to make the playoffs or would landing a Chapdelaine be enough? Chaps has a very complex offense. It's not a qb friendly offense as Jacques never played the position so he doesn't look at things the way a qb would as far as reads & progressions go. But he's had success. The thing of it is, it's a throw first offense & we saw this year with Messam that even if the run game was working, he'd go awy from it. Some fans like Jacques & some don't. He's much better OC than MB was. However, he lost 2 qbs running that offense & that was a major complaint about MB so that's something to consider when discussing Chapdelaine. Interesting. So he's an upgrade to MB but would he be enough to get this team into the playoffs, or do we need to go deeper into the coaching staff? One thing I know about Jacques. If hired, he'll want to coach qbs even though he never played the position.
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