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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Willy at one time had NFL aspirations so you have to wonder. Imagine the media in New York, Philly or San Francisco? He's be permanently sucking his thumb in the fetal position hiding under a blanket.
  2. I'm glad we have Glenn. End of comment.
  3. Kirk Penton tweeted that Willy couldn't handle the Winnipeg media. I find that unbelievable. A guy who played NCAA FCS & has been in front of the media since high school. If he can't handle a few reporters & media personalities in Winnipeg then he has issues.
  4. The failed third down fake was CLASSIC!!
  5. But... you can't compare Nichols quick release to Willy's. Nichols gets rid of the ball quickly while Willy holds on to the ball too long & gets killed. There's an expression coaching qbs... "Trust your eyes". If you see it's open then throw it. Willy's problem is he doesn't trust his eyes. He sees open receivers but he hesitates. The tight window opens & closes fast in pro football. It's there & then it's gone. That's the difference between the 2. Willy has to overcome those doubts, trust what he sees & throw the ball. If he doesn't then his career as a player may be coming to an end.
  6. And Drew Willy yells, "Oh gee whiz!!!!"
  7. If the Riders want to leave the CFL I'm sure the Winnipeg High School Football League could find a place for them. They might be good enough for a playoff spot. That prospect is still sketchy though.
  8. I was gulping down that Canadian Club as the game went on. I tell ya. Hate the Riders.
  9. Forget Carter. No thanks.
  10. Is Keeping ready?
  11. Not Neufeld? Oh God, please no.
  12. Play Of the Game. The Rider fake that did not work.
  13. I feel all fuzzy & warm.... Thise half dozen rum& cokes sure feel nice. #CanadianClub
  14. I'm okay with the name.
  15. Remember that game so well. My friend & I had a couple of pre game beers with some Als fans in a bar before the game that we met. Even back then, there were very few Montreal Alouettes fans across the country. They're a rare sighting now & then. We destroyed the Als that day.
  16. We need to have 2 networks televising games. Competition is always the best in the long run.
  17. Need Jennings to come out cold all day & Cato to have the hot hand. We'll see.
  18. No Dunigan or Schultz on the panel tonjght. Gotta wonder what's going on this season.
  19. The field turned to mud as the ground thawed. Brock could still throw the football that day even with bad & slippery footing.
  20. Jack Wells was doing that in his prime (mistakes) & he was beloved by Bomber fans on CKY radio in the 60's.
  21. I actually liked Enterprise a lot more than Voyager with the stupid ending after 7 seasons. And Janeway was always too preachy for me considering it was her who stranded the 2 crews in the Delta Quadrant. You'd think after 7 seasons with that woman in charge the crew of Voyager would have mutineed & replaced her with Chakotay. Archer is an inexperienced galactic Captain flying around the the Universe for the first with a huge chip on his shoulder trying to prove to the Vulcans that humans were worthy of space travel. Soon to find out his ship is actually underpowered, with insufficient defensive capabilities & woefully inept at engaging other alien races in battle. The ongoing temporal wars got a little long in the tooth but the writing during the last 2 seasons were the best but by then they pulled the plug on the series.
  22. His father Chris Carter was such a classy player. He mentored Randy Moss when he was an impressionable young player. Was great with fans & the media. He needs to have a strong chat with his son to get him reigned in.
  23. If he kicks his habit then he become what as a football player? probably nothing as being juiced got him to where is he now in the CFL. But that was dirty & not clean. Maybe all he really is, is a third string backup. There's a reason why he never stopped juicing & I'll speculate by saying it's because he knows that clean he'll never be good enough to stick around & play in the CFL. He cheated before the Combine & put up eye popping stats. Then he was discovered after the combine he cheated. Still, the CFL rewarded his cheating by drafting him. Now he's caught again. The only role model he is, is that of a cheater & a liar. Someone kids should look up to & say,"No thanks".
  24. The other sad thing, production value on TSN isn't much better today. Better graphics but that's about it. Don Wittman was a total pro. He could call a chess tournament & it'd be worth watching. Black is just horrible but TSN thumbs its corporate nose at fans & brings him back every year.
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