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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Nope. Nothing at all. LaPo is the best choice of all but why would he want to come back to the team that stabbed in the back in the shape we're in now with a lame duck head coach? And I truly believe MOS will never sign another HC contract with the Bombers. So, the only way I see Lapo ever coming back is if he was GM & HC. At least then Lapo would know he wouldn't have a cowardly GM stabbing him in the back sacrificing himself to save his own neck like Mack did in 2012. And we know that Walters is just "too valuable an asset" to be dismissed for LaPo. Cough, cough... You take a shot at Mack but you don't have a problem with the fact Lapo stabbed his OC in the back in 2011. Bit of a double standard there. Mack was useless to begin with so he deserves all the shots he gets. And, can't be a double standard if I never knew it. So, what did he do?
  2. somebody on the team appears to be a bad evaluator of who has the ability to play. Same thing goes for some of the wierd stuff on defence.... cutting guys that played well, playing guys that didn't. That's what I'm starting to think. They can't tell the good players from the bad. I was questioning why this guy wasn't playing earlier & got soiled on by people who just buy into Mike O'Shea being this great coach in development. The guy isn't a head coach, sadly. He should be back in Toronto coaching the Argos special teams.
  3. Like putting a band aid on a gaping wound. It still doesn't stop the bleeding. This firing won't help make things right.
  4. Nope. Nothing at all. LaPo is the best choice of all but why would he want to come back to the team that stabbed in the back in the shape we're in now with a lame duck head coach? And I truly believe MOS will never sign another HC contract with the Bombers. So, the only way I see Lapo ever coming back is if he was GM & HC. At least then Lapo would know he wouldn't have a cowardly GM stabbing him in the back sacrificing himself to save his own neck like Mack did in 2012. And we know that Walters is just "too valuable an asset" to be dismissed for LaPo. Cough, cough...
  5. Cesaro is 4 times the wrestler Sheamus is... Obviously Triple H is holding the guy back.
  6. Cough. cough...
  7. With MB now gone. Grey Cup all the way. Next year is going to be one ring a ding dong dandy of a season!! All our problems... Solved.
  8. Big E is one of the worst wrestlers on the WWE roster. He gets over because of Xavier Woods & his trumpet. .
  9. His playoff performances will primarily be what keeps him from being regarded as one of the top-10 QBs of all time in the CFL. Even in the 2008 Grey Cup, he didn't play all that impressive. It was more a case of him sucking less than Calvillo in that game. Deer In The Headlights...
  10. Don't even try. That's the Big Excuse for the Positrons on this site & the media. "What could have been.... What could have been..." Bleh. Just wait till next year when we're the same.
  11. Mean players take stupid penalties as they're undisciplined. Look at Picard & no further. I want aggressive, tough players like Bass who play hard..
  12. He may not be such bad idea but I don't think you'll pry Muchacho away from the Carabins.
  13. Theo Fleury isn't gay. He was sexually assaulted by a pedophile. How can't you know there's a difference? I could be totally wrong and I may apologize but I thought he continued the relationship well into his adult life? Maybe I'm getting him mixed up with one of the other victims. As I said before it was under very sad and disgusting situation but never the less he was courageous to come out both for being a victim and for being either gay or bi. Theo's not gay or bisexual. He was sexually molested by his junior hockey coach Graham James as was Sheldon Kennedy when they were teammates on the Swift Current Broncos as well as other players who have since come forward.
  14. I watched the draft on TSN & then online & kept thinking 'Pick Durant, pick Durant, pick Durant!!' but Walters never did. Then Calgary took him & I just went *%#!!
  15. Sheamus wasn't awful before his injury a year ago. he wasn't the best but he was liked. Then he came back as a heel & totally lost momentum. The problem with the MITB briefcase is wrestlers hold onto it for too long & fans lose interest. For Sheamus it's been nearly 6 months.
  16. Bombers had the chance & passed him by. Our esteemed GM who is supposed to be a guru when it came to Canadian talent totally blew it. What is it with the Bombers & receivers from Saskatchewan?
  17. Hey Kyle, you could have had Durant. You picked Richards. Great decision. #joemackbad.
  18. If no one better is available.This. Trust me, I'm not saying I want him back. I'm saying that the only reason they canned Etch is because a superstar (2 acually) candidate came available. I just feel, based on precedent, that's how it'll go with MB. Now, having said that, I think at least one good candidate will be "lured". I get the feeling The Trio (MOS/KW/WM) are going to offer the moon to everyone in order to win next year. If no one better is available.This. Trust me, I'm not saying I want him back. I'm saying that the only reason they canned Etch is because a superstar (2 acually) candidate came available. I just feel, based on precedent, that's how it'll go with MB. Now, having said that, I think at least one good candidate will be "lured". I get the feeling The Trio (MOS/KW/WM) are going to offer the moon to everyone in order to win next year. Nobody wants MB back as you say. But by default he may be.
  19. Well, we'll have the same HC & GM for 3 seasons starting next season. We have continuity but the good coaches still won't come.
  20. He won a GC & that's about it.
  21. If no one better is available.
  22. Well, Ottawa looks like the best team in the league now. But everything changes in the playoffs. I watched Hank for years in Calgary & he chokes in the playoffs. The only playoff run he had was in 2008 where he won the WDF & Grey Cup. He had some really bad games in the playoffs for Calgary over the years which is why he was traded to Hamilton. So, we'll see what happens in the EDF.
  23. Yeah **** that guy for having a poor 2nd season! No one ever has a poor season and rebounds. Guarantee that if we move on from Lirim and he goes on to another team and rebounds you'll be first in line to ***** and moan about them letting him get away. Wow, dude. Just chill.
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