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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. We could will the Bombers to win.
  2. That guy might be hard to find. I'm thinking we might have to wait for that guy so maybe Higgins would be good in the interim. Just throwing the idea around <shrug>. Higgins was a DC. Never an OC. He was a linebacker during his CFL playing days.
  3. I don't get thru the last hour anymore. Its just too long at 3 hours.
  4. Nicholls, where would he go to start? Nowhere. I expect he'd re-sign. Marshall was under utilized but did some good things when he did carry the ball so re-sign him. Hajrullahu, buh bye.Hit the road, Lirim. I told you guys about Crapigna on the Stamps PR. I was just scoffed at. We should have claimed him off the Stamps PR & started him. Missed opportunity on a good National kicker. Randle, yes. Washington, yes. Daniels, yes. I like the idea of moving Moore to wideout but the Bombers will keep him at slot so he'll keep getting hurt, no. The other guys, who cares?
  5. Why would the redblacks want any of our FAs? They bought all the good ones up in the last two seasons.. They wanted to pass, rather than pick from us in the expansion draft, or don't you recall that running joke? Yea I remember the joke. Not shocking you would look for a chance to throw a cheap shot tho. Knew what ya were implying, just chose to not recognize its lameness. Desjardin is a ****. He just had to say that publicly to embarrass us.
  6. I guess only kids are on this site to talk Blue Bomber football as the same names that do that are also here including you.
  7. Awesome Kong needs to come back for one match. A handicapped match against the Bella twins. And I don't mean Kong.
  8. I'll be checking out the NFL games at halftime. Then tune back to the GC to start the third quarter. I don't care who the band is at halftime. I'm sure a lot of CFL fans will be doing the same.
  9. No...ALL TNG EPISODES WERE AMAZING!!!!1111 Except for the first 2 seasons which were kind of lame. BUT EVERYTHING AFTER THAT WAS AWESOME!!! I still hold by what I said. Enterprise was not the Trek people wanted. They tuned in for the first half of the season because they were hoping it was Trek...it was not. Plus, it's too hard to make a prequel to something who's technology is already considered lame (TOS). They need to move forward, or restart from the beginning rather then make a prequel. Season 2 of TNG was spoiled by Pulaski. Ugh! What an old ***** she was.
  10. No not at all. The BoD does what it does, Miller does what he does. They didn't "indirectly" hire anyone. I lend you my car. You run someone over. Did I indirectlyn them over? So, Miller answers to absolutely no one? Who fired Butchko? Who hired Miller? Of course Miller answers to the BoD. That he answers to the BoD does not make the BoD directly or indirectly responsible for the decisions he makes. You're asking one question and trying to use the answer to frame an entirely different question. No, and this where I was confused by your answers. I wasn't trying to be a smart ass with you. I went back to 2013 & the BOD's hired Miller but it is my understanding Miller then fired Butchko as strange as that seemed. Now, I may have that wrong as well. I just wanted to clarify that Miller has autonomy to make decisions on behalf of the Board in hirings & firings but he does serve at the pleasure of the Blue Bombers BODs. they can fire him if they see fit. He does ultimately answer to them. . You were. Buchko resigned. Miller was then hired as CEO and in turn, he fired Mack. Yes, that's right.
  11. I don't think Stanley Bryant has had a bad season. I think there were times when he wished he was back on the OL with the Stamps.
  12. Spock had the strength of 3 humans or something like that. Spock abhorred violence & would only result to it as a last resort. But that fight with Khan hundreds of feet above San Francisco, he was Superman.
  13. MOS is safe for one last game. Things will start ramping up next July if the team keeps losing. Pressure is going to be extreme to win as it his third season. Fans won't be as patient or understanding as they are this season. Miller may not be doing MOS any favours bringing him back as he won't be able to protect him anymore next season.
  14. Explain.Thought so. What's to explain when it's already been posted and discussed. Of course the BoD hires the CEO. The CEO doesn't hire himself. Thank you. I was beginning to wonder.
  15. There's no room in the game for dirty hits that try to end careers & that was what Hank was talking about. I think your badminton analogy is a bit over the top, WBBFanWest. None of the players that are in the CFL are cowards as you seem to be making Burris out to be. He's no coward & playing 15 years of pro football in both the NFL & CFL proves that. I get tired of seeing defensive players take shots at offensive players in vulnerable situations & then plead the fifth when they're flagged or fined. Like somehow they had no idea their actions were wrong when they actually were.
  16. What Westerman did was dangerous & what Lawrence did was the same. It may have been a legal hit but it was borderline dangerous. Man, if that hit had happened to Collaros Austin would have hit the roof with anger instead of saying Burris was complaining for nothing. That it was a legal tackle. And it was as Hank was running outside the pocket.
  17. No not at all. The BoD does what it does, Miller does what he does. They didn't "indirectly" hire anyone. I lend you my car. You run someone over. Did I indirectlyn them over? So, Miller answers to absolutely no one? Who fired Butchko? Who hired Miller? Of course Miller answers to the BoD. That he answers to the BoD does not make the BoD directly or indirectly responsible for the decisions he makes. You're asking one question and trying to use the answer to frame an entirely different question. No, and this where I was confused by your answers. I wasn't trying to be a smart ass with you. I went back to 2013 & the BOD's hired Miller but it is my understanding Miller then fired Butchko as strange as that seemed. Now, I may have that wrong as well. I just wanted to clarify that Miller has autonomy to make decisions on behalf of the Board in hirings & firings but he does serve at the pleasure of the Blue Bombers BODs. they can fire him if they see fit. He does ultimately answer to them. .
  18. So a would be defender would be penalized for using his arms/hands to trip up a QB trying to escape the pocket? No, only if the qb is in the process of throwing IN THE POCKET.
  19. Yeah, I do hate the regime a plenty & I know it shows. And perhaps I can't look at things objectively anymore. I guess I do spout off a lot here. So many years of frustration coming to a head, I guess. I'm resigned to the Triplets being being back next year though. I'll try to dial my anger back a bit from now on. I appreciate your comments, Noeller. You're a good fan, thanks.
  20. I'd love to see a new Star Trek series on tv. I'm not thrilled about the alternate universe that Abrams introduced us to in the first ST movie but if it means no ST on television if it isn't then I can get on board. I never was a true Trekker but I knew the characters & the history behind all the series that were on tv. Abrams just sulllied everything with his alternate universe including the characters especially Kirk & Spock. Kirk now coming from a broken home & troubled childhood & Spock in love with Ohura. Just flew against everything the series was founded upon as well as the integrity of the characters.
  21. I'd just make a rule that any hit at or below the knee is an automatic roughing the passer. Any kind of contact.
  22. If a head coach is so bad at choosing subordinate coaches that the boss of his boss has to pick them, then there is no way he ought to be head coach. The more likely scenario is that MOS wanted K.Jones and knew that Miller had an in with him. That would be too easy and likely a scenario for this forum though.... So, after the season MOS couldn't have contacted KJ himself but needed Miller's help because Wade knew Jones? If that's the case, we're in even more trouble than I thought. Just call the dude & say he's interested in talking to KJ about joining his staff. Like what's so hard about that?
  23. Brady has always played on a good team with a pretty good offensive line. Plus he gets rid of the ball fast.
  24. Putin better be careful. He talks & acts tough but he could be plunging his country into another Afghanistan situation like Brezhnev did in 1979. The Soviets got their ass kicked & later withdrew.
  25. Hamilton linebacker Tom Pate died in hospital here in Calgary after a block on a running play by Stamps fullback Rick Galbos. I later coached with Galbos here in Calgary 20 years later as our kids played on the same team. It was something we never brought up with him as coaches. He had to have been devastated after what happened. Pate suffered an aneurysm after his head struck the turf when he fell. Looked like Pate was a ticking time bomb & it wasn't Galbos' fault. Just a terrible incident. Pate never regained consciousness. Game was played October 18, 1975 & he died 3 days later.
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