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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Lions just haven't figured out they can't run the ball. Is MB calling their plays?
  2. Wow, air ball to Hawkins. Nice touch by Jennings.
  3. Putting it in the hands of the Argos defense.
  4. Who cares about the Eskimos?
  5. Jennings is making rookie mistakes while Ray is putting the Lions defense to sleep.
  6. Looking at the way Harris is running tonite & the (lack of) blocking he's getting I think we know how he'd run if we signed him as a FA.
  7. Leone punted in the direction of the defender....
  8. So because we bring the convert out 32 yards we're following the NFL? Our game is different from the NFL just by rules alone. Bigger & wider field, larger end zones, single point on a missed FG or if a ball can't be returned from the end zone on a punt, one yard off the LOS for defense & unlimited motion. How are we following the NFL?
  9. Mistake after mistake... Unbelievable.
  10. What an electrifying atmosphere at the Rogers Centre.
  11. I'm guessing you love this O'Shea situation as it stands because it allows you to go on....and on.....and on, about any minuscule factoid that is reported.Now it's because someone saw Miller talking to someone about something, but you can use it to fuel the phrase "now he needs Wade Miller to do it for him" in referring to hiring assistants. You must love that angle eh? Why don't you dissect what Walters needs to be doing or at least tell us what you feel O'Shea is doing wrong, that is, if you even know how he is handling things. And try not to regurgitate things like "roster management", because I'm pretty sure a lot of criticizers don't even know what that entails. You do so why do I need to explain it? I don't love the MOS situation because it means as long as he's here we'll keep losing. I firmly believe that he's a bad coach in way over his head & you can stick up for him all you like. I won't change my opinion on that. As far as Walters goes, he isn't going anywhere so it'll be MOS who will be fired first. So, what's the point ragging on KW even though I think that he should go with O'Shea? .
  12. Lions trail Argos 13-12 at halftime. I wonder if the Lions will put in Lulay in the second half?
  13. TSN love affair with Ray. Really going to be a love in now with him just tossing a TD pass to Bates. Lions secondary looks like a Chinese fire drill.
  14. Dink & dunk Ray like always. Eight of 10 for 82 yards first quarter stats... Bleh.
  15. We, as a fanbase have a right to wish injury on other qbs? I don't want to see any qbs go down. No, you're wrong as we need better players to win. When Reilly went down it didn't stop them. Other Eskimo qbs stepped up in his absence. They're now 13-4... What hot garbage did we have for qbs when Willy went down, Brohm & Marve? They both stunk & were useless. That's on our coaching staff & our GM who didn't bring in anyone to push those guys. We traded for Nicholls out of desperation. Great way to build a team...
  16. I think giving MOS another year is a waste of the 2016 season. Next year at this time we'll be saying we should have let him go off this season because as far as winning goes we'll probably be the same as this year & the last. Hell, he can't even find his own assistants anymore. He needs Wade Miller to do it for him. He's essentially being babysat by Miller. What's another year? It's only been 25 years since we last won a GC & only qualified for the playoffs twice in the last 8 years. Guess it's okay to blow one more year on a guy who is vastly unqualified to be a head coach. The O'Shea hire maybe the worst head coaching decision the Bombers ever made. Even worse than the Reinbold hire which is saying a lot. I have absolutely zero confidence that just changing OC's will make this team a winner.It starts with the Head coach & General Manager. MB isn't very good but he'll be Miller's convenient scapegoat to blame all the problems on him. And some vocal fans have bought in.
  17. Why can't we just leave the game alone?
  18. You are confused. Rider Green never comes off. The fans stick with this team no matter what. Rumours of our demise are wishful thinking and nothing more. Even if no one goes to the game, there is nearly 30k tickets sold. Don't worry we'll be back You guys need a 2 decade run like we've had just to put you in your place.
  19. I thought it was Triple H who told Angle the WWE is not interested?
  20. Ha, that there is Suitor-talk, an obvious attempt not to credit the Bomber defence, so...it must be because he was bothered by that injury/non-injury. That was pure soccer theatrics at its finest. Couldnt believe he cried on the field then jumped up and practically jogged to the sidelines whilst signalling that was 3 times.. Soooo the other two were just as (not) bad then or..? And maas throwing his temper tantrum was awesome.. His players shoulda let him go to discuss this issue with westerman and anderson lol. Just a coach standing by his players. He's animated & fiery. The guy will be a HC in the CFL someday. Looking forward to the ultimate theatrical show down, Maas vs. Creehan. Should be bombastic. Hard Core Match. Falls count anywhere.
  21. New stadium under construction & I have this feeling they'll rebuild their team faster than us. Go wash your keyboard out with disinfectant soap Reality is like a slap in the face sometimes.
  22. Ha, that there is Suitor-talk, an obvious attempt not to credit the Bomber defence, so...it must be because he was bothered by that injury/non-injury. That was pure soccer theatrics at its finest. Couldnt believe he cried on the field then jumped up and practically jogged to the sidelines whilst signalling that was 3 times.. Soooo the other two were just as (not) bad then or..? And maas throwing his temper tantrum was awesome.. His players shoulda let him go to discuss this issue with westerman and anderson lol. Just a coach standing by his players. He's animated & fiery. The guy will be a HC in the CFL someday.
  23. Yet Del Rio uses a submission hold to win in almost every match & Lesnar doesn't. It's almost like Lesnar has nothing to prove as he is so dominant yet Del Rio still does even though most wrestling fans have no idea of his amateur wrestling & MMA background. Del Rio doesn't need a submission hold to win as he is a great wrestler yet he does so in 90% of his matches. I just find that interesting.
  24. At least it wasn't Leafs jerseys.
  25. Del Rio in a wrestling ring seems pointless as all he does in put that arm lock on & everyone taps out. It's always inevitable. Notice how Lesnar doesn't do that. He just brawls. Lesnar could have ended his matches vs The Undertaker in a minute or less if he chose to. He doesn't fall back on his UFC background when he wrestles. His main move is the suplex but that's not an MMA move but from his amateur wrestling days.
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