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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I don't know about that. I saw the replay on that play once & from what I saw I Westerman went after Hank's ankle.
  2. Looks like we posted about Glenn within a minute of each other, Noeller & were thinking the same thing. LOL!
  3. Same with Glenn. The key is to hit Glenn early & often & he wilts.
  4. Yes, the Wyatts have a cool entrance but after there's not much. Luke Harper is the best wrestler of the 4 but really Bray Wyatt isn't that great as a singles wrestler in the ring. Having 3 monsters backing him up makes him look weak.
  5. New stadium under construction & I have this feeling they'll rebuild their team faster than us.
  6. Hank sure played it up, really hate that crocodile smile Hank sure played it up, really hate that crocodile smile It affected Burris the second half as he cooled off passing.
  7. Why? At least they won 2 Grey Cups since 2007.
  8. I have nearly 50 years invested as well. You've made some very good points. We have both seen the Bombers win it all, an honour that not all fans have experienced. It occurs to me that I may never see another championship. Not that they won't win one, but that it may not happen again in my lifetime. That is a hard pill to swallow. It makes me cherish the ones I have witnessed all the more. It also makes me even more angry and frustrated with the ongoing futility of this organization. Got the same feeling you do. In 1990 when I was 35 I never could have guessed that at age 60 this team wouldn't have won since & are just a shadow of the team it used to be. And we have fans here saying we have to stay the course keeping the same people that are proving that they can't build a winner employed. Kind of gave me a chill reading that... we talk about 25 years since a championship and it doesn't feel as long as when you put a real life number on it... you've probably seen your kids grow up and maybe had some grand kids in that time (obviously just guessing since we've never met)... and still not another championship in sight... I'm 29 now... I was alive for the last 2 Bomber championships, but I obviously don't remember them... I've been going to games and been a die hard fan as long as I can remember... season ticket holder since 2004... The closest thing to a championship team in my lifetime was 2001 and 2007... keep thinking (hoping) it has to get better soon... but who knows anymore... No, no grandchildren yet but one son married & the other once he graduates from university will probably get engaged. I have only actually watched 3 Grey cup championships in my lifetime,1984, 88 & 90. I was too young to know about 58, 59,61 & 62. At least I've seen those 3. I feel sorry for fans who were either too young to have seen or appreciate the ones in the eighties & 1990. You guys haven't seen a GC championship & that's terrible. It shouldn't be that way.
  9. I just shake my head when I see Bray Wyatt. I've switched stations when the Wyatts have a match because it's just getting so old. His character is weak. He just doesn't bring a lot to the table as a wrestler. None of the Wyatts are shining stars in the ring... Everything with them is just so predictable.
  10. Seems the CFL is intent on wanting to change everything which sucks.
  11. I can't grade someone like that I don't know. I just look at wins. That's all that matters to me.
  12. Tillman hiring Kavis Reed was a complete surprise. Tillman wanted a head coach who would do as he said. Not a coach with a stubborn streak or confident.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised if it has. Not bad pocket change for Xmas, is it?
  14. I thought 22 years was bad the first time. Had no idea the Bombers could break that record of futility twice in my lifetime.
  15. I believe they did the whole tour... I'm sure some research can confirm or refute that... I don't care enough to look it up They did their Calgary concert in August.
  16. Now the Wyatts are feuding with the Undertaker & Kane. I was reading on the internet more & more WWE fans are growing tired of Bray's rambling promos & the fact that he loses more that he wins in singles competition. As time goes on he looks weaker & weaker & only gets over having 3 monsters backing him up. Even Braun Stroman is getting a bigger push than him & he's part of the Wyatt Family. Other than his ring entrance, I don't find the guy anything special on the WWE roster.
  17. Yeah, I assure you that I won't be waiting for the phone call that never comes. LOL!
  18. So, the question has to be asked... Why would Walters hire such an inexperienced coach to rebuild a team coming off such a brutal season in 2013? If he has all these shortcomings as a head coach don't you think it was a bad decision to bring in a guy like that with such a huge rebuild about to take place? Why saddle an inexperienced coach with such a huge job that really he wasn't & still isn't qualified for? Ok.considering that none of us were in the room when the decision to hire MOSwas made, I'd speculate he was hired because of his potential, desire, intelligence, and previous performance in any of his previous jobs. Not to neglect financial considerations that are abundant with a rookie. The only shortcoming might be a experience as a HC. But I can't agree he has "all these shortcomings". Neither will Miller, a seasoned HR professional. To be frank, neither you nor I knows whether MOS is or isn't qualified for his job. He is however, currently the the HC of the squad. His performance needs to be assessed in the light of performance against objectives,which you do not know. He'll hang around til next year at least. Let's help him be successful. Not up to me to help him. He's the man who was hired to do a job. If he fails, it's on him.
  19. Yup. Folks were hired to do a job. No one said anything about hope. I mentioned potential. Hope is your word. If you were to speculate about how long a learning curve is, how long does it learn to play chess? A chess player learns moves, timing, strategies and many nuances in the firsts years. They also learn additional moves and so on. mOS is not a guy off the street that doesn't know the feel of a football team. But if you expect if him to be Wally or a Bellichek, you are respectfully mistaken. Bye the way, I am a bomber fan. Desire more success. Want a cup. don't want a rebuild. But today. The WMO squad has my support. I know you're a Bomber fan. I've no doubt of that.
  20. So, the question has to be asked... Why would Walters hire such an inexperienced coach to rebuild a team coming off such a brutal season in 2013? If he has all these shortcomings as a head coach don't you think it was a bad decision to bring in a guy like that with such a huge rebuild about to take place? Why saddle an inexperienced coach with such a huge job that really he wasn't & still isn't qualified for?
  21. That's my point exactly. Despite the discussion here, I never once said I thought Waggoner was a bust. I just said we need help first at other positions, especially the OL so not having a high first round pick may mean we lose out on a quality player that could help immediately like Sukh Chung has. As well as Walters over estimated the team. He felt we'd be a playoff team so he never thought we'd have (perhaps) the second pick in the draft. Would he have made the Waggoner pick had he thought we'd be where we are now in the standing? Well, only he can answer that. I never said I thought Waggoner wouldn't be a good player or was a bust.
  22. I'm with you, appreciate the facility for what it is. In the last 4 months I've been to the following CFL stadiums: BC Place in Vancouver McMahon stadium in Calgary Commonwealth in Edmonton TD Place in Ottawa It's been a year since I've been to IGF in Winnipeg As a taller person IGF is the best for legroom of any of the stadiums I've been to, and I've only been to training camp in it, but it is a very nice stadium. I'd say of the stadiums I've been to I'd put it 2nd to BC place, which despite very apathetic and quiet fans is a gorgeous stadium TD place in Ottawa was pretty nice as well, and nicest area to hang out in for drinks/food before the game of the stadiums I've been to I like commonwealth, but living in Edmonton I rarely go to a game because it's a pain in the ass to get there from where I live. It's not the best part of town, and the stadium is showing it's age a bit. McMahon shows it's age, easily bottom of the list of the stadiums I've been to, but had a good time in the parking lot before the game barbecuing and drinking with some stamps fans. Closest thing to a tailgate experience I've had. Haven't been to a game in regina, Hamilton, Toronto or montreal so can't comment on them. But based on the cities I've been to and with what I've heard of the stadiums in the other cities I would guess the top 3 stadiums in the CFL would be BC, Winnipeg, Ottawa, and there's a definite gap between Winnipeg and Ottawa. So be glad you have IGF. The last time I went to a game at Mosaic Stadium was the Labor Day Sunday weekend game in 1995 & it was a dump back then, especially the concourses & washrooms. I can only imagine the state of that stadium 20 years later. That & the fact MS isn't in the nicest part of town. I can see where a person walking alone out of that stadium might feel unsafe. Or wonder if their car is still in one piece where they left it parked.
  23. Back in 2000 I believe the Guess Who's instruments were pre-recorded while Burt did sing live. Something about the cold affecting guitars? Cold affects everything...
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