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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Harper is still an MP. What's the hurry?
  2. Even at $235 million it's still a good deal as IGF is a great looking stadium. But the way things have played out since construction began is unfortunate.
  3. Why was it so important to get the stadium built in 2 years rather than 3? I think rushing it through like that caused all the problems. We had Canad Inns in place to be able to use so it wasn't like the situation in Hamilton or Ottawa.
  4. The NFL hasn't taken away away Super Bowl rings from the Patriots. Mentioning to a coach under contract that your OC position may be vacant after the season is tampering? Yup. The audacity to dare utter a sentence with such loaded words is "might have an opening.." Or "whats your plans in the future" should definitely cost us 5 large and the ire and hatred of the rest of the league for being so underhanded. It is SPuDS. You know it. Besides having a coach already in that position before he's fired....
  5. Don't contact any team during the season. The season is over in a week. If it's a playoff team wait until they're eliminated or win the Grey Cup. Play by the rules & at least have integrity. Like I said, how would we like it if the roles were reversed? As fans we would be upset. What goes around, comes around. If you think that this sort of stuff doesn't go on all the time in this league, you are very naive. And you are.... what GM??? You have no clue if it does or doesn't. You just think it does. If this was the Stamps doing it, you'd be all in favour and screaming about why Miller and Co aren't. This is why I don't take your bitching seriously...no matter what you rabble rabble about "old school Bombers fan!!11!", you're a Stamps fan first and foremost...... Wow, been on these CFL boards for 15 years & like that really hurts. That sure cuts deep. Like I haven't heard that before. Find that when someone says that to me they really have NOTHING to say. Pretty disappointed Noeller. All the years we've been on this board & the other one I always treated you with respect & never ever once went after you like you just did if I disagreed with anything you said.
  6. Don't contact any team during the season. The season is over in a week. If it's a playoff team wait until they're eliminated or win the Grey Cup. Play by the rules & at least have integrity. Like I said, how would we like it if the roles were reversed? As fans we would be upset. What goes around, comes around. If you think that this sort of stuff doesn't go on all the time in this league, you are very naive. And you are.... what GM??? You have no clue if it does or doesn't. You just think it does. I'm not a GM, but I am a fan of deductive reasoning. The fact that contracts can be announced within minutes of someone going to free agency tells me that clearly, the details of the contract had to have been worked out before hand. The fact that tampering brings a whopping fine of $5000 tells me that the league isn't too concerned about it. The CFL is a joke when it comes to fines, I admit that. It still doesn't make it right & like I said, we have nothing to be proud of as fans when it comes to the onfield performance of the team. I hoped we could be proud that we still retained integrity... This could have waited.
  7. No. A list of coaches that are interested in coming here. Oshea could have mentioned a few names to Miller. Nothing wrong with being proactive. People will complain if they weren't. Tampering. it's illegal & that's the way it is. It's not proactive. No one will complain because it normally isn't done.
  8. Don't contact any team during the season. The season is over in a week. If it's a playoff team wait until they're eliminated or win the Grey Cup. Play by the rules & at least have integrity. Like I said, how would we like it if the roles were reversed? As fans we would be upset. What goes around, comes around. Of course there is something to be said for ethical behaviour. Email messages or about working conditions would move towards a substantive evidence of ethical behaviour. On a scale Miller talking to a guy can not be stretched into symptoms of a circus as is Pentons rhetorical question. Or tampering. All these execs, talk about compensation and other working conditions among themselves. It is not unreasonable in their small community to talk about future plans. A casual talking to a guy during the season leads to the second coming of a notable performer at Assistant Coach, that's unacceptable? Writing to the candidate, would be. Any kind of contact.... any kind no matter if the conversation is casual or not is tampering. That's the way it is. You can't speak to any player, coach or manager about coming to work for another team during the season for coaches or if a player is under contract. Sorry, if I want to be at least proud of the ethics & character of the Bombers. I have little else to be proud of on the field or in the standings.
  9. Don't contact any team during the season. The season is over in a week. If it's a playoff team wait until they're eliminated or win the Grey Cup. Play by the rules & at least have integrity. Like I said, how would we like it if the roles were reversed? As fans we would be upset. What goes around, comes around. If you think that this sort of stuff doesn't go on all the time in this league, you are very naive. And you are.... what GM??? You have no clue if it does or doesn't. You just think it does.
  10. Don't contact any team during the season. The season is over in a week. If it's a playoff team wait until they're eliminated or win the Grey Cup. Play by the rules & at least have integrity. Like I said, how would we like it if the roles were reversed? As fans we would be upset. What goes around, comes around.
  11. It's classless. Just a ****** move if true.
  12. Like our reputation as an organization isn't in tatters enough now, let's add tampering to it by trying to recruit coaches off other staffs during the season. I think I know how would that play out here if we were seriously on a Grey Cup run & another team did that. We'd be livid & screaming that it's wrong & totally classless.
  13. So Miller is recruiting & hiring assistants for our head coach? IGF shall be The Wade Miller Daycare Centre. He's babysitting O'Shea now. #welikemike
  14. Hervey rebuilt that OL which was a train wreck like ours almost what seems like overnight which is amazing considering our OL is still struggling. Jones brought in guys that were mean, nasty & aggressive to suit his blitzing style on defense. And Hervey signed Reilly & brought in some good receivers. All in basically a year.
  15. I didn't know your father played for the Blue Bombers. That is cool.
  16. For me, it was Kenny Ploen, Dave Raimey, Ken Nielsen & Phil Minnick. For me it was Don Jonas, Mack Herron, Jim Thorpe, and Mickey Doyle. If I get another Blue Bomber jersey it'll either be #27 Raimey or #54 Minnick
  17. If things get much worse and it starts affecting the bottom line I can see the league getting involved wanting to know what is wrong with us for so long. Maybe they can officially fold us, restart us, and let us have an Ottawa-style new player draft. Of course, we'd probably screw that up. No, can't ever see that happening. The CFL will never get involved unless the team becomes insolvent. What I do worry about is we become another Ottawa Rough Rider situation where no one cares anymore & we get 10,000 fans out to IGF to keep watching the team lose, lose, lose.
  18. Good stuff. When I was in high school (+40 years ago) running track at Polo Park arena in the provincials it was very exciting to see guys like Don Jonas shaking hands with us on the winners' podium. Another time I remember my dad approaching one of the players and getting a signed J5V football. Very exciting times and those players were larger than life to us kids. Life has sure changed. Nothing is like that anymore.
  19. In grade 7, Bomber qb Luther Selbo was my substitute phys ed teacher at Churchill High School for a period of time. Never met a pro athlete before never mind being my teacher. It left a lasting impression to this day.
  20. Cheer if not for any other reason other than you want to support your team. We don't need a team of Stegalls or Robertses to get fans excited. I'm usually a pretty good reader but did I just read what I thought I just read. Yep, I did. Where's the blue koolaid?This guy works for the Bombers so you're going to hear the same corporate BS from him as you would from Wade himself. The only reason he's a mod here is because one of the admins/mods sucks anyone's ass who's linked to the Bombers. Hasnt he had the same opinion the entire time hes been here? Smh. I've been told he's been a mod here since day one, so I stand corrected there. But either way, he just spews corporate spin like a Bomber spokesperson. Hes been a positive poster. i dont recall any serious hardcore shilling for the club.. Even though I'm negative a lot here (yeah, yeah, yeah, I admit it) because I'm unhappy... nothing wrong with some positivity once in awhile.
  21. Man, I swear you have come full circle again lol. Wasnt this your tag line last year? SPuDS, I like you, I really do. Your enthusiasm for the Bombers is legendary here & I admire you for it. For me, disgruntlement is moving to absolute despair as a fan. In all my years I don't think I have ever felt this way about the organization. That the team will never find it's way back to even a single championship in my lifetime. I can't be optimistic anymore. Not with the people running this team.
  22. You're in tough here as a mod, no question. It can't be easy.
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