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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I hope Willy doesn't come back till next year. Let him heal completely.
  2. Skip to the 5:00 min. mark of the following video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtmMBxsTHh4 Cleese hillarious.
  3. Love to pry him out of TO as OC but with the weapons that Argo team has I doubt he'd come. Unless we paid him a lot more money.
  4. Ben Mulroney as interim Conservative leader? April Fools Day won't be here for almost 5 months...
  5. Remember a time when an offensive lineman could play into their late 30's? Those days seem long gone.
  6. Joey must be in his 70's now... His fans are all hipsters as in hip replacements. I can relate... LOL!
  7. I'd love to get the OC from Toronto as he knows the Milanovich system cold. Lots of quick passes. Harris gets rid of the ball fast.
  8. Yeah, sounds like a recipe for a long-lasting loyal, trustworthy, work force. A place where anybody could be happy. No real lesson to be learned in that environment. A place I wouldn't WANT to work for. Success can be achieved in many ways...you still have to have the right people. Yep. Competitive workplace probably as competitive as the Blue Bombers. If anything it teaches you to be aggressive & you have to work hard to win (keep your job). Sales managers have targets & bonuses they want to achieve so having a guy who can't sell is like having a qb who can't play. He's a liability because he makes no money for his boss. I lasted 10 years in the business when I decided I had enough.
  9. I was a copier rep for many years in both Winnipeg & Calgary. Worked for Minolta & Pitney Bowes. The year was divided into quarters. We had a budget per month & if we didn't meet our targets each quarter we were expected to achieve, we were fired. It was a strictly results oriented business like none I have ever experienced. The sales manager you went out for a beer with on Friday would fire you Monday if you didn't meet your targets. It was nothing personal & I'm sure there were times when a sales manager had to fire someone they truly liked but that was the business. We all knew that as reps & we accepted it. So, surely a coach like MOS knows that as it is the same for him as a CFL coach. Win or be gone. No one said to management let's keep an underachieving copier rep around because he's a nice guy.
  10. In no way am I not empathizing with STHs as they are the best in my mind. Frustrating seems to be a word that was specifically thought up for Bomber fans. Frustrating+ for STHs. No, I understand completely because the exhilaration that was once part of the game day experience has been drenched by ineptness, and it doesn't seem to end. Winning will cure that. Hoping to start....Saturday. I totally understand, Dee. If I lived in Winnipeg I would be a STH as I was one from 1974-99 before I moved to Calgary. As much as there are you that say we change things too much, we can't hang on to coaches & managers that fail to produce because we like them or that they deserve another chance. Pro sports is a results oriented business. We can't stand pat when things aren't working. The fanbase won't be happy if the only thing done is a change at the OC position.
  11. The unfortunate car. The one young James Tiberius Kirk drove off a cliff?
  12. Thanks Dee I don't need hugs but I think the We Like Mike Movement only lives here. Not among fans who are season ticket holders but don't post online or casual fans. When people have to plunk down money on what they see as an inferior & lingeringly bad product they won't do it. Why should they? They want results. If the Bombers lose a STH like JBR who knows the game inside out because he feels it's pointless then they're in big, big, trouble.
  13. I keep saying this & a lot of members take issue with it but if we go 5-13 & miss the playoffs again & there is no HC change how does Miller sell any hope of improvement to Bomber fans & in particular season ticket holders? I don't think you can. If changes aren't made I'm concerned that the ST base will crater. The team will have no credibility. Miller can't just go on saying everything is fine & on track with the management & coaching staff in place.
  14. **** anyone who says different. I can't believe some of you guys.....only in Winnipeg are we finding ways to complain about being in the playoffs after a drought like we've had. You ***** if we don't make it, you ***** when we have a chance to make it because "we didn't do it well enough"......this ******* town, I swear.......can't we just be happy about the thought of making playoffs?????? Okay Noeller take a valium...Not saying we don't like the Bombers but they aren't very good. It's reality. And it's been this way for far, far too long. Just because anyone is critical of the team doesn't mean they aren't a fan.
  15. Guess I owe you $5 gbill....
  16. So disenchanted with this season, that's about all I have to say about the 2015 season. I'll give someone $5 to like this post.
  17. Yeah great, with this team Miller will give MOS & Walters new contracts! We don't deserve the playoffs any more than the Riders.
  18. Five wins & we're talking about a playoff spot? How exciting... We've won 2 games in our last 8... The team is spinning its wheels. Same as last year. What the guy did is something I'd never do but it's a free country & he can get rid of his tickets any way he likes. Maybe the Bombers should field a decent team more than twice every 15 years.
  19. How about bases on the Moon & interstellar space travel. That was supposed to have happened by now.
  20. Last episode they showed a young man who came up to Barrow to be with his extended family but was ruled inelligible to play football because he had used up all of his eligibility while playing HS football in LA. I guess the kid had dropped out of school, had gang issues & his parents felt it would be best for him to go back to school but away from all the bad influences in his life in SoCal. He wrote a letter asking to be reinstated to play football because the game was so important to him. Anyway, from what I could see from the trailer for nest week his appeal was turned down. I mention this because 6 years ago when my son was in his final year of HS football here in Calgary we had a player who had dropped out of HS in Regina a year before & came to Calgary to go into an alcohol & drug rehab program. My wife & I met him & his parents & he came from a good home. He ran with a bad crowd & got heavily into drugs & alcohol in grade 11 & even though he played his last year of HS in Regina, he dropped out when the season ended just before Xmas that year & was living on the streets. He came to Calgary to attend rehab & one of the things he had to do was attend school everyday & get his diploma. He tried out for the HS football team but the Calgary Senior High School Athletic Association ruled him ineligible to play. He appealed with a letter explaining why he felt he should be allowed to play & how important football was to him & his recovery but the CSHSAA said no so he lost his appeal. Whether it was right or wrong, I don't know as there's 2 sides to every story but it was sad he wasn't allowed to play. He did go back to Regina after he graduated & played for the University of Regina Rams as starting slot for 4 years. I don't know where he is now but I hope he is doing well.
  21. That is one ugly town literally & figuratively in the middle of nowhere. It's amazing they have enough players to field a competitive team.
  22. Anyways dude, like I said you're telling others to relax as the election is over yet you carry on like it's still full election mode. So please, please follow your advice & do the same.
  23. So why are you making an issue out of Trudeau's delivery? I'm not. Someone else mentioned his speech and I expressed my opinion. Im sorry, are we only expressing certain opinions here? Speaking of being disingenuous, your "who, me?" act is getting old. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love it!!! Ive been told some people dislike me because of my strong posts. Now Im disliked for being moderate. What sort of people get so personally bent out of shape over message board discussions! Ha! The election is over boys, put away the claws! Sure are a few people here with a bone to pick this morning. My fan club grows! What a strange response. Disliked for being moderate? How did you come up with that theory? My theory? You don't understand what disingenuous means, so you created your own definition that would allow your response to make sense. I was using the definition or synonym if you will, that describes one as insincere. That was evident in the context. Sorry you had trouble with that. Well, for a guy telling others to chill as the election is over, aren't you stressing out? Follow your own advice, then. BTW, I said quit whining. I didn't call you a whiner, idiot, @$$hole, ****, jerk or anything else. In what way am I stressing out. Please provide examples. Wouldnt someone who is whining be a whiner? Please explain the distinction. The distinction is I didn't call you one.
  24. I find him smug and disingenuous. Maybe it's his acting background but he always seems to be putting on a bad performance. I thought his victory speech was very smug and while Harper and Mulcair were gracious in defeat, he took some veiled shots. Maybe its just the way he is and he's being genuine. But he doesnt come across that way to me at all. And its not my bias talking as I thought Mulcair had done a good job of putting the Angry Tom stuff behind him and was pretty genuine in his speeches and I would never vote for him. Trudeau reminds me a bit of of Obama except Obama is a much better public speaker. But they both ran on "change" and little else. A winning strategy no doubt. Angry Tom would have come back had he been elected PM, don't you kid yourself. He's my age & you just don't change at that point in your life with the snap of the fingers. e has a temper & if elected he wouldn't have cared. I dont disagree. Im no Tom fan. Just that I thought he did a good enough job of coming across statesmanlike and sincere. Or sincere enough. And I've always thought Harper delivers good speeches. CTV briefly mentioned this while Harper was entering for his concession speech that he's very good with the media and it perplexes people why he is so standoffish with the, But Trudeau? Its like bad Shakespeare in the Park. My opinion, but just seems like a guy putting on an act and not doing a very good job of it. So, you think Trudeau is disingenuos but Mulcair not? You already said that you think the NDP did a good job of trying to change Mulcair's image from that of an angry old man to that of a caring & compassionate leader which isn't true. That's why in the past few weeks seeing his ad where Mulcair's talking softly, smiling & saying he's ready for change if we are came. across as so phony. He looked uncomfortable talking & acting that way because that isn't him.. I voted Conservative in my riding & have always voted that way since the 74 election when I was 18, be it the Tories, Reform, Canadian Alliance & Cons. Even though I was drinking my blue kool aid I could see that Captain Steve O going down with his ship.The Cons election campaign strategy was an unmitigated didaster. Of all the ads shown by the 3 major parties, Trudeau came across the best. His "I'll tell you what I'm ready for" ad sounded the most sincere of all of the political ads combined that I saw. It was hokey but Trudeau looked like he had a chip on his shoulder thanks to the incessant Cons attack ad of him. Not happy the Cons are out but it is what it is. But My God man, quit the whining & just get on with your life. You constantly post about how much you hate Trudeau & give the man no credit at all. Run for public office then in 4 years for the Cons & give your words some meaning. Put your money where your mouth is. . Are you suggesting someone cannot have an opinion that is counter to the governments (or yours) unless they are willing to run for office? Have you every been critical of the Bombers' coaches? If so, have you considered becoming a pro football head coach? If not, you cant criticize. Who is whining? Expressing opinion here is whining? I never said one thing about the Cons losing the election. Get on with my life? Who are you to tell me that? Get over yourself. Im sorry you and I disagree (I guess) but posting here is neither me whining nor is it some evidence that my life is on hold because the Liberals won. Please, assemble my posts where I have repeatedly stated how much I hate Trudeau. Please do that. And again, why is opinion of Trudeau related to opinion of Mulcair? If I think Mulcair is a more genuine speaker, why cant I also think Trudeau is not? Its called opinion. Try expressing yours without needlessly attacking other posters. Attacking? LOL! That's all you do. People who live in glass houses first of all shouldn't criticize others & secondly should not throw stones. Please list examples. Yes, I'm guilty as charged for the crime of having an opinion. For that I am being sentenced to death by hanging. There's the gallows. Throw the lever & drop the floor. Let me hang until dead. Yea, though I walk through the Valley Of The Shadow Of Death, I fear no evil. Thy rod & thy staff, they comfort me. I'm entitled to one last dinner of choice, prime rib on the barbecue. Also a cigarette & whiskey on the rocks before my execution. I also have but one last simple request... I have a letter in my back pocket for my family. Please make sure they get it & tell them... I loved them.. And...I lived to see another day. Maybe you should ask for clemency. And for the record, I wasn't attacking you. I was responding about what you said about Trudeau & Mulcair. You constantly say the same things over & over & over & it comes across as whining. That Harper & the Cons can do no wrong. Well, this past election they did a lot of things wrong. You may not agree about the whining part but that's the perception of you I get. Guess the bottom line for you & me is if we can't stand the heat then don't post. That's the difference though. I can stand the heat. And I dont go off attacking posters. You said I was whining, told me to get a life and move on. And let's be clear, that was responding to my post about Trudeau and Mulcair which was not me saying the same thing over and over since I believe today is the only time I mentioned my feeling that Trudeay was smug and disingenuous. So yes, that was an attack on me, not a reasonable, polite counter point to my opinion. whine (h)wīn/ verb gigive or make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound. "tt complain in a feeble or petulant way. Neither the first nor the second. In fact, complaining about my post might fall into the second. But I wont hold it against you. I think you have the bad habit of seeing differing opinions and taking them personally or not being able to see the merit or at least understand the perspective of that opinion, which causes you to lash out. When I was in Junior High, taking debate our teacher insisted we debate both sides saying we cant learn to argue our opinion if we cant successfully argue the opposing perception. I think I see all sides a lot better than many here. But I do have strong opinions. But I do not attack people. How many people in this thread have complained to a Mod about someone else? Not me. How many people in this thread have had posts deleted? Not me, other than when I quoted someone who was deleted (mods can correct me if I am wrong on that point). This is a community not a battle ground. If you're offering up an apology, Ill readily accept it. Not likely. But nice try.
  25. So why are you making an issue out of Trudeau's delivery? I'm not. Someone else mentioned his speech and I expressed my opinion. Im sorry, are we only expressing certain opinions here? Speaking of being disingenuous, your "who, me?" act is getting old. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love it!!! Ive been told some people dislike me because of my strong posts. Now Im disliked for being moderate. What sort of people get so personally bent out of shape over message board discussions! Ha! The election is over boys, put away the claws! Sure are a few people here with a bone to pick this morning. My fan club grows! What a strange response. Disliked for being moderate? How did you come up with that theory? My theory? You don't understand what disingenuous means, so you created your own definition that would allow your response to make sense. I was using the definition or synonym if you will, that describes one as insincere. That was evident in the context. Sorry you had trouble with that. Well, for a guy telling others to chill as the election is over, aren't you stressing out? Follow your own advice, then. BTW, I said quit whining. I didn't call you a whiner, @$$hole, idiot, jerk or anything else.
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