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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Of course they will. Miller takes care of his own. I can see us going 7-11 next year. Which is awesome. I love Slurpees. What are the chances the Riders sign Murphy this off season? Won't that be kick in the head? no... not really. we are not actively looking for a GM.. Nor has he been available when we had been.. I hope the Riders re-up Jeremy O'Day.
  2. Can someone explain to me why the stage is going there? Wasn't it an excuse to cover up the poor ticket sales a couple of months ago?
  3. Of course they will. Miller takes care of his own. I can see us going 7-11 next year. Which is awesome. I love Slurpees. What are the chances the Riders sign Murphy this off season? Won't that be kick in the head?
  4. four grey cup appearances in 8 years two wins And a 2 win team this season, overpaid vets, selling the future for today & salary cap hell. Result? No long term success & a total teardown needed.
  5. Unless you have proof that Harper had experience leading another country before he ever became our Prime Minister. Otherwise he had NO EXPERIENCE being a Prime Ministwr. No one ever said he did. The comment is that the experience Harper had was far more relevant to the PM job than the experience JT has had. Your comment is just idiotic. You are arguing a straw man and not arguing the point that is being made. JT has done squat so far in his life. Why the Liberelas decided to go with him as thier leader has always puzzled me. I'm saying that no one has the experience to run a country if they haven't done it before. Even an ass like Donald Trump.
  6. Yeah, I called that.
  7. If Davis is invited back for training camp. Lots can happen in the off season.
  8. Unless you have proof that Harper had experience leading another country before he ever became our Prime Minister. Otherwise he had NO EXPERIENCE being a Prime Ministwr.
  9. Wouldn't be surprised to see Desjardins go after Harris as he's ten years younger & push Hank out as that is how he does things. Look what he did to Glenn.
  10. Okay, let's get back to some serious stuff... Bigger than a bull in a china shop.
  11. Respectfully disagree. Harper was infinitely experienced. You can't compare the two whatsoever. Infinitetly experienced doing what? A policy geek? An economist? Lecturer in college? Briefly in charge of a lobby group called the Canadian Taxpayers Federation? A Member of Parliament? Yeah, TONS of experience to be Prime Minister. As i said before no one first elected PM has any experience whatsoever to lead a country.
  12. Give me a break. There are better qbs out there that haven't been signed. Free agents. It's called RECRUITING, Mike. I've heard of recruiting once or twice. I'll try explaining once more. How can you, as a fan, say Davis is worth cutting when you're basically going off absolutely nothing? You say there are better quarterbacks out there. Obviously. But if that's your argument, we may as well just cut everyone because we're not rostering the best anything in the whole world right now. I'm asking you - how can you justifiable say with any confidence that he should (or should not) be cut when you're giving a blind opinion on the topic? We haven't seen him do anything, good or bad. Mike, this is a merry go round with you. Round & round. As usual when you start up with me it always ends this way. You're actually arguing with me over the merits of keeping a fourth string qb?? What I said was my opinion. If I could see this discussion actually going somewhere I'd be more interested in carrying on. I'm done talking to you. Buh bye.
  13. Agree 100% but this is the Bombers we're talking about.
  14. This is basically how I feel. I'm somewhat of a fiscal conservative, and I think the current incarnation of the Grits are, too. I'm less concerned with Justin as the face, as I am about who the cabinet ministers will be. Have a good money nerd in charge of the finance portfolio, and I'm totally fine with them in power. Like Dave said earlier, the current LPC is a lot closer to the Con's than people realize, just with a more like-able leader, imo. Harper is just such a complete tool and shoulda been tossed a long time ago. The real difference is that the Liberals have no problems flat out lying about what they really are in a campaign. Oh sure Justin might want to be more left leaning, but the party won't let him go too far. Campaign on the left govern on the right, that's the Liberal way. Tell people what they want to hear and do what needs to be done. It's not a bad system if you're OK with habitual liars running the country. I would say most politicians say what they think people want to hear & are habitual liars.
  15. Harper is a cold fish that's for sure.
  16. Give me a break. There are better qbs out there that haven't been signed. Free agents. It's called RECRUITING, Mike. Teams are always or should always be trying to find better players at every position.
  17. Nobody is saying anyone is right or wrong. I'm just unsure how you even formed your opinion in the first place because there's literally nothing for us to use as evidence. Watching the CFL for 50 years. Seeing thousands of players come & go. A hunch perhaps? An opinion, certainly. But what does that have to do with Davis if you've never seen him play? Nobody is saying anyone is right or wrong. I'm just unsure how you even formed your opinion in the first place because there's literally nothing for us to use as evidence. Watching the CFL for 50 years. Seeing thousands of players come & go. A hunch perhaps? An opinion, certainly. But what does that have to do with Davis if you've never seen him play? That's the point. He hasn't played. He was cut from the Stamps. He hasn't progressed as a Bomber. When Brohm & Marve were pooping all over the field he wasn't even a consideration to get on the field as our qb. How much worse would he have been yet MOS wouldn't play him? If he couldn't beat out Brian Moniz as the third qb for Calgary then right from the start I'm not impressed as Moniz is just another Justin Goltz clone. Moniz is a very good short yardage qb who can run but he can't throw with any kind of accuracy & hit a receiver if he was 5 yards in front of him. Like I say just MY opinion that we can find someone better. Players get cut everyday. They move on. Teams move on. It's the life of a pro athlete.
  18. Martin got stabbed in the back so bad by Chretien, it was sad. I think he could have made a good PM. Yeah, the Chretien appartchiks really did take him down. But for a guy involved with the Liberals for so long & his father a cabinet minister in the Pearson & Trudeau governments he was also very naive, gullible & clueless as well. He was just as much to blame for his downfall as well.
  19. My parents tell me crazy stories of their mortage where they had a variable rate and their friends had fixed and my parents lucked out when rates dropped. Housing prices were lower. Can you imagine if the Liberal's runaway deficits cause a spike in interest rates and the middle incomers with their $300,000 homes suddenly go from 2% to 7% or 12%...or 18%? That happened between 1976 & 1982 when mortgage rates spiked around 18%. People were giving upon their homes & giving the banks the keys. By the thousands. It was truly bad.
  20. I don't dislike Trudeau. I don't think the experience thing is as big a deal as it is being made out to be. Harper had no experience when he took over. Being PM is on the job training. I'm sure Trudeau will find that some of the political stances he has now will have to change if he becomes PM. So, Trudeau's "he's just not ready" doesn't resonate with me. No one is ready to be Prime Minister.
  21. Of course that is if Walters actually leaves.
  22. 1982... Eighteen per cent interest rates. We bought our first home in 1990 & our mortgage rate was 13.5% for a 5 year fixed renewable term. My wife & I thought we were getting a bargain.
  23. That's exactly how I feel. I've been a Tory, Reform, Canadian Alliance & Conservative voter federally since I turned 18 but their campaign has totally turned me off to the point I'm sitting on the fence between Liberals & Conservatives for the first time. That would have been inconceivable to me 5 years ago. The question I'm asking is do the Conservatives even deserve my vote?
  24. The Kane/Rollins storyline is just totally ridiculous. The long distance phone calls between Triple H, Stephanie & Kane were embarrassing especially when the connection was so bad. So, Kane should be fired for going against the Authority's wishes but we know that won't happen. I'm also sure Corporate Kane will magically transform himself into Demon Kane complete with flashing lights & smoke in an ambulance, locker room or SUV. Talk about tarnishing Kane's long career & cheapening Rollins as World Heavyweight champ.
  25. The CFL should have an 8th round to drive up the value of a 7th rounder.
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