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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Well, he just has to respond. He started it. LOL! BTW, I'm totally game for this.
  2. Noeller being Noeller. Just a big mouth. I'd love for him to take me on once & for all as he always talks **** about me as a Bomber fan. Loser has to leave for an entire year. C'mon Noeller. Don't be a wuss. You're such a great fan that you should clean up. Loser leaves for a year. Mike & the mods can make up & ask us the questions. You game? Can you live without this site for 365 days??? I just put my ass on the line here. Will you? Or are you a coward?
  3. And how many salt pills did you put in your coffee this morning? I tell you what, if you're so smart & arrogant then why don't you test your knowledge of Blue Bomber history with mine? Games, players, numbers, etc. Over the years. Great fans like yourself are supposed to be knowledgeable about their team & it's history. I'm confident that I know a lot more than you. Matter of fact Cory, I'll kick your ass.
  4. Noeller, why do you always bring this up? Yes, I live in Calgary. have for 26 years. I like the Stamps. Actually like them a lot. However, don't ever mistake that for my love of the Bombers that I have going back to 1965. Anytime you want to test my knowledge of the team compared to yours Noeller I'm game. Fans are supposed to know the history their team or you aren't much of a fan.
  5. Love how you changed the subject on this one.
  6. I wish we could trade politicians. Notley & futures for Brad Wall to Alberta.
  7. I remember when Cal Murphy raped Al Ford in October of 1983 when he traded qb Nicky Hall to the Riders for qb John Hufnagel. We went from Dieter Brock & Nicky Hall at the start of the season to Brock being traded to Hamilton in late August for Tom Clements & then we had Huff as a quality veteran backup. All of a sudden we had two of the best qbs in the CFL playing for us. I think the Hufnagel trade must've been done at the trade deadline as it happened in October as I recall.
  8. I don't think TSN will devote all day's programming to it that's for sure.
  9. Losers are losers. Who cares if you lose by 3 or 30? Looks good on you either way. Too bad you spoiled the season for every other team in the CFL by winning a game. I can tell you that most of the CFL wishes you were 0-18. Especially after the garbage your dickhead green Kool Aid drinking Rod Pederson spews from his mouth, the conspiracy claims against the Riders by yourself & a lunatic fanbase. Then you posted your Orridge is not welcome here in Regina comments. Just pathetic.
  10. I have said this to Stamps fans here in Calgary that once the Bombers start winning, truly winning, that IGF will be sold out every game. The place will be rockin'.
  11. Nice so complete sellout...
  12. What's the ticket count so far?
  13. Trump saying Clinton is hiding her health issues yet he hides his tax returns claims he's being audited. Trump calls her Lyin' Hillary. The man is a liar too. What a total moron the man is.
  14. The Riders are sure looking like a 1-17 team. They're consistently bad. They sure showed it on Sunday.
  15. If we see Willy on the field again as a starter one of 2 things has happened & they aren't good. One, we're losing again or two, Nicholls is injured. I want to see Nicholls as the starter right thru to the end of the season & playoffs. It probably means we've won a minimum of 10 games & MOS gets a new contract.
  16. That is one of the most pathetic posts I have ever read.
  17. I wish I was Commissioner. I'd put a stop to Pederson's comments. Make sure he'd never do it again. Even if I have to scream to Craig Reynolds & tear a strip off of him.
  18. I just want this guy to be punished if he is indeed an employee of the Riders.
  19. Collaros was lucky he wasn't injured again. Those blindside hits on qbs are scary.
  20. When was the NWMP established? In the 1880's when the CP Railroad was finished. There was very little of the law prior to that.
  21. Suitor showing he never actually saw the PI.... #minimal
  22. That should have been a horsecollar on Tasker by the Argos d back.
  23. Thanks Mark F. Yeah, I'm with you. Ray is like an automaton. No emotion, dink& dunk. Boring football.
  24. Rider fans stomping their feet in frustration. Led by Jones & Pederson.
  25. I don't own a gun. I never have & I never will. I have used my father's shot gun & rifle as a teen in grade 12 when I was interested in hunting. But I found out that I couldn't shoot an animal for sport. My heart would have been heavy had I killed an animal needlessly & thankfully I never did. After staring down some ducks in a blind & deliberately missing, I just put my shotgun down & told my dad I couldn't do it. So, I'm not a advocate of guns but as far as having 2 six shooters crossed on each shoulder of the Stamps jerseys, I could care less. However, I have no problem with the Stamps doing it.
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