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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Where is Nicholls going to go? I don't see any team looking for a number 1 qb.
  2. Let's not overreact. Backup quarterback is a difficult position to evaluate since you don't really slot one in for occasional plays like you could for almost every position. And I can't imagine he was brought in as an immediate solution. More like a project. My point is that there are young qbs available every off season. We can't keep every player we sign as projects because we're giving up too early on them.
  3. Or increases it. The weather is starting to turn which means KG is ready to start throwing terrible picks followed by the classic KG turtle and weak ass injury excuse like he always does. KG sucks and MTL can have him. You can spin this however you like, but the bottom line is Glenn is a better QB than anyone the Als had. Yeah I'll give you that but doesn't change KG's history of blowing it when all is on the line & blaming everyone but himself... When did Glenn blame anyone? He has always kept his thoughts to himself. Often, I remember KG's post-game comments being about how football doesn't really matter, or saying how it wasn't his fault etc. He never really owned up to mistakes or became a leader anywhere. That's why he floats around. Okay Mr Expert Coach. Carry on. Finally! Someone who recognizes my greatness and unmatched Football knowledge. I bow to your superior intellect.
  4. Cornish is injured. From what I hear it may be long term. Neck injury/concussion.
  5. Or increases it. The weather is starting to turn which means KG is ready to start throwing terrible picks followed by the classic KG turtle and weak ass injury excuse like he always does. KG sucks and MTL can have him. You can spin this however you like, but the bottom line is Glenn is a better QB than anyone the Als had. Yeah I'll give you that but doesn't change KG's history of blowing it when all is on the line & blaming everyone but himself... When did Glenn blame anyone? He has always kept his thoughts to himself. Often, I remember KG's post-game comments being about how football doesn't really matter, or saying how it wasn't his fault etc. He never really owned up to mistakes or became a leader anywhere. That's why he floats around. Okay Mr Expert Coach. Carry on.
  6. That doesn't make us Grey Cup contenders.
  7. Oops. Guess I'm the little guy poking the sleeping bear here. Davis might be an all star. Why cut any player we bring in from training camp thru the entire season as we're just giving up on them too early. Yeah, I'm wrong & you're right. So sorry.
  8. What were you expecting? There's not much that we have to give up. Not even a first round draft pick. Besides, we're more than one player away from a real GC contender.
  9. He's become a non factor. Hope he isn't back nest year.
  10. Or increases it. The weather is starting to turn which means KG is ready to start throwing terrible picks followed by the classic KG turtle and weak ass injury excuse like he always does. KG sucks and MTL can have him. You can spin this however you like, but the bottom line is Glenn is a better QB than anyone the Als had. Yeah I'll give you that but doesn't change KG's history of blowing it when all is on the line & blaming everyone but himself... Led two teams to the Grey Cup, and probably won 2007 if healthy. And still couldn't get it done with a great Calgary team and right after the game what did he say again??? Same old KG crap, oh it's not my fault I'm no leader, I'm only the starting QB...the defence rests. 2007 is woulda coulda but didn't play. Who knows...he probably would have crapped his pants in the 07 GC too. Did KG poke your girlfriend or what?
  11. I think people have reasons if that's their political perspective. And I am cool with that. Its the craziness that drives me nuts. Yes, same here as I hate craziness as well. I think had Harper called the election in September after the Duffy trial he may have done a lot better. A 79 day election was a strategic move that didn't work.
  12. McCallum should retire.Just go.
  13. Maybe not as many as you think. The Trudeau attack ads seemed to have backfired on the Conservatives. If anything, they've helped Trudeau & made the Conservatives out to be asshats. I think people first found them amusing, then annoying & then became angry after being bombarded by them in the past 8 months. I think it turned a lot of potential voters off from the Conservatives. This coming from a long time Conservative voter who may not vote for them this election. I really found those ads to be boneheadingly arrogant. Enough to turn me off. I disagree. I dont think the Liberal rise has anything to do with anything other then the decline of the NDP. And we knew this was possible. There was a lot of undecided and the second choice of both Liberals and NDP were each other. So realistically, if enough NDP supporters wanted Harper out more than they wanted Mulcair in, this was inevitable. It's not that simple. People vote the way they do for a reason & more likely it's a personal reason. Do you think all the anti Harper voters who were considering the NDP but changed their minds had this massive conference call where they all decided at once to vote for Trudeau? The NDP scare a lot of voters. It's not always the big things that make people change their minds but the little things as well. I'm sure that there were more than a few Conservative voters who got tired & annoyed with that ad & the way the party was conducting this election that made them support Trudeau. I'm considering supporting Trudeau solely just because of those damned stupid ads. More out of spite because the Conservatives treat us like we're stupid. I'm sure a lot of other voters feel the same way. The Conservatives blew it. No not all. Some. Enough. But again, not as cut & dried as you made it out to be, either.
  14. Crapinga is the kicker I was telling you guys about. He's going to be a good one.
  15. I guess our leaders are expected to wrestle bears. Or Lions.
  16. Maybe not as many as you think. The Trudeau attack ads seemed to have backfired on the Conservatives. If anything, they've helped Trudeau & made the Conservatives out to be asshats. I think people first found them amusing, then annoying & then became angry after being bombarded by them in the past 8 months. I think it turned a lot of potential voters off from the Conservatives. This coming from a long time Conservative voter who may not vote for them this election. I really found those ads to be boneheadingly arrogant. Enough to turn me off. I disagree. I dont think the Liberal rise has anything to do with anything other then the decline of the NDP. And we knew this was possible. There was a lot of undecided and the second choice of both Liberals and NDP were each other. So realistically, if enough NDP supporters wanted Harper out more than they wanted Mulcair in, this was inevitable. It's not that simple. People vote the way they do for a reason & more likely it's a personal reason. Do you think all the anti Harper voters who were considering the NDP but changed their minds had this massive conference call where they all decided at once to vote for Trudeau? The NDP scare a lot of voters. It's not always the big things that make people change their minds but the little things as well. I'm sure that there were more than a few Conservative voters who got tired & annoyed with that ad & the way the party was conducting this election that made them support Trudeau. I'm considering supporting Trudeau solely just because of those damned stupid ads. More out of spite because the Conservatives treat us like we're stupid. I'm sure a lot of other voters feel the same way. The Conservatives blew it.
  17. Rider fans are complaining how badly Brendan Labatte is playing. Seems like about the same level as Picard. Looks like the former Bobsey Twins are on their last legs as starters.
  18. I am insulting people because I point out their hypocrisy? Really. What thin-skins we all have. You insulted the people you called idiots. We can agree that there is a problem with thin skin in this thread. Yes, because the NDP are idiots. In my humble opinion. Especially the ones that lie, constantly. My respect for those that tolerate the constant lying, in the name of partisanship, is extremely low too. ABTNDP
  19. Maybe not as many as you think. The Trudeau attack ads seemed to have backfired on the Conservatives. If anything, they've helped Trudeau & made the Conservatives out to be asshats. I think people first found them amusing, then annoying & then became angry after being bombarded by them in the past 8 months. I think it turned a lot of potential voters off from the Conservatives. This coming from a long time Conservative voter who may not vote for them this election. I really found those ads to be boneheadingly arrogant. Enough to turn me off.
  20. The Stamps have a rider on a horse who gallops up & down the sideline after a Calgary touchdown. The redblacks have a guy dressed as a lumberjack cut through a log with a chainsaw. Lame. Lame. Lame. Ummm people, we have a guy riding a lawn tractor with wings... Lawn tractors don't go that fast. It's a golf cart. At least we don't have a guy sawing a dead tree. That is about as boring as it gets.
  21. MOS & Wylie like Picard over Goosen as the starter so I agree there is no conspiracy.
  22. Or increases it. The weather is starting to turn which means KG is ready to start throwing terrible picks followed by the classic KG turtle and weak ass injury excuse like he always does. KG sucks and MTL can have him. You can spin this however you like, but the bottom line is Glenn is a better QB than anyone the Als had. Yeah I'll give you that but doesn't change KG's history of blowing it when all is on the line & blaming everyone but himself... When did Glenn blame anyone? He has always kept his thoughts to himself.
  23. The Stamps have a rider on a horse who gallops up & down the sideline after a Calgary touchdown. The redblacks have a guy dressed as a lumberjack cut through a log with a chainsaw. Lame. Lame. Lame. Now if you had the guy with the chainsaw cut off a leg of that horse as it runs by and gallop around the stadium waving it.....that could be the start of an interesting feud. LOL! And PETA going crazy. I just watch that sawing of a log on tv & go, what??? I guess they give those things with a redblack logo on it to celebrities.
  24. The Stamps have a rider on a horse who gallops up & down the sideline after a Calgary touchdown. The redblacks have a guy dressed as a lumberjack cut through a log with a chainsaw. Lame. Lame. Lame.
  25. That Kool Aid is red not green.
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