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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Exactly. And we need to give him the team around him to win. We aren't there yet. Nichols can only be as good as the players surrounding him offensively, defensively & ST wise.
  2. Don't know why we can't. We were willing to go after Muamba & throw a ton of money at him to sign here. He just decided on more tons of money in Montreal (ha, ha) & signed there. I'll take our top 2 qbs over the top 2 Alouettes qbs any day of the week. If Nicholls is allowed to leave during free agency then that's just bad asset management by Walters.
  3. Bad attitude & injuries killed his career. You don't scream at offensive linemen on the field. You don't get in Jon Cornish's face if he hits the wrong hole when he's the team MVP. You don't scream at John Hufnagel on the sidelines which he did. You don't tell TSN at halftime of a playoff game (as a joke) that you got a head injury & don't remember the first half at all then play the entire second half which started a league investigation & got former head physiotherapist Pat Clayton, the team doctors & Hufnagel in trouble with the league. Dave Dickenson had to prepare Tate differently than his other qbs for the games as he was high as a kite beforehand. He had to calm Tate down somehow. He never sat with his teammates or talked to any players or coaches between series preferring to be alone & if anyone came near him including Dickenson he'd snarl at them. i think he's matured & learned his lesson. I think he'd be a lot calmer now than before. The guy has talent but some of the things Tate did just sounded like he was very self centred & as soon as BLM was ready the Stamps coaches made the switch. From everything I've read, Mitchell is the exact opposite of Tate. The man is cool, calm & collected on the field & on the sidelines. I think the injuries got to Tate thinking if anyone messes up it just means he could be back on the bench again off the field so he took everything to heart too much & let it get to him.
  4. Or they just believe to a man that they will never lose. I've been on teams like that. You just look down the bench & maybe focus on one or two teammates or players & say to yourself with those guys we just can't lose & then go out & play harder & win. It's pretty powerful stuff. Amazing how a team can find ways to win when they believe in themselves. There is no doubt in their minds. That & the fact the Stamps have been winning close games all season so being behind with 2 minutes left doesn't bother them... They don't panic.
  5. The Machine must have been down for maintenace those days.
  6. Given how corrupt the government is, they should have their own guns. That's the reason for the 2nd amendment. To defend against tyranny. And right now, they're borderline. The gun ad was just downright bizarre. Nevada is just a strange place to begin with anyway. If I was an alien that would be the state I'd live in as no one would notice.
  7. Snow was awful. Everytime his Informer song came on the radio murderous thoughts entered my mind.
  8. Specifically, what resources is Wally not getting from Brakey? If it's anything like the Argos, the budget is being squeezed on football ops.
  9. Remember the blast 20 years ago in the Western US that was carried out by survivalists that killed many people & levelled a federal building? I'm afraid the wack jobs in the the northern Idaho mountains would come out of the wood work on this.
  10. Wally has had a great career but unless he is given the resources by Braley, he'll be done. Reminds me of the Argos this season & last under Barker. Braley just grinds & grinds & grinds... At least the Argos are almost out of his hands.
  11. Pretty much the only true thing you've said in unnecessary back-to-back posts.... Well, with all due respect & I do respect what you have to say, you're no more of an expert here than I am. You think the Bombers are a winning team if Willy plays every game. I don't agree for reasons already stated. But that's okay as both our opinions carry the same weight here. You very well could be right & I'm wrong. I won't deny it.
  12. Willy is a big piece of the puzzle making us an eventual winner. But like every unfinished jig saw puzzle there's still a lot of pieces that need to be put together. I'd say were 1/2 of the way there... Annnnd.... I don't think we have the people in charge to finish it. But that's just me.
  13. At the time that info was reported it was thought he was signing with the Eskimos.And if you read the tweet I posted from the Als official feed, they say 2 years. One of those "2 years" might include remainder of this year.It means this season and next - just like you posted before. Not what they said on TSN today. This year plus 2 TSN was wrong. @JacquieWinnipeg: @HerbZurkowsky1 Confused about Muamba contract. Als tweeted it was 2 years which means this season and next season, doesn't it? @HerbZurkowsky1: @JacquieWinnipeg yes Nice work, Jacquie.
  14. With Willy maybe 8-10 or 9-9. No knock on Willy as he's a good qb but this team still has a lot of holes. He can't elevate this team anymore than that. Our National talent still isn't where it should be & Walters hasn't brought in enough quality International players.
  15. I just don't get why the Als (Poppp) would spend so much $$$ on Muamba & cheap out on the qb position. Put someone like Glenn at the qb position & they're GC contenders.
  16. No way we're a 10 win team. Even if all the stars aligned...
  17. Never happen. The NRA & the right wing Republicans would fight gun control like it is the end of the world. I know some Americans who pack handguns. They feel that carrying a weapon is the only way to protect themselves. I was in a small town in Nevada a year ago this month. Guy walked into the gas station where I was at filling up & was "proudly" displaying the gun he was carrying. He made sure everyone knew he was packing. Being Canadian it was a strange sight & a little scary. On the local radio an ad came on preaching the virtues of buying a gun at a local gun store & saying that owning a gun protects oneself & their families from criminals. How do you suppose you overcome things like that? I think some people down there are so twisted they'd look upon any kind of gun control as the start of a civil war.
  18. funny thing: According to Stamps media, BLM isn't the consensus choice for the Stamps right now, because of the season Eric Rogers is having. He's their MOP right now... Rodgers will probably finish with nearly 1,500 yards receiving. BLM hasn't had an outstanding year. He's lucky to be on a team with so much talent around him which is why the Stamps win. Rodgers is having a great season..
  19. Cummings & Bachman as young fans head explode...
  20. Trump would be all over this & get that ******* elected. It'd never work.
  21. That is one thought. But it's very odd for him. He's a supreme compNy guy and ratifs are tanking and he just regained the U.S. title. It's odd he's leave now. There is also talk it could be family health. His brother reportedly has cancer. Just don't give the US Championship back to Rollins.
  22. Yeah, the problem is the NRA. If it was up to them, they'd arm 6 year olds & tell them to stand their ground. Just complete dipshits. I don't like Obama but he was right yesterday when he said it's all politics.
  23. Popp always wanted to be the head coach as he thinks he's better than anyone else which is funny. He's a position coach calibre & that is it.
  24. Ways to go yet. Likely needs to at least get to the GC as an OC. Let's see if he can develop a young qb.
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