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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Thanks for an inside look into the wrestling biz.
  2. He is all of those things, but he is also this season very emotional which leads to irrational arguments that he just keeps hammering away on even if other people show him to be in the wrong, at which point he takes it as a personal slight. I respect his opinion, but when he starts in the old man yelling at clouds act I just roll my eyes. I saw one of your posts today or yesterday where you called out another member & used ***** & ***** twice in a sentence calling them out. If that isn't yelling & showing disrespect then I don't know what it is. You know that I also respect your opinion but please don't point fingers at me & say I yell & scream like an old man at members when you do it here as well. Long time members know you have a temper as well.
  3. I'm not sure if you understand the term competitive anymore. You own this site so you have the last word on everything. Yep, you're right. I'm wrong. That's the way it is as you're always right anyway. Let's just end this. You win. Step 1: Something upsets Iso. Step 2: Iso starts ranting and raving. Step 3: Iso gets called on it by another MBB member. Step 4: Iso whines and makes a big stink about how the person who called him on his anger is making it personal. **WE ARE HERE** Step 5: Iso apologizes about making a big deal out of it, says sorry for letting his emotions get the best of him. Rinse, wash, repeat. Let me know when we get to step 1 again, step 5 is worthless at this point. Yeah, Mike. Well done. Have a a nice day. I don't give a **** anymore.
  4. Not sure MOS gives a **** what anyone thinks. I wouldn't be surprised if more Bomber brass read here than you might think.
  5. I taught a few people here...not sure if he was one of them. On behalf of those that teach...we apologize for helping him out. He did after all look like a lame lobotomized dog at the time, so we were just trying to give him a boost. So, it was YOU!!!!!
  6. If I was Austin, I'd do whatever I can to pry him out of Saskatchewan. Who knows how close the Cats will ever be again to winning a GC? This is their shot. They have to take it.
  7. I'm not sure if you understand the term competitive anymore. You own this site so you have the last word on everything. Yep, you're right. I'm wrong. That's the way it is as you're always right anyway. Let's just end this. You win.
  8. I once had a discussion like this when we had a coaches meeting years ago. We began to discuss bantam football rankings. We were in third place having lost to the two teams ahead of us. The game between us & the second place team was close where we lost by something like a FG as I recall. It was the late 90's or early 2000's so I can't remember the score The other coach felt that we should be ranked ahead of the second place team because we lost by something like 18 points to the first place team, yet the second place team lost by 30 to the first place team therefore he thought we were better & should be ranked second. He didn't care that the second place team beat us already. I just went WTF?? He was completely serious & nothing anyone could say changed his mind so after about 10 minutes of back & forth yelling we just moved on. Kinda like we should do here.
  9. The entire season or am I missing something? Oh yeah, Stoudemire fumbled & we lost. Almost means what? Close only counts in horseshoes. As much as I'd like it to be, even with Willy we can't hang with Calgary over an entire season. They have too much talent on that roster that we don't have. Yeah, that game in July was close but I don't judge on just one game, sorry.
  10. Haha wow, talk about arguing semantics! Okay then you explain... if you can't tell the difference. Let's say we lose to Calgary 28-27 this week... Person 1: well we were at least competitive in that game Person 2: we held up with the class of the league, this team is incredibly competitive... It's all perspective... that's all I'm saying i don't look upon it like that. Incredibly Competitive WERE the Ti Cats before Collaros got hurt coasting to the playoffs at full speed dismantling teams at home. Or the Stamps cruising along, maybe in close games but finding ways to win at the end. Competitive teams are those that win 1 lose 2 or win 2, lose 3 but are 8-10 or 9-9 at seasons end. We were 3-3 when Willy got hurt so we were competive. On any given day we could beat the best or lose to the worst. Willy gave us a chance to win every game but if people think we were good enough to hang with Hamilton or Calgary with Drew Willy before he was injured then they were wrong. I don't disagree with you but others may see it differently... someone might call the Stamps and Cats the class of the league and don't use "competitive" as the adjective... while saying that Toronto and Ottawa have been "incredibly competitive"... which the Bombers, arguable, could be with Willy... again, it's all about perspective... I'll I'm saying it you were essentially arguing someone's use of adjectives when you are basically intending the same thing... Mike said Incredibly Competitive, not me. I have never used that term in my entire life. I've always just said Competitive because either you are or you aren't.
  11. Bomber fans are among the most loyal anywhere. We put up with a lot so I was just having a bit of fun.
  12. Actually, going into the game Willy got hurt .. we were in first place .. Weren't we 3-4 or 3-5 when Willy got hurt? 3-3 going into the game. So 2nd place, I believe. That sounds more like it.
  13. Haha wow, talk about arguing semantics! Okay then you explain... if you can't tell the difference. Let's say we lose to Calgary 28-27 this week... Person 1: well we were at least competitive in that game Person 2: we held up with the class of the league, this team is incredibly competitive... It's all perspective... that's all I'm saying i don't look upon it like that. Incredibly Competitive WERE the Ti Cats before Collaros got hurt coasting to the playoffs at full speed dismantling teams at home. Or the Stamps cruising along, maybe in close games but finding ways to win at the end. Competitive teams are those that win 1 lose 2 or win 2, lose 3 but are 8-10 or 9-9 at seasons end. We were 3-3 when Willy got hurt so we were competive. On any given day we could beat the best or lose to the worst. Willy gave us a chance to win every game but if people think we were good enough to hang with Hamilton or Calgary with Drew Willy before he was injured then they were wrong.
  14. Actually, going into the game Willy got hurt .. we were in first place .. Weren't we 3-4 or 3-5 when Willy got hurt?
  15. Haha wow, talk about arguing semantics! Okay then you explain... if you can't tell the difference.
  16. 1-17 or 3-15 does it matter? Hamilton had a potential GC championship team with Collaros. Now, they'll be lucky to win the East Final if they make it that far. They need an experienced qb like Glenn even have a fair chance to win a championship. The Riders are going nowhere with Glenn.
  17. Winnipeg cheap. LOL!
  18. Incredibly competitive? Just when I thought you & I maybe had reached some common ground. We aren't incredibly competitive with Willy. We are just competitive. We weren't in first place setting the CFL on fire when he got hurt like Collaros was in Hamilton. Without Willy, we seem lost at the qb position & everything that is bad about this football team just rears its ugly head. But who cares, this team was bound to fail just as Willy was bound to get hurt. Arguing about what ifs are a waste of time. BTW, I just read your post about MOS after I posted mine & I agree 100%.. Coaching is killing this team. That was a very good post, Mike.
  19. The reality is that the injury that took Willy out of the lineup for multiple games was going to happen sooner or later. So the idea of Willy staying healthy and keeping the Bombers competitive for an entire year is just a fantasy. This, I agree with. With the protection we were providing him? No way was a full year in the cards. Sadly. It is sad. As much as I'd like to agree with you Mike about being a 9-9 team with Willy playing every game as we all want the Bombers to win, we just have too many holes on our roster to be really competitive. I like Drew Willy a lot. He's our qb & glad we have him but he really needs help. Coaching & player wise to be successful & he's not getting any of it.
  20. I don't agree with that. Maybe a couple wins more than now. They're 6-12 or 7-11 with Willy. Still nowhere near good enough. That doesn't even make any sense. When Drew Willy finished a game this year, they were 3-1 ... even when you count the one he left late, we're 3-2 So you think he stays healthy the rest of the year and only manages at best 4-9? Yep. You seem to forget that we were 5-1 last season & then went 2-11 the rest of the way with Willy as the starter. I don't see much of a difference between last year's team & this year's on offense. We don't have the offensive line to make a difference like last year. We don't have good coaching on the offensive side of the football like last year. Thanks to Ritchie Hall, our defense is average to slightly above maybe but it's improving. However, the defense can't hold us in every game when the offense can't move the football. Our Special teams coverage is horrible & has been all season. We don't have the talent & the Bombers are not a very good team.I like Drew Willy but he wouldn't make that much of a difference, I believe. If you didn't see the difference between Drew Willy this year and Drew Willy last year, I don't know what to tell you. The guy clearly took steps as a QB. I think saying we could have been hovering around .500 is a very fair, cautious estimate. Like I said, we were a competitive football team. Maybe you've forgotten what Drew Willy was like earlier this year because we've been forced to watch absolute garbage ever since then, but he was operating at a very high level and it was pretty clear he had taken the next step in his development. Was he a finished product, a complete QB? No. But the strides he had made were obvious and we weren't going to be a 3-10 team the rest of the way with him. i never said Willy didn't develop. I said there are too many holes around him talent wise for him to make a huge difference. Until those holes are filled, with Willy or without him we're stuck where we are.
  21. Good & bad news for Sting. No broken neck but career may be over. I still think Seth is irresponsible with his power bomb into the turnbuckle. I think he did that twice to Sting in his match & the second one did the damage. http://whatculture.com/wwe/sting-neck-injury-update-hospital-tests-revealed.php
  22. The reality is that the injury that took Willy out of the lineup for multiple games was going to happen sooner or later. So the idea of Willy staying healthy and keeping the Bombers competitive for an entire year is just a fantasy. Add to the fact our coaching staff & Walters actually thought Marve & Brohm could start & play well so they sat on their fat asses all last off season at the qb position just points out how bad things are with this team. I mean, they weren't even close in their evaluations.
  23. Okay Mike, whatever. People use hyperbole all the time. They banter around 6-12 or 5-13 as it means poor to mediocre. So, people here do have a clue whether you like it or not.
  24. I don't agree with that. Maybe a couple wins more than now. They're 6-12 or 7-11 with Willy. Still nowhere near good enough. That doesn't even make any sense. When Drew Willy finished a game this year, they were 3-1 ... even when you count the one he left late, we're 3-2 So you think he stays healthy the rest of the year and only manages at best 4-9? Yep. You seem to forget that we were 5-1 last season & then went 2-11 the rest of the way with Willy as the starter. I don't see much of a difference between last year's team & this year's on offense. We don't have the offensive line to make a difference like last year. We don't have good coaching on the offensive side of the football like last year. Thanks to Ritchie Hall, our defense is average to slightly above maybe but it's improving. However, the defense can't hold us in every game when the offense can't move the football. Our Special teams coverage is horrible & has been all season. We don't have the talent & the Bombers are not a very good team.I like Drew Willy but he wouldn't make that much of a difference, I believe.
  25. I don't agree with that. Maybe a couple wins more than now. They're 6-12 or 7-11 with Willy. Still nowhere near good enough.
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