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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Bryan may never wrestle again with that neck injury. How did he injure it originally?
  2. Thanks. When I was made the head coach by the Calgary Bantam Football Association in January of 2004 they gave me a bag of 6 footballs & four tackling dummies (not kidding) & that was it. I had roughly 6 months to find coaches, a place to practice, a clubhouse, an equipment manager & a team manager as well as recruit players. It was a huge challenge & almost a full time job that first year. We created the board so we could take advantage of government grants available to sports team as well as being able to fund raise so we could grow as an organization. Yes, our board hired head coaches. The Board did not hire assistants. But we did do as much background checks as we could on prospective HC candidates. All of the candidates we hired were local Calgary coaches so they were fairly well known.
  3. So just so I know, how many times will you have to be told that the BoD had NOTHING to do with any of those hires except for Wade Miller? Ultimately, the **** falls on the BOD if the underling hirings don't work out. I'm guessing you haven't been on a lot of boards. I have experience on one here in Calgary. We did hire 3 head football coaches for 3 different community teams under the same organization when I was on that board over 3 years from 2004 thru 2006. I actually helped set up that very board as our first bantam team went from being an expansion team being run exclusively by the league that set it up to a team part of that league but acting independent of it decisions wise. Under the board, our organization grew from one bantam team with 34 kids (ages 13-15) to 2 atom teams (ages 8-10), a pee wee team (ages 11 & 12) & a midget team (ages 15-17) with nearly 200 players.
  4. As much as you seem to think otherwise MOS is going nowhere. Learn to accept thatWalter won't fire O'Shea.Save his ass he might.If I was a GM I'd never hire a friend to be a HC. That way if I have to fire the coach, I'm not destroying a friendship so there'd be no second guessing or regret. My conscience would be clear.How many times does it need to be said that Walters and O'Shea were NOT friends when O'Shea was hired.Everything I read says they were friends.Links or it didn't happen. No thanks. How am I supposed to find a link? it's what I've read & heard. You choose to not believe well I don't care. If you've read it then there should be a link somewhere. Then you find it if it means so much to prove me wrong.
  5. As much as you seem to think otherwise MOS is going nowhere. Learn to accept thatWalter won't fire O'Shea.Save his ass he might.If I was a GM I'd never hire a friend to be a HC. That way if I have to fire the coach, I'm not destroying a friendship so there'd be no second guessing or regret. My conscience would be clear.How many times does it need to be said that Walters and O'Shea were NOT friends when O'Shea was hired.Everything I read says they were friends.Links or it didn't happen. No thanks. How am I supposed to find a link? it's what I've read & heard. You choose to not believe well I don't care.
  6. So just so I know, how many times will you have to be told that the BoD had NOTHING to do with any of those hires except for Wade Miller? Ultimately, the **** falls on the BOD if the underling hirings don't work out.
  7. So, tampering? Hey, that'll cost the Riders five grand.
  8. Only wins are going to save him. All this other stuff means nothing. If he goes 1-7 or 0-8 remainder of the season he's gone.
  9. My five all time (heavy on the AWA) Nick Bockwinkel Baron Von Rashke Bobby Heenan (As a manager) Dr X Steve Austin
  10. Its true. IN general in drafts teams tend to fall in love with guys with high up side. Especially at OL where deviant skills are a great rarity. Id say its the hardest position next to QB to project college guys to pro at. I dont think you can ever under value a lineman who has technical skill and who does the base things right. stay low, use his hands well with good punch move etc. Deviant skills?
  11. Angle had had so many injuries that I wonder how good of a worker he still is. I never watch TNA so I don't know how he has fared much since leaving WWE. I know Angle went thru a messy divorce that became part of his storyline a few years ago & has had had addiction & drinking problems as well. I think from everything I've read that he has a lot of issues & the WWE may not want him back. I remember Angle before he left WWE. He was on top of his game & was quite funny doing his promos. I really enjoyed what he did in WWE.
  12. The video I posted of Kavis was a JOKE. A JOKE, people. Get a grip. Kavis lost it saying in the video that there had to be consequences & there weren't. Why wouldn't anyone take that 10 second video for what it was... a joke? I didn't think I had to explain it.
  13. You keep saying Top 5 like it means something. So who are the top 5 in your opinion? Well, let's see... Cena, Rollins, Orton, Undertaker, Lesnar. Orton is unfortunately being used in that snoozefest feud with Sheamus. It looks like it will never end.
  14. So we make a bunch of changes and when they still suck because they don't have the proper base in place do we fire everyone in 2 more years and keep repeating the cycle? If you think that's a good idea then you really don't see what I'm saying at all. Be patient and give these guys a proper chance. Yeah it's hard, yeah it's frustrating, yeah it sucks, but patience is the key here. Say we have 26,000 hard core fans who care about the team & the majority of those fans are angry & now feeling disengaged. The majority want changes (which I think most will)... you'll be in the minority. Your points may be valid but won't be listened to so there will be changes. BTW I do think your points are valid.
  15. If MOS goes 7-11 last year & say 5-13 this season how can the team sell patience? The record means that in 2 seasons there's been no improvement whatever. If Miller thinks he can stand pat with this group managing, scouting & coaching the team then he's in a dream world as fans won't buy it. There'll be 15,000 fans at IGF next season & it'll be a disaster. I understand what you're saying 17 to 85 but the team can't realistically stand pat if that happens. Futility means changes. The more futility the more there are changes. That's the nature of the beast here.
  16. You know what.. It doesn't bother me that we haven't won a Grey Cup in twenty four years, what bothers me is that we havent even been remotely competitive in the past eleven seasons. We've had two winning seasons in those eleven years, and in those two winning seasons we had 10 wins. a 10 win football club is an average team in my eyes and we've barely even hit that level of mediocrity. Bothers me.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p48V64dD0vA
  18. Do you really think MOS is going to say at his presser, "Yes, if we don't win this week and the offense still sucks, I'm firing Marcel"? Oshea says nothing at the best of times.
  19. No. Want to build a winner with multiple championships.
  20. It's a dismal record. Nothing to be proud of at all. I think it does show just how loyal a fanbase the Bombers have putting up with just 8 winning seasons the last 24 years. That's about the only positive I can take from this.
  21. Well, the firing was something that had to be done. The ST unit was not very good & giving up too many busted plays. MOS should be able to handle HC & STC duties. Remains to be seen if there is an improvement.
  22. Going to be hard to just carry on like nothing is wrong if we are 3-15 or 4-14 at the end of the season. May not be much of a blow up as there's not much there to begin with.
  23. MOS not wanting to talk. He'd rather pull out his teeth with no anesthetic.
  24. The defence didn't make any plays, they are just as culpable as the offense and special teams for the loss.The defence made enough plays to give the offence a fighting chance. Problem is...there was no offence to give the defence a fighting chance.Who forced the 1st turnover? The defence. Who held the Sask offence to 2 FGs in the 1st half? Guess. Did the defence not stop the Riders to kick in the 3rd quarter, only to have the STs give the ball back? Did the defence fumble on the 22 yard line and give the Riders an easy TD? Did the defence call an absolutely terrible pass completion to an out-of-bounds rider at the 1 yard line? The defence was guilty of a penalty-aided drive that resulted in a TD...that was started by the contacting the kicker penalty. I don't blame the defence one iota for that ****-show...just the play calling. The Riders had 2 TD's called back on their own penalties or this thing was over before the Bombers even got the wind back. what a dumb argument.. those TDs dont happen without said penalties.. our d did their job minus dumb dumb penalties.. worst one was not on them tho.. willies st penalty crushed us. Agree. Defense played great until they ran out of gas. They deserved better from our O & STs.
  25. Well, Miller must think Bomber fans are totally stupid trying to sell that load of crap.They're in for a shock. Should be a real interesting last 8 games.
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