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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I dunno. How many really good games have we seen this year even with the rule changes? Look at last night, it was billed as a defensive struggle but it was a blow out for the Cats. Fans aren't coming out to the games live because I think ticket prices are too high & if the bad games keep happening then ratings will suffer which could hurt the next tv deal. The Grey Cup may not sell out in a reduced 36,000 seat venue & don't the Bombers & Winnipeg look great over that?? The CFL has to sit down & figure out how to fix this. Reducing the ratio may have to be the way to go.
  2. Wally gutted the Lions. He interfered too much as a GM. The trouble with Buono is his huge ego & the fact he thinks he is the best coach the Lions have. He may be but the trouble is he is the elephant in the room just like Jim Popp is in Montreal.
  3. That Pffefer guy is good & was cut by the Argos... Not saying we should bring him in but from what I saw he's better than a lot of long time employed kickers
  4. It's not just the Grey Cup but it's game day tickets all across the CFL.They're too expensive. But the CFL doesn't seem to get it even though it is painfully obvious with all the empty seats we see every game on TSN. I live in Calgary & if I bought a game day ticket say on a whim an hour before game time I could be paying $85 for a single seat on the 25 yard line. How can a family of 3 or 4 afford it?? In the past few years, the CFL has lost site of its fanbase, I believe. One thing I'll give the Bombers credit for is the Flex Packs.If I lived in Winnipeg,I'd definitely purchase 2 of them. In Calgary, the Stamps won't even consider that option.
  5. Any guy who wants a Joseph Aboud suit has to be a Ryan Seacrest skinny rake clone & able to run down stairs like Clark Kent looking for a phone booth.
  6. Yeah, CBC should be like PBS. Have great documentaries & beg for money. Beg, I'd like that.
  7. Nope move MOS back to special teams coach with Higgins experience we are a better team.Take the blinders off.Wow! Seriously? You honestly think that you could call in your HC, tell him he's being demoted and he'd happily clean out his office for the new guy. What ever it is you're smoking, cut back, seriously...What's the difference between that and sitting a player?MOS always says it's about the team not individuals so who knows? Would he sacrifice for the team? No... That just isn't done. He'd have to be fired, Hence it won't happen.
  8. What did Higgins do to deserve that? Oh yeah, the Als beat BC in Vancouver for the first time since 2001 last night. Popp wanted to be the HC. Remember he almost quit on Wettenhall 2 years ago when he hired Higgins as he was actively searching for an NFL gig. Popp has become a joke.
  9. I finance a car but I'd never finance football tickets. If I can't afford the price I don' tgo.
  10. So, we lost the NHL outdoor game & now Grey Cup tix aren't selling. How much of this falls on Wade Miller?
  11. People don't want to watch a Grey Cup game in Winnipeg at the end of November. It could be minu 30. If the Riders hadn't got to the GC in 2013 I wonder how many out of towners would've wanted to go to Regina?
  12. Embedded it for you. How do you do that?
  13. Who knows, the quality of football this year isn't very good right across the league. I guess it's called parity. More like mediocrity.
  14. An offensive line that actually blocked. What a concept!
  15. Kudos to his agent for being savvy enough to use social media to get his client what he wants. You'll no doubt be seeing more of these types of tactics in the future.Glad Simmons is in our line-up for sure. How're you going to like it when it's one of our players? Kudos??Isn't that pretty much what Grigsby did last year? Oh, but that's different.
  16. Kudos to his agent for being savvy enough to use social media to get his client what he wants. You'll no doubt be seeing more of these types of tactics in the future. Glad Simmons is in our line-up for sure. How're you going to like it when it's one of our players? Kudos??
  17. You think Chungh is better than Bryant? Chungh has been just as bad as everyone else... he's getting a pass because he's a rookie. Yes, he should get a pass. Disturbing that Goosen can't crack this sad sack unit. Can't afford to keep blowing first round picks.
  18. Funny no mention of being with the Stampeders. #expunged Look in the second sentence lol Ha,ha. Missed it. Joke's on me.
  19. In 2012, I was in Monterey,CA & went into a store owned by a retired former US Air Force officer. He saw my Jets jersey i was wearing & was so impressed with the logo honouring the RCAF as he'd never seen it before. He said that he'd follow the Jets & was a fan from that point on. edit (voodoochylde): removed verbiage of .. questionable taste.
  20. I think that was in part of the video that ISO put up. They talked about that. It was ridiculous how the politician was like "I was on the great wall of china with my Bucks jersey on and some chinese person came up to me and said that he knew the bucks were basketball team....that means something". It was the lamest thing I ever heard. Actually it was me that put up the video ... and yes, I'm pretty sure the arena in Milwaukee was the impetus for that entire segment... That's what I said...the video that bearpants put up...can't you read?!?! *cough*...runs away. That's okay, I'll take the credit. I'm a credit *****.
  21. As a wise young man once said, "Stupid is as stupid does".
  22. Anyone on the offensive line except Chungh. Take your pick.
  23. Funny, no mention of ever being with the Stamps. #expunged
  24. Especially since he's retired.
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