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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Who are CFL qbs going into free agency this off season? I'd like to see us sign a decent veteran qb with experience to back up Willy. Not Kevin Glenn btw. Now, maybe Marve is that guy, I guess we'll find out.
  2. Because he is The Donald & he can.
  3. So much for Desjardins having a master plan to get him back. Desjardins has a master plan to get a snack. The football stuff, that will all fall into place on it's own. So much for Desjardins having a master plan to get him back. Desjardins has a master plan to get a snack. The football stuff, that will all fall into place on it's own. Sorta like a budget balancing itself kinda thing.
  4. This story appeared in the Calgary Herald this past Monday: http://www.calgarysun.com/2015/08/18/calgary-stampeders-jasper-simmons-agent-speak-about-issues
  5. So much for Desjardins having a master plan to get him back.
  6. Looks like his past caught up with him.
  7. I'm happy Simmons signed with the Bombers. I just hope he comes in & plays hard & isn't a headcase or that his agent doesn't turn out to be difficult to deal with.
  8. Getting over the Bow River north & southbound on Crowchild Trail is bad enough weekdays. It starts backing up in the morning by the U of C southbound until 9 or 9;30 am & northbound at 3 pm.
  9. They would obviously be doing a lot of changes to the traffic flow there. To be honest I don't think it'd be all that much worse than where Mcmahon is now for traffic. There's some ****** up places down there but it all seems to be changing anyway because they know it's ****** up. ******* eh!
  10. I'm sure a big chunk of those fans are driving in from Calgary for the game. Considering it's only half Stampeder fans at McMahon for games against the Riders, not even a chance. Obviously some, but not many. That's total bullshit. That's why I hate & totally disrespect the Rider fanbase when they post total garbage like this. The Stamps have 24,000 season tickets in a 35.000 seat stadium. So how do nearly 20,000 Rider fans get in? Most of the fans there cheering for the Riders are drunken douchebags. Give me a frigging break. It's actually pretty basic Saskatchewan math... There's 30,000 people at a game... 3,000 are Rider fans... 50/50 split... not sure what's so hard to understand here? What? Huh?
  11. With the C Train it's still easier to get to than somewhere far & gone on Stony Trail. I'd say at least twenty thousand fans use the C Train to go to McMahon Stadium for Stamps games so we really don't know how this complex will impact traffic although I agree with you traffic is nuts there. With this complex it's pretty clear that the Powers That Be don't want Calgarians like me using our cars.
  12. I'm sure a big chunk of those fans are driving in from Calgary for the game. Considering it's only half Stampeder fans at McMahon for games against the Riders, not even a chance. Obviously some, but not many. That's total bullshit. That's why I hate & totally disrespect the Rider fanbase when they post total garbage like this. The Stamps have 24,000 season tickets in a 35.000 seat stadium. So how do nearly 20,000 Rider fans get in? Most of the fans there cheering for the Riders are drunken douchebags. Give me a frigging break.
  13. Donald Trump as President? OMFG!
  14. The City of Calgary will own the facilities if the project is built.
  15. Which is a handful of boneheaded plays by players in almost half a season. On the whole special teams have been average to good. Take away a handful of bad kicks by Hajrullahu and Stoudermire being a dummy and they are good. Should we get a punter or be patient with Hajrullahu? I think it would be a great idea to bring in a punter and let Lirim stick to FGs... only if he's Canadian though... no use in DI-ing a guy just to punt... Sean Whyte is looking for work.
  16. MTS Centre is not at all a comparable funding model to the Calgary proposal. 90 Million funding - True North 44 million - 3 levels of government Calgary proposal calls for the majority to be funded by the gov't and they haven't even factored in the remediation costs. World of difference between $44 million and $690 million. Nope, juuuust a bit outside regarding cost of cleanup. Between $50 million & $300 million according to Flames Ken King. Interesting how the Prov of AB & The City of Calgary handled the creosote contamination over the years. The Prov is responsible for the cleanup unless the City moves the dirt first. Then they have to pay the entire cost of the cleanup so the site has sat empty with nothing being done for half a century. Meanwhile in 2013, the massive flood sent creosote everywhere. The Provincial & civic politicians are total asshats & should be ashamed. Now that Calgarians know the story you can bet they'll want to get the site cleaned up. And here's the kicker... The company that contaminated the site was allowed to walk away with no liability for clean up by AB Environment leaving taxpayers on the hook for the cost of remediation which King says is unprecedented just about anywhere. But that was our wuvable Towies & why after 44 years they finally got turfed even by the NDP.
  17. Can I come? We can be roommates. #NeelixtoTuvok http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/memoryalpha/images/0/0b/Neelix-tuvok-caretaker.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20050708090424&path-prefix=en
  18. They might have to wait that long to get Nenshi voted out of power and get someone "more favourable to the cause" voted in...... http://calgaryherald.com/sports/hockey/nhl/calgary-flames/flames-reveal-details-of-900m-downtown-arena-stadium-planSo what is a 240 mill Community Revitalization Levy? Sounds like a tax. Provincial funding. Oh. Ok. I'm believing you. Did Edmonton get Provincial Funding for their new Ice Palace? Didn't someone just spend a whack of dough on Commonwealth, right? Did the Prov Gov also contribute to Commonwealth and the facility in Ft. Mac.? They might have to wait that long to get Nenshi voted out of power and get someone "more favourable to the cause" voted in...... http://calgaryherald.com/sports/hockey/nhl/calgary-flames/flames-reveal-details-of-900m-downtown-arena-stadium-planSo what is a 240 mill Community Revitalization Levy? Sounds like a tax. Provincial funding. Oh. Ok. I'm believing you. Did Edmonton get Provincial Funding for their new Ice Palace? Didn't someone just spend a whack of dough on Commonwealth, right? Did the Prov Gov also contribute to Commonwealth and the facility in Ft. Mac.? Yes,yes,yes,yes,yes.
  19. They might have to wait that long to get Nenshi voted out of power and get someone "more favourable to the cause" voted in...... http://calgaryherald.com/sports/hockey/nhl/calgary-flames/flames-reveal-details-of-900m-downtown-arena-stadium-planSo what is a 240 mill Community Revitalization Levy? Sounds like a tax. Provincial funding.
  20. I hate that guy. Just can't stand him.
  21. Big announcement today. Live stream from Calgary Flames website. Watch live here at the link at 3:30 pm CDT: http://video.flames.nhl.com/videocenter/console?catid=616&id=833177〈=en&navid=DL|CGY|home
  22. http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/epicrapbattlesofhistory/images/5/59/Stare-What-GIF.gif/revision/latest?cb=20140928165911
  23. If it has two legs the Riders will sign anyone. That's Taman's napkin scouting system.
  24. Guys great discussion but I gotta go. Talk later.
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