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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Disagee. Both under contract. Both getting paid. Both want /wanted out. Grigsby's a ****** but hey...
  2. Oh for sure sweep the leg but he can't crack the lineup & the Stamps weren't about to release a guy who is there in case of injury which could happen anytime.
  3. Mo Price has been on the downslide production wise for a couple of years now. That is, when he played if he wasn't injured. If they gave up on Simmons but still thought highly of him for a guy like Price then Desjardins was a fool.
  4. As far as I know. After this weekend & what was said on twitter, who knows? If the Stamps can't trade him they just might suspend him & send him home.
  5. Yes,true. But the Stamps are paying Simmons his full salary not dressing. I empathize with him but he's going about this the wrong way. My understanding from what I heard on CHQR radio here in Calgary (Stamps play by play station) is that Huff has tried to trade Simmons the past 2 weeks but there's been no takers. You keep saying full salary as if that means anything. Full salary for Simmons likely means near league minimum. His coin is made by being on the field. Yes,true. But the Stamps are paying Simmons his full salary not dressing. I empathize with him but he's going about this the wrong way. My understanding from what I heard on CHQR radio here in Calgary (Stamps play by play station) is that Huff has tried to trade Simmons the past 2 weeks but there's been no takers. You keep saying full salary as if that means anything. Full salary for Simmons likely means near league minimum. His coin is made by being on the field. Mike, Simmons is being paid what he'd get if he was playing. That was the contract he signed in Ottawa. He's not better than any of the starting linebackers on the Stamps roster now so why should the Stamps sit any of the 3 starters down? Simmons is a depth player for the team. Insurance in case of injury like a lot of other guys on every team in the CFL are. As I said, Simmons looked good on a 2-14 team last year with little or no talent. Doesn't mean he can start anywhere else. If Ottawa thought he was that great at linebacker they'd never have traded him as he'd be the centre piece to build their defense around for many years to come. Obviously the redblacks didn't think of Simmons that much.
  6. Yes,true. But the Stamps are paying Simmons his full salary not dressing. I empathize with him but he's going about this the wrong way. My understanding from what I heard on CHQR radio here in Calgary (Stamps play by play station) is that Huff has tried to trade Simmons the past 2 weeks but there's been no takers.
  7. Wow, poor guy. Can't beat out the starting linebackers in front of him. Didn't ask for a trade. He's a slave. Welcome to pro football.Pretty harsh the guy just wants to play and if he is not good enough to even dress for Calgary let him play somewhere.These guys aren't making big bucks. Lots of guys are in Jasper Simmons' place & don't do what he & his agent did. Not everyone can play & start.They don't run to twitter & start bitching. If he's being held "hostage" by the Stamps like he claims & doesn't like it then he should quit & do something else with his life. In a story yesterday it was reported that Simmons is getting his full salary whether he dresses or not. So, this stuff about not being able to take care of his family is rubbish. Two years ago Sean Lemon was backing up Corderro Law & wasn't dressing for games like Simmons is now. John Hufnagel said he was in his office every week complaining & saying he wanted to play. At the time, Lemon was extremely upset. Huff told him to be patient & continue to work hard. Well, Law left for the NFL & Lemon got his chance with the Stamps last season & had a great year. Now he's getting a shot with the 49ers. Lemon never bitched publicly like Simmons did or had his agent call out the Stampeders. He just went about his business & acted like a pro even though he was unhappy. Things certainly worked out for Lemon since. I'm of the mind that you (nor I) are really in position to tell anyone else how they should or should not manage their life as it pertains to taking care of their family. Maybe he's getting his full salary - now what if he makes league minimum and his best way of making money is by being on the field, making plays? Football is a fickle business and in a sport where contracts are not guaranteed, I don't ever criticize a player who decides to make a decision (whether I agree with it or not) to try and maximize their earning potential. Mike, he's under contract to the Stamps & getting paid. Were you saying that last year when Nic Grigsby walked into Osh's office & gave him a "Play me or release me" ultimatum? Everyone on this board called the guy a quitter when he was released. I don't recall you or very many defending Grigsby. How is this different? And since when is pro football all about equal playing time? Stamps are exceptionally strong at linebacker. Simmons has to do what others did in the past when in a similar situation. Work hard, continue to work hard, be patient, wait for the opportunity & then make the most of it. Not cry about it on twitter. Grigsby chose to sign with Winnipeg. Simmons didn't ask to be traded to Calgary. All I know is I can sympathize with Simmons - he went from one of the best situations in the league to one of the worst for him personally. And we can talk about how exceptionally strong the Stamps are at linebacker all we want, he deserves to be on that roster - I have no idea why he isn't - and while he's maybe not going about it the best way, the end result is that this whole ordeal is going to give him what he wants. Being the best player on a 2-16 team means what exactly? That doesn't tell me much.Going to the Stamps with Juwan Simpson, Keon Raymond & Deron Mayo starting at linebacker? Those guys are exceptional. Pro football is a business. Players get traded all the time. They have to deal with it. The Stamps traded for Simmons simply as a depth player. So, do you want CFL players now to have guaranteed money no trade contracts? If that's the case how many CFL players would veto a trade here?
  8. Wow, poor guy. Can't beat out the starting linebackers in front of him. Didn't ask for a trade. He's a slave. Welcome to pro football.Pretty harsh the guy just wants to play and if he is not good enough to even dress for Calgary let him play somewhere.These guys aren't making big bucks. Lots of guys are in Jasper Simmons' place & don't do what he & his agent did. Not everyone can play & start.They don't run to twitter & start bitching. If he's being held "hostage" by the Stamps like he claims & doesn't like it then he should quit & do something else with his life. In a story yesterday it was reported that Simmons is getting his full salary whether he dresses or not. So, this stuff about not being able to take care of his family is rubbish. Two years ago Sean Lemon was backing up Corderro Law & wasn't dressing for games like Simmons is now. John Hufnagel said he was in his office every week complaining & saying he wanted to play. At the time, Lemon was extremely upset. Huff told him to be patient & continue to work hard. Well, Law left for the NFL & Lemon got his chance with the Stamps last season & had a great year. Now he's getting a shot with the 49ers. Lemon never bitched publicly like Simmons did or had his agent call out the Stampeders. He just went about his business & acted like a pro even though he was unhappy. Things certainly worked out for Lemon since. I'm of the mind that you (nor I) are really in position to tell anyone else how they should or should not manage their life as it pertains to taking care of their family. Maybe he's getting his full salary - now what if he makes league minimum and his best way of making money is by being on the field, making plays? Football is a fickle business and in a sport where contracts are not guaranteed, I don't ever criticize a player who decides to make a decision (whether I agree with it or not) to try and maximize their earning potential. Mike, he's under contract to the Stamps & getting paid. Were you saying that last year when Nic Grigsby walked into Osh's office & gave him a "Play me or release me" ultimatum? Everyone on this board called the guy a quitter when he was released. I don't recall you or very many defending Grigsby. How is this different? And since when is pro football all about equal playing time? Stamps are exceptionally strong at linebacker. Simmons has to do what others did in the past when in a similar situation. Work hard, continue to work hard, be patient, wait for the opportunity & then make the most of it. Not cry about it on twitter. If you're going to use a player to base your argument off of, Nic Grigsby is the last player I would use. Why, he's the perfect example. So basically what you're saying is because you hate Grigsby, demanding to play or else was unacceptable. But it's okay for Simmons to do the same thing with the Stamps because you neither like or dislike him?
  9. I'll go for that. Now, change the drunk driving laws in this country so that people who drink, get behind the wheel & kill as well as injure innocent people will spend time behind bars & not be out in a few years.
  10. Wow, poor guy. Can't beat out the starting linebackers in front of him. Didn't ask for a trade. He's a slave. Welcome to pro football.Pretty harsh the guy just wants to play and if he is not good enough to even dress for Calgary let him play somewhere.These guys aren't making big bucks. Lots of guys are in Jasper Simmons' place & don't do what he & his agent did. Not everyone can play & start.They don't run to twitter & start bitching. If he's being held "hostage" by the Stamps like he claims & doesn't like it then he should quit & do something else with his life. In a story yesterday it was reported that Simmons is getting his full salary whether he dresses or not. So, this stuff about not being able to take care of his family is rubbish. Two years ago Sean Lemon was backing up Corderro Law & wasn't dressing for games like Simmons is now. John Hufnagel said he was in his office every week complaining & saying he wanted to play. At the time, Lemon was extremely upset. Huff told him to be patient & continue to work hard. Well, Law left for the NFL & Lemon got his chance with the Stamps last season & had a great year. Now he's getting a shot with the 49ers. Lemon never bitched publicly like Simmons did or had his agent call out the Stampeders. He just went about his business & acted like a pro even though he was unhappy. Things certainly worked out for Lemon since. I'm of the mind that you (nor I) are really in position to tell anyone else how they should or should not manage their life as it pertains to taking care of their family. Maybe he's getting his full salary - now what if he makes league minimum and his best way of making money is by being on the field, making plays? Football is a fickle business and in a sport where contracts are not guaranteed, I don't ever criticize a player who decides to make a decision (whether I agree with it or not) to try and maximize their earning potential. Mike, he's under contract to the Stamps & getting paid. Were you saying that last year when Nic Grigsby walked into Osh's office & gave him a "Play me or release me" ultimatum? Everyone on this board called the guy a quitter when he was released. I don't recall you or very many defending Grigsby. How is this different? And since when is pro football all about equal playing time? Stamps are exceptionally strong at linebacker. Simmons has to do what others did in the past when in a similar situation. Work hard, continue to work hard, be patient, wait for the opportunity & then make the most of it. Not cry about it on twitter.
  11. Wow, poor guy. Can't beat out the starting linebackers in front of him. Didn't ask for a trade. He's a slave. Welcome to pro football.Pretty harsh the guy just wants to play and if he is not good enough to even dress for Calgary let him play somewhere.These guys aren't making big bucks. Lots of guys are in Jasper Simmons' place & don't do what he & his agent did. Not everyone can play & start.They don't run to twitter & start bitching. If he's being held "hostage" by the Stamps like he claims & doesn't like it then he should quit & do something else with his life. In a story yesterday it was reported that Simmons is getting his full salary whether he dresses or not. So, this stuff about not being able to take care of his family is rubbish. Two years ago Sean Lemon was backing up Corderro Law & wasn't dressing for games like Simmons is now. John Hufnagel said he was in his office every week complaining & saying he wanted to play. At the time, Lemon was extremely upset. Huff told him to be patient & continue to work hard. Well, Law left for the NFL & Lemon got his chance with the Stamps last season & had a great year. Now he's getting a shot with the 49ers. Lemon never bitched publicly like Simmons did or had his agent call out the Stampeders. He just went about his business & acted like a pro even though he was unhappy. Things certainly worked out for Lemon since.
  12. Wow, poor guy. Can't beat out the starting linebackers in front of him. Didn't ask for a trade. He's a slave. Welcome to pro football.
  13. Honestly, I don't remember the call you are talking about as I don't really care. All I know is the Riders lost, and it couldn't have happened to a better bunch of fans. It was a legit call & there was at least 1 more illegal block or hold downfield as well that wasn't called. #crybabybanks http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/120106042340-sot-news-to-me-leave-britney-alone-chris-crocker-00002820-horizontal-gallery.jpg
  14. Went to school with him and got to know him, and never knew him to be a sports fan. Which is why when he was holding the cup on center stage I had to think it was all about politics and not about actually being a fan. But who knows. I'd like to see him work to help out the Flames and Stamps with better infrastructure, since Edmonton is getting a new arena. Mcmahon is rapidly becoming the shittiest stadium in Canada, and will win the title as soon as Regina's stadium is done. He's dead set against giving any civic money to the project. But okay with blue rings & overpriced pedestrian bridges because they're works of art.
  15. Whatever happened to the toss play getting the back to the outside fast?
  16. Well, hardly a bad thing. Thanks gbill2004.
  17. Checked BLM's twitter feed & didn't see any tweets about Jasper Simmons. I guess he deleted what he said. What did he say? What did he say?
  18. I honestly think Hamilton got robbed in the Grey Cup in 2014. That holding call that brought back the punt return was weak at best. But of course, I really am not a fan of either team so it didn't matter to me much either way. Watching Nenshi on the podium at BC Place whooping it up with the Cup all I could think was "why don't you build the team a new facility if you are such a fan?" Nenshi, living here in Calgary... can't stand the guy.
  19. Maybe Whyte as a punter?
  20. I don't know if they really supported their team as I remember they had some decent teams in the 80's & late 90's but were only getting 14,000 to their home games for years. They have a new stadium now so things are better. Yeah, Austin can be a **** at times but he's head & shoulder along with his assistants better than O'Shea & his coaches. He holds his players accountable by reaming them out when he feels he has to instead of coddling & protecting ours like O'Shea does. Instead of a smirk there's anger.
  21. Bighill was dominant too at MLB when Solly was gone.
  22. Here's what started the bruhaha. Jasper Simmons agent: https://twitter.com/SammyG75
  23. If it was spontaneous I'd be okay with it but obviously planned.
  24. Have you satisfied your curiousity? People have opinions. I wanted to read them.
  25. Is Durant 6 gamed? Yes. Okay, didn't know. Thought they had a list for players who were gone for the season.
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