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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. You keep saying that like it's supposed to mean something. Like I said, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7 etc. Fans are losing hope. We suck.
  2. Once, just once, I wish the Bombers would hire the best candidate not the best friend
  3. You don't……..and yet there will be 50 or so posts with variations on "Brohm sucks", "fire O'Shea/Bellefeuille/Hall/Walters", "Hurl needs to go", "Marve is our saviour", "you guys are just negatrons", "positrons are deluded", "blow it up and re-build", "we can't blow up again, give it time" (did I miss anything?) in the next 24 hours, all of it in CAPS LOCK YELLING. I'm going to enjoy my Sunday instead. The problems will still be there on Monday, but maybe the emotions will have cooled enough by then. Just one problem, Their next game.
  4. 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10....
  5. Rod Black... Just when you think he can't get any worse he even surprises himself. Talking about little players with big packages, calling Dunigan a man twice & his voice breaking on a touchdown run. How embarrassing.
  6. How can anyone be positive after watching that??? We all know what we saw so I won't rehash it.
  7. ST's lost us that game. They were really bad.
  8. Years ago I read that the highway won't be twinned to Grand Beach as the First Nations on the reserve want too much money. It was twinned to the reserve in the 70's & no further. You'd think by now that the Province & the First Nations would have worked something out.
  9. Ok, when they award the "damn near won the Grey Cup" Cup then swagger away, but somehow, I don't think that's going to happen Again, I don't see how it hindered their play on the field. If anything they probably fed off that energy. I have never understood why people had a problem with Swaggerville. It was pure arrogance coming from a team that underperformed for years & still does. Had one good season & they acted liked God's gift. Put together a winning team for at least more than one season, win a championship or two & then maybe they can talk Swaggerville & be taken seriously. I like aggressive, confident defenses & players like James West & Ty Jones. They had their own kind of swagger. You always knew they were on the field as they liked to talk. And they could back it all up as they won for years. Maybe it was good as a team concept in the beginning to bring the defensive players together as a unit but it did get out of hand.
  10. Rigney originally worked with Don Wittman when he was a CFL analyst with the CBC for about a decade after he retired from the Bombers after the 1967 season. Interesting story from what I recall. From 1968 through the early 70's Rigney used technology with the CBC called a Telestrator where he could draw the blocking schemes offensively & they would appear on everyone's tv screens. He became very proficient with it. He educated a lot of CFL fans like me about the OL pass & run blocking schemes & how they worked. It was a real treat just how fast Rigney could break down a play always from the perspective of an offensive lineman which is really as it should be. Story was NBC caught wind of Rigney & his Telestrator, liked what they saw & analyst Al DeRogadis learned how to use it on their AFL broadcasts in the booth with Curt Gowdy for years after. A little Canadian ingenuity went a long way.
  11. When I drive between Calgary & Winnipeg stopping at Moosomin is never an option. I divide the trip into 4 segments... Calgary to Medicine Hat, stop for gas as it's the cheapest before Saskatchewan. Medicine Hat to Swift Current, stop for a quick bite along the highway.... McDonalds or A & W. Swift Current to Regina, stop at the Husky Station for gas before heading out of town... Regina to Brandon. Stop for a quick fill along the highway... then Brandon to Winnipeg. Vice versa the other way. Dividing up the drive like that is a helluva lot better than thinking 14 hours OMFG it's going to be Hell... Each segment is 2 1/2 to 3 hours...
  12. That is crazy.We had that at the old Arena. We had railings in front of us where I sat. It was nuts & dangerous. I stumbled once going down the stairs where I had my season tickets in the east upper deck & tumbled forward down the stairs for about five rows. Luckily other than a few scrapes & bruises I was okay. That was scary as the upper decks in the Winnipeg Arena were steep.
  13. We still didn't win a championship so it's first or last as far as a lot of fans like me think. Lots of teams have great defenses. Who cares if they did or not as they didn't win everything. If you're gonna prance then be first to the dance. I remember that defense of 88 & 90. They won us the Grey Cup both years. Especially 1988. When it was all on the line they delivered. They were cocky & yapped but they knew they were good. Didn't need Swaggerville to let the CFL know how good they actually were. Did most of their talking on the field. #muchrespect
  14. So he didn't look creepy? He didn't look creepy at all. I know that was his nickname but didn't know it at the time as I didn't even know who he was. Karpis looked old, broken down & beaten physically from years of being behind bars & solitary confinement. But he was still a sociopath. If it was the 1930's he'd have killed me if someone had given him a few bucks & not thought twice about it. March of 1971, he'd been out for awhile, in his mid 60's & he was doing a cross Canada media tour of his book, "Public Enemy Number One".
  15. I bet more people stop now because the stores & restaurants are new & right beside the highway than when the TCH went thru town.
  16. True story. During the 1950 flood my mother, brother & sister evacuated & left the city for a couple of weeks to stay with family in Saskatchewan. My dad stayed behind to watch over our newly built house in Riverview & his auto body shop in Norwood (that used to be) on Marion Street beside the Norwood Hotel. They stayed in Fleming, SK. Everytime I drive by Fleming I think of that. There's nothing there now so I can't imagine how much more nothing there was 65 years ago or how bad the (gravel & mud) highway must've been to get there. I never met our family out there. I don't even know who they were. I guess I should ask my brother as he's the only left who can tell me.
  17. you are being way too positive.I want to say "there's no such thing.." but..........Spuds.........Yeah Spuds takes it to an all new level. About half-way to Rider-ville. Spuds is the Moosomin of Bomber fans. Moosemin sucks,period. I, do not. There are lots of us... We are plentiful.. We are many, we are legion. The Red Barn restaurant in Moosomin was a good place to stop for a bite on the way to/coming back from Regina. Definitely eased the pain for at least one Labour Day drive back to Winnipeg. I wonder how many businesses in town will move out to the highway? I drove thru there a couple of years ago & the KFC hadn't yet. Can't remember if any other chains had as well.
  18. Exactly. That team never won anything so they didn't back it up. All talk, no action. Odell Willis has played for how many teams since? And it looks like the Esks want to unload him for being stupid on the field.
  19. Who is complaining? This is a discussion.
  20. Man, you guys in West Winnipeg were so spoiled. I used to live in Riverview & later Southdale so now you get to feel the pain I had before I moved to Calgary going to Bomber & Jets games. Blue Bomber AND 1.0 Jets season ticket holder. Sorry, just can't feel sorry for you.
  21. Guess they can quit stalling it now.
  22. When we do become a winning team I want our play on the field to be talked about not Swaggerville.
  23. TSN doesn't care what fans think. They have a monopoly on the broadcasts.
  24. I don't get the Taj Smith comment. Like how vague can that Rider mouthpiece be?
  25. Can't really agree with that. The talent level in Saskatchewan is REALLY low right now. On the defensive side of the football I agree but they are playing well offensively. They're moving the ball & scoring but they can't stop other teams. I'm enjoying seeing guys like Chick & Breakenridge really suck this year.
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