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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. No kidding. I think it comes down to common sense. You know when you've gone over the line. With social media, you can block people. I've had people call my house and threaten to kill me. I once got an email with a photo of a guy pointing a gun at the camera holding a sticky note that said "bang, you're dead". This case seems like something where if they didnt want to read this guy disagree with them, they could block him. If he started calling their house or posting threats or personal information, then its harassment. Heck, i go blocked by Bart Kives because he didnt like me disagreeing with him on twitter. I think I told him he was very negative. Got into a twitter battle with our MLA too and he was very aggressive and negative. I didnt block him, but he blocked me (and others). Think he got kicked off twitter for awhile actually. I'd always want the law to err on the side of letting too much go then over-restricting things. Whats the saying, better to let a 100 guilty men go free than convince one innocent? On an old defunct CFL site that used to be run on the Stamps website in & around 2000 or 2001, there was a poster who became unhinged. Threatened to kill all the posters he hated. He said he'd track them down wherever they lived in Canada. Then he posted where he sat at BC Lions games & dared anyone to come get him & to bring a weapon. That blew up the site & the Stamps closed it down permanently.
  2. I think you mean 2011. That was our bad year (5-13). Time flies.
  3. Other than 2012 when the Riders truly did suck, that fanbase needs a few years of eating crow & being humble. Then we'll see how great they are supporting their team. We'd see that they're no better than anyone else. Sorry Duressler
  4. How many harassing lawsuits could we file against each other here the way we treat others we don't agree with? Things get crazy sometimes. On here & other social media sites. We say things online we'd never say in person to someone because we are in front of a computer screen & not face to face with anyone. It makes it easy to treat people with a lack of respect.
  5. To think I used to defend him...
  6. Als Head Coach Jim Eddy was a jerk yelling at Chris's dad like that. And then there was Joe Scanella forging Walby's name to keep him on the PR & paying him only half of what he should've been paid. You could call Scanella a cheap bastard. I'd call him a crook.
  7. You should see him suck up to the Stamps fanbase on Stampsfans.com. How great a fanbase they have. How knowledgeable they are & how welcoming they are compared to any Bomber fan site. Of course, the Stamps site he belongs to has less than a dozen serious posters. The man is a joke.
  8. Why? The guy is a Me First player. Chemistry in the dressing room & on the ice is just as important as talent.
  9. So... let's get back on topic here. Canada expanded our role by authorizing bombings of ISIS targets into Syria today.
  10. He should just leave. He doesn't view anything written on paper as valid anyway.
  11. What bugs me is Americans pay $9.99 & we pay $11.99.I know it's only a toonie but we're always getting shafted. Just for that alone I refuse to buy it.
  12. Sit those guys out if they can play? WTF?
  13. The renos to make it a CFL sized venue were supposed to cost an additional $10 million which no level of government was willing to cover IIRC. Where Bluto when you need him to explain it all?
  14. Braley has to go. Any good he did for the CFL is now long gone. He's as bad or even worse than any other owner that team has had. If they do move into BMO & actually have an owner who cares it'll take years to undo the damage these idiot owners in the past including Braley have done to the Argos brand & the CFL.
  15. Now they just have to get Braley to sell to MLSE before the Argos become a complete train wreck. Hope this is sooner rather than later.
  16. That's Edmonton. We Calgarians laugh at Edmonton. Let them be buried.
  17. Maher is what passes for a liberal in the US, but he is still obnoxious. It is is possible to make your point without coming across as an arrogant twit. Maher is what passes for a liberal in the US, but he is still obnoxious. It is is possible to make your point without coming across as an arrogant twit. His stance on political correctness is Big C Conservatism. No offence, but this makes no sense whatsoever. The phrase "big C Conservative" or "big L Liberal" is referring to someone belonging to a specific political party. Small c conservative is someone who holds a conservative ideology, completely different than belonging to the party. Maher is a classical liberal, which is usually called libertarian now. Well,you got my jist.
  18. The Banana Republic Of Alberta. With General Diego Prentice the President For Life. Or until he tries to take over the Tories in Ottawa in a palace coup.
  19. I'm really ticked, Logan. I may have to cut my grass in the next week as it is greening up. I hate cutting the grass.
  20. Plus 15 here on Thursday, Logan.... (Insert evil laugh here).
  21. LOL you seem to have forgotten April of 2013 & 14.
  22. Alberta?? We didn't really have winter here in Calgary. Snow's been gone for a month.
  23. There is the skiing......... Moguls
  24. I agree. The cupboard was absolutely bare when Walters took over this team from Joe Mack & it'll take years to recover from his neglect.
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