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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Did you know that James Doohan did all kinds of alien voices for characters in Star Trek TOS? He was the voice of Sargon among others.
  2. Mr. Sulu & Uhura disagree with you. So does Chekov. Iso, by "main stars" are you referring to just Shatner, Nimoy and Kelly? Yes, the storylines with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 were based around those 3 & James Doohan. The others became stars as they were allgreat character actors. They never carried the show like the other 4.
  3. 1. Mark - if you are calling Iso and I whiners just because we are questioning the validity and intelligence of various methods of taxation enacted by our elected officials, without even waiting for us to explain our reasoning, then I invite you cordially to kiss my large hairy behind. But you wouldn't do that, now would you?? Naw... 2. Someone at the Globe and Mail should actually do some fact-checking, as Alberta has a lower overall personal tax rate (flat) and Ontario's personal rate is actually lower than BC for income below $41K. BC also just raised their corporate tax rate and we are now higher than Alberta for corporations as well. And then of course there is that 7% PST we have that Alberta doesn't, that should have just been a 12% flow-through HST, but well...that's another story. But that's not the whole story. In addition to the Stuuuuupid carbon tax the BC government has introduced a ton of user fees, and jacked existing user fees on various government services. For instance, now in BC a family of three has to pay $144 a month in monthly medical premiums (BC I believe now is the only province that has this fee as Alberta phased theirs out a few years ago). There's a break for lower income people, but every year they have jacked this premium. What I don't like about the carbon tax is this: - the provincial government calls the Carbon tax "revenue neutral" but in reality its just a transfer. They used that revenue to lower personal income taxes. When people complained about the carbon tax Gordon Campbell told people to just take the train or the bus. That's kind of hard to do in Castlegar or Quesnel. The single mom with three kids has to get her kids to school somehow, and she needs gas to do it. So while she might not have been paying much in income taxes, thanks to our progressive tax system, which I agree with, now she's got to fork out extra dough for gas. All to subsidize some hose-head in the lower mainland getting a tax break on his already giant income. I'm no socialist, not at all, but I hate hate hate it when the government tries to social engineer societal behavior via taxation. Raising taxes on gas doesn't stop people from using gas, it just makes their lives more difficult and expensive, and that's not right. The government just cut 2% off the taxes of people in BC making over $150,000 a year (while raising MSP rates 4%). Whoopee!! I get it, they promised that they would cut the 2% off the high end last election and they followed through on the promise. I just would much rather have seen that cut in taxes go to cutting the STOOOOPID carbon tax, and seeing that single mom get the benefit, instead of some dude making over $150K a year. Everytime I see that stupid carbon tax on my natural gas bill, my blood just boils. Anyway - sorry if I'm "whining" and am so "hard done by" - but if you want to seriously discuss this topic, then Mark and Dee, how about we seriously talk about it. Preferably over wine and cheese. I couldn't have written that any better KBF. So, I'll just say Hear! Hear! and let it stand on its own merits.
  4. Does it really matter if it was a good idea or not? It didn't work & kids suffered for it.
  5. Only Shatner left.... From the main stars of Star Trek: TOS.
  6. I'm just glad I got to see players like Phil & Tony Esposito, Bobby Hull, Guy Lafleur, Gerry Cheevers, Darryl Sittler, Steve Shutt, Mike Palmateer, Bob Gainey, Ken Dryden, Eddie Giacomin, Borje Salming, Butch Goring, Yvan Cournoyer, Denis Potvin, Guy Lapointe, Serge Savard, Bobby Clarke, Marcel Dionne & others at the tail end of their careers. And young legends like Mike Bossy, Gretz, Messier, Grant Fuhr, Dale Hawerchuk, Clark Gillies, Bernie Nicholls, Bryan Trottier & Mario Lemieux on the way up.
  7. I have a 1/2 season package to the Jets I got in their first year back. The seat owners alternate between getting the home opener and first right of refusal for playoff tickets. I don't believe they've been discontinued? Jet Packs were like 10, 15 & 20 games. You basically picked the games you wanted to see.That's because everybody hated the Arena & people stayed away so the Jets marketed the team that way. It was the worst building in the NHL at the time. Only 7,000 to 8,000 season tickets & average crowds of 12-13,000. and you could get game day tickets at 7-11. Think safeway had them at one time also. Oh, how the world has changed.
  8. I have a 1/2 season package to the Jets I got in their first year back. The seat owners alternate between getting the home opener and first right of refusal for playoff tickets. I don't believe they've been discontinued? Jet Packs were like 10, 15 & 20 games. You basically picked the games you wanted to see.That's because everybody hated the Arena & people stayed away so the Jets marketed the team that way. It was the worst building in the NHL at the time. Only 7,000 to 8,000 season tickets & average crowds of 12-13,000.
  9. If you started watching BB from the very beginning, every episode you'd feel different.
  10. He HAS to get the Argos sorted out. If he can, then perhaps the next tv contract will be even bigger than this one.
  11. X is the Split End who lines up on the LOS wide. The Z is the flanker who lines up wide a yard off the LOS. If this was theNFL the Y receiver is the tight end.
  12. Wanting an inquiry on this & not getting it then throwing out the racist card by native activists.
  13. Cohon is an American as well. He was born in the States but moved here when he was 2. Yep. Cohon's a real American. WE THE PEOPLE.
  14. Since I think y'all aren't joking…(or at least I hope you aren't) He's black "New CFL commissioner Jeffery L, Orridge isn't focusing too much on the fact that he's the first black commissioner in North American pro sports" He needs to be assimilated. Oh, I think he already is.
  15. Pokey friggin' Reddick. Wow.
  16. If there's no proof then why even discuss it? Could be all just Bogusian.
  17. Meaning what exactly? Sry i dont mean your family. You said the natives came from Asia. May i ask why you never had a convo with your grandma? Their ancestors, yes.They came across a land bridge where the Aleutian islands are now from Asia to North America some 6,000 years ago (maybe more) during the ending of the last Ice Age when ocean levels were lower than today. Their ancestors were from Africa & Asia. They're no more "native" to this country (as someone described them) than you or I am. No one is native to Canada. We all come from somewhere else. They did get here first though, beating the Vikings by a few thousand years. However, they never originated in North America. As far as my Grandmother goes. She couldn't speak, read or write English. I couldn't do the same in Ukrainian. So my mother translated whenever we spoke which wasn't often. When I was a kid & we'd go visit, she'd just sit there smiling meekly not being able to understand what was being said. I never thought about it as a teen but looking back now, it was sad.
  18. Meaning what exactly? Sry i dont mean your family. You said the natives came from Asia. Their ancestors, yes. They came across from Asia thousands of years ago when the ocean level was low & the Aleutians were a land bridge now a group of islands. As far as my Grandma.... She couldn't speak English. I couldn't speak Ukrainian so my mother would translate for us. But it's not the same as having an intimate conversation when a third person is translating for both. May i ask why you never had a convo with your grandma?
  19. Meaning what exactly?
  20. Say hello to the Las Vegas Sharks.
  21. My parents were of German & Ukrainian descent. My Mom especially practiced her religion as well as every Ukrainian holiday & tradition there was. My grandmother refused to have anything to do with our Canadian way of life. Came to this country in 1910. She died in 1978 at the age of 93 & even though she lived in Canada for 68 years she couldn't speak a word of English. Her world was her church & living with my aunt & husband. She raised 8 sons & daughters at Oakburn before moving to Winnipeg in the 1940's. To me she had a crappy life. Couldn't speak the language, couldn't read English. Didn't know how to drive or take a bus. Couldn't go shopping by herself or even go to the doctor without my aunt translating for her. Totally independent on her family for everything. I WISH she would have assimilated. People throw that word around here like it's garbage. It's not. There are people with closed minds that come to Canada not wanting to be a part of society which is not good. I never had a conversation with my grandmother ever. That's just wrong. .
  22. You know what,I'll take a stand and say residential schools were a not terrible idea that was just handled really poorly. Should a just assimilated everyone from the start then there'd be a lot less problems with reserves Clearly, you're not too familiar with the stated aim of the Residential Schools either. Their primary purpose was to eradicate First Nations culture, to get rid of "indians" once and for all. Explain to me how that can ever be "not a terrible idea"?Because assimilation is not a bad thing. Could have had just a whole bunch of Canadians rather than the government protected racism that currently exists. Signing treaties hundreds of years ago was an easy solution at the time but they have long lasting negative effects that manifest themselves in this day and age Seems to me the best thing would be for people to stop being pieces of **** and treating people differently based on cultural background. Assimilation is just the people at the top saying "you should all be like me". It's like Nazi-ism lite. no assimilation isn't a one way street, it goes two ways. Stop separating people into different groups and we can just all be Canadian and treat everyone equally. Treaties however just make sure racism and different groups being treated differently continues to exist. You are trying to grossly oversimplify the situation. You can't say "just stop separating people into groups" when people naturally self-identify already. Furthermore, the treaties were a legal document. This wasn't a bill of sale for a used BBQ written on a napkin -- it was legal title to land we now live on, land that is now Canada. The government has a moral obligation as society built upon laws to uphold the treaties; or at least the spirit behind them. No I'm not over simplifying. This is how the problem gets solved. I know full well what the treaties that were signed were and what the intent was. The problem is that they are legal documents that are guaranteed by the constitution of this country, and that's a huge problem and the #1 reason why most of these problems exist. When they were signed it was seen as the easy solution, put the natives out of the way and throw them a few trinkets every now and then and let them live their traditional lifestyle. Problem is that in todays society it is a terrible solution and completely unworkable. The best solution IS to stop treating them differently and make them all Canadian and treat everyone equally. When you have such a skewed number of impoverished people on reserves it is safe to say that the system is broken, but where's the push to change a broken system? You even bring it up and you're labelled a racist. Too much blame gets thrown at the feet of the government of Canada and they're expected to fix it, but they can't fix it unilaterally, self determination and all that, so basically it's just "give us more money because residential schools! abuse! ugly history! white guilt!" It's those treaties that are holding things back. LOL Well that doesnt seem right. The natives are native to this land.... that about as Canadian as you can get. Do i have this right? The white man comes here and brings their traditions and pretty much just throws the natives and their traditions away and now you want to make them Canadian? Odd but alrighty then. Natives are not native to this land. They crossed over from Asia when there was a land bridge to Alaska. No one is native here. They were here first. But like every Canadian, our family ancestors all came from somewhere else.
  23. There must have been a change in process from when I was a school patrol as a kid. It never fails to amaze me how little structure the kids today seem to have. When I was a school patrol, it was treated as a privilage. And we had to stand at attention and look the part. And the process was cars had the right of way. If there was traffic, you held back the kids until traffic had passed. Even if a car stopped for you, we were to wave the traffic through. Worked pretty good for us. I agree about looking the part. I was a school patrol at Morley & Osborne when I went to Riverview Elementary School. That was the prestigious spot . Top of the ladder in the School Patrol World at Riverview. No patrolling residential streets like Oakwood & Casey for this dude. M & O was the number one assignment for any patrol at my school. To get that post you really had to prove you were the best. Even though the residential streets were more challenging because there were no traffic lights like at my intersection. With all the pedestrian & vehicular traffic it could get intimidating at times, though. And if any kids messed with a patrol by either bullying or pushing them around when they were at their assigned streets back in the day or just about anywhere when I went to school there was truly hell to pay for the offenders unlike today. We were made to feel that we were special. That we were mature & responsible. I may have been in grade 6 but I felt like I was treated like an adult by my school admin & most of the teachers.
  24. If I'm an NCAA coach...
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