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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. He looks like a running back. Great burst. Can change gears. And he looks like he can be physical when he wants to. He should put on the pads & see what he can do. he'd have to learn to read his blockers & be patient... Or when to hit the hole hard. No doubt he'd be deadly in open space. Just getting thru that first level would be challenging for him.
  2. We'll never see the Jet Packs again. Where fans could pick up to 20 home games to attend. I remember they had 10 & 20 game Jet Packs for sale. And I think first choice on playoff tickets as well same seats.
  3. Minny's beating everyone with Devyn Dubnyk, a shitty former Oiler goaltender. Go figure.
  4. You know what,I'll take a stand and say residential schools were a not terrible idea that was just handled really poorly. Should a just assimilated everyone from the start then there'd be a lot less problems with reserves Clearly, you're not too familiar with the stated aim of the Residential Schools either. Their primary purpose was to eradicate First Nations culture, to get rid of "indians" once and for all. Explain to me how that can ever be "not a terrible idea"?Because assimilation is not a bad thing. Could have had just a whole bunch of Canadians rather than the government protected racism that currently exists. Signing treaties hundreds of years ago was an easy solution at the time but they have long lasting negative effects that manifest themselves in this day and age Seems to me the best thing would be for people to stop being pieces of **** and treating people differently based on cultural background. Assimilation is just the people at the top saying "you should all be like me". It's like Nazi-ism lite. Like that will ever happen... Nice idea but not realistic. Look at what's going on in the world now? Especially in Syria & Iraq. We may be further away from your statement today than we were 35 years ago.
  5. Who are you talking to? We're all condescending.
  6. Blaikie. Ugh. Became a career politician. Like Judy Wazylicia-Leis & Steve Ashton. Couldn't stand the guy. God didn't give him a pension to sit for over 2 decades in the back benches in Ottawa but the people of Canada sure did. Unlike Mr. Harper. Same. They're all alike. I like term limits. Three terms max. Done. Out. Bye. Think we'd have so many elections if the politicians knew that a two year term is the same as a four or 5 year? Not likely.
  7. Blaikie. Ugh. Became a career politician. Like Judy Wazylicia-Leis & Steve Ashton. Couldn't stand the guy. God didn't give him a pension to sit for over 2 decades in the back benches in Ottawa but the people of Canada sure did.
  8. So no corporate sponsor who buys a block of tickets & sells at their retail outlets. Too bad. I guess that is the downside to a 15,000 seat arena as every ticket needs to be sold. If we had an arena that was say, 17 to 18,000 there'd be more wiggle room for companies to do that.
  9. I dunno... Not convinced.
  10. Sport Chek in Calgary offers tickets I think for $40 to a Flames game. Anything like that in Winnipeg?
  11. But you're not a teen. Teenagers are in high school. They don't care about stuff like this. They just want to be with their friends. If we had moved our kids out of Calgary when they were teens to another city it would have been like Hell in our house. So come clean, ever since you got here you claimed to be a 15 year old & we believed you. You're in your 20's or 30's...
  12. Have you not heard of "political football"?
  13. He's a good one.
  14. Injuries are catching up to the team which is unfortunate as they have battled all year long & truly deserve a playoff spot.
  15. These residential schools were run by the Catholic Church, right? Well, the perverted psychopathic priests didn't just go after native kids. They ****** over little white kids too. And the Church protected these monsters. That is the shame of the Catholic Church. And it will forever be a stained ink blot on that religion as far as I'm concerned.
  16. Back in the day the old Arena was maybe the third largest hockey arena in Canada. yeah, the city paid $5 million to get that expansion done from 10,037 seats to 15,200. Did it in 5 months & lo & behold there were construction issues. Like the upper decks being inspected & deemed unsafe just before the 79-80 NHL season started so the first row in each deck were taken out to lighten the stress load as there were concerns the two decks could collapse. Did the arena expansion too fast & on the cheap. Adding 5,000 seats in five months, having to tear the roof off the building & trying to save money. All too familiar tune...
  17. yeah there were TV's - which just made you think - Why did I pay to get in here if I have to watch half the game on TV anyway? The problem with the old arena was that it was never built to be a double-decker, and yet the Jets needed a minimum sized arena to get into the NHL, so adding the second tier was just a solution that solved nothing. My first concert there was Def Leppard in 1988 - but at least we were on the lower level so got to see the entire show. They even incorporated the picture of the Queen (made sense as they are a British band) into their laser show so that was cool. Interestingly enough, it was during their song "Photograph". I bought Jets season tickets in 1979. We were in the last row of the upper deck on the east side. Then they closed the first row of each upper deck & we were moved to the concourse on plastic red chairs. I couldn't see half the ice so I spent 2 entire seasons watching the games on closed circuit tv on 12 inch screens. It absolutely sucked. I complained to the Jets but their response was "Pfffft. Our hands are tied." They offered to move us to the end zones & I was sitting near center ice & said no, In Year 3 after a dreadful second NHL season where I sat on an uncomfortable plastic chair for 41 home games, not being able to see the ice surface & suffering thru a 9 win season I gave up my season tickets.
  18. Well that's debatable, but that stadium does need to be replaced People are starting to stay away. Fans see the new stadiums in Wpg & Regina & wonder why we don't have a new one here. No one likes McMahon Stadium anymore. It's 55 years old & way past its prime.
  19. One of the worst live sports experiences of my life was watching a fLames game from up there.... Feels like you're in a closet, right? I thought watching a Jets 1.0 game from the upper deck at the old Arena was bad. Sitting high up in the 300's at the Saddledome is right up there with that.
  20. Speak for yourself! Our carbon tax is the dumbest tax I've ever seen - just soooo stupid. A Gordon Campbell Special. Don't see Christie Clark getting rid of it. The sky high gasoline taxes on the Lower Mainland is pretty stupid. Why do voters allow the politicians to rape them everytime they fill up their vehicles???
  21. This thread is simply outrageous. Shankman would've had a stroke if this was on Our Bombers.
  22. What of his brother Wang? EVERYBODY HAVE FUN TONITE!!
  23. Talk about crossed messages. C'mon down iso, it's a great place to live and enjoy the fruits of your labor. The climate, the people and yes, even the taxes are fine. It's just the way it is. But if I'm not mistaken, even you 'mighty' Albertans have to leave your PST money here if you take possession of purchases here. I pay PST whenever I'm in BC. Don't even think twice about it. Although the price of gas on the Lower Mainland makes me gasp. Yeah, I hope I make it to 70. That's the planned retirement date. My wife is younger than me so she has to work another 10 years. I'll keep going as long as my health is fine. I have a few aches & pains now. I need 2 knee replacements & I don't get around as fast as I used to. But I am looking forward to getting away from the winters on the Prairies.This year has been different as it's been so warm but it's an anomaly.
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