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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I gotta think that because hes living in Saskatoon is enough reason as to why. Yeah but places like Moncton, Fredericton, Charlottetown or Sydney? I can see Halifax but there's nothing in those other places. Even Regina would be better.
  2. Huff saw a value in Shomari. Some people here dont. At least Shomari has played & started. For 3 seasons Pall was putting his feet up drinking a few beers at practice for the Stamps, Als & Bombers, getting paid & planning his next adventure with CFL Vacation Tours. They have beer and vacation tours? Dude, I shoulda been a footballer A borderline National like Etienne & Pall? Yep so you should have. Make a few bucks sitting on the PR. No pressure.
  3. If Curling Canada can't get the kids more involved then the interest for the game will die off. It'll never totally die but we may not be the curling power we are now. Which would be unfortunate.
  4. Huff saw a value in Shomari. Some people here dont. At least Shomari has played & started. For 3 seasons Pall was putting his feet up drinking a few beers at practice for the Stamps, Als & Bombers, getting paid & planning his next adventure with CFL Vacation Tours.
  5. Well attendance & participation in every sport is down. All kids do nowadays is stay home getting fat playing video games.
  6. Games will sell out, no problem. The bigger problem than selling tickets IS MAKING THE PLAYOFFS!!!
  7. How many of us would give up half or more of their salary to be taken care of cradle to grave? I might consider it.
  8. what a ridiculous statement to make. Alberta has seen it's population grow by something close to 1 million people in the last decade, you think it's cheap to build infrastructure to support that many new people? Especially without raising taxes? Give me the government who keeps taxes low rather than the one that raises taxes at the drop of a hat. Oil will bounce back and Alberta will be rolling in the money again within a few years, Manitoba is still going to be stuck with their ridiculously high tax rate in a few years though. My my, touchy on such an innocent statement. Manitoba has worse infrastructure problems than Alta. has, and way less money to have spent on it. Alta., with any kind of competent governing, should have quite the nest egg, even with a minimal Prov. tax, but they don't. Even though my statement was tongue in cheek…it still stands. So the question is, who's statement really is that ridiculous? As an Albertan who has lived in calgary & been through the Klein cuts... Alberta by far. We've squandered tens of billions just since 2007. Our Conservative politicians out here are douchebags. Manitoba's problem has always been the NDP with its pro labour, high taxes & anti business government. There's plenty of mismanagement in Manitoba but not on the scale of Alberta. Just to be clear, when you say "squandered tens of billions", you mean that the people of Alberta got to actually keep their own money? Because here in Manitoba when we talk about a government squandering billions it's when they take it from us through taxes and waste it on a hydro line that costs far, far more than it needs to be, for no good reason. Klein balanced the books. It took 2 Premiers after him to get us into huge debt again..... Politicians squandered the money.
  9. Is it not correct in saying that the country everybody loves to use as an example because of the hundreds of billions they've saved from oil revenues does take care of its citizens from the cradle to the grave but it comes at a huge cost like income tax at 50% or higher? No wonder Norway can provide for their citizens & not touch oil revenues. Norwegians all pay for it.
  10. And Kevin Coe stays home watching his old team at the Worlds.
  11. what a ridiculous statement to make. Alberta has seen it's population grow by something close to 1 million people in the last decade, you think it's cheap to build infrastructure to support that many new people? Especially without raising taxes? Give me the government who keeps taxes low rather than the one that raises taxes at the drop of a hat. Oil will bounce back and Alberta will be rolling in the money again within a few years, Manitoba is still going to be stuck with their ridiculously high tax rate in a few years though. My my, touchy on such an innocent statement. Manitoba has worse infrastructure problems than Alta. has, and way less money to have spent on it. Alta., with any kind of competent governing, should have quite the nest egg, even with a minimal Prov. tax, but they don't. Even though my statement was tongue in cheek…it still stands. So the question is, who's statement really is that ridiculous? As an Albertan who has lived in calgary & been through the Klein cuts... Alberta by far. We've squandered tens of billions just since 2007. Our Conservative politicians out here are douchebags. Manitoba's problem has always been the NDP with its pro labour, high taxes & anti business government. There's plenty of mismanagement in Manitoba but not on the scale of Alberta.
  12. I still think the Jets should have got on board the AHL Cali expansion. The Flames have announced they're moving they're AHL team down there next year. How difficult will it be for teams to get in & out of TBay scheduling wise?? I don't think it'll be easy. Why not have put the AHL team in Saskatoon? They have a AHL ready building now? And look at the logistics. In Saskatchewan & in Western Canada. How sweet is that? With Cali taking on AHL franchises I just think if not Cali for our Jets farm team then Saskatoon makes way more sense than TBay. And yes, I realize the Blades play there...
  13. All Albertans have to do is ' look in the mirror' and voila..there's the problem according to Jim. Don't mention the fact that the conservative government there has been running the finances forever. Quite a laugher. Maybe not all Albertans - just the ones who kept voting in a Conservative government forever. AlLL Albertans except the corporations. They're exempt from blame. But myself & the rest of my fellow Albertans, we're to blame. Especially those 2 slackers, Noeller & 17to85. They're sucking this province dry. I'm incorporated so technically I'm a corporation and not to blame at all.
  14. Steve Ashton the professional politician... the guy who has never held a job a day in his life. You wouldn't have wanted him as Premier. I hear his daughter is following the family lineage & is a politician as well.
  15. Experts are saying 1-3 years depending on who is talking. Why will it be a **** place to work & live? Cuts to health care, education, post secondary education, seniors, the disabled, people on assisted living. Not enough long term beds for seniors in need so acute care & surgical beds are being used which means access to speedy health care in our hospitals are compromised. Higher taxes on everything as well as increased,user fees. Not enough schools being built, hospital shortage & the list goes on & on. Yeah, the Alberta DISadvantage alright. You know the sad part? The sheeple that live in this province will elect King James & his Royal Court of Jesters. He'll make his cuts, do his thing.... maybe even balance the books someday on the backs of every Albertan except corporations. Then the King will leave for Ottawa hoping to become Emperor of This Great Land. In Alberta, the economy will eventually improve as oil prices rise. Everyone will hail King James as the wise, all knowing ruler that he wasn't. Then another unknown King will succeed him. The economy will be good again so the new King will start spending once more to supposedly give back from the loyal suck...errr... subjects to buy their votes. The debt & deficit will rise once more & 20 years from now Alberta will be in the same boat once again. So I don't see why Albertans should give this morally & ethically bankrupt party another chance. King James saw to that by buying off 9 Wild Rose MLA's including their leader Danielle Smith who vows one day she'll be vindicated. And they repealed the law that forbids deficits. And fixed election dates, well hey... I hate the bloody Progressive Conservatives. Stelmach & Redford squandered & pissed all our money away. And the lemmings here will vote them back in. RANT OFF!
  16. Great draw to the button by Team Canada's Simmons to win the Brier 6-5 over Jacob's NO team in an extra end.
  17. There's a leadership convention going on. Manitobans could have the same government but new Premier. But where's Judy Wasylicia-Leis? This lady is desperate to lead even a Girl Guides group. To have anyone follow her. Yet she's not running. How can that be? Say it ain't so, Judy. Say it ain't so.
  18. I think I am going to change my name to Prince McJunkins. Or maybe King McJunkins. I am thinking of a Troy Stoudamire reference here but have been informed that that meme is now dead. So I won't. McJunkins was no prince & lived up to his last name as he was junk. JC Watts was a pretty damned good qb who is now a Republican senator from Oklahoma.
  19. All Albertans have to do is ' look in the mirror' and voila..there's the problem according to Jim. Don't mention the fact that the conservative government there has been running the finances forever. Quite a laugher. Maybe not all Albertans - just the ones who kept voting in a Conservative government forever. AlLL Albertans except the corporations. They're exempt from blame. But myself & the rest of my fellow Albertans, we're to blame. Especially those 2 slackers, Noeller & 17to85. They're sucking this province dry.
  20. You said it! King James has spoken.
  21. I don't know if it's dying but I have noticed that a lot of colour & flair has gone out of the game for spectators.. Players all play alike. They all throw alike. They all look alike. Most even act alike, that is to say with little or no emotion. They all have roughly the same shot percentages. The Brier seems pretty well vanilla a lot of the time nowadays. I miss the days of the different types of slides, the big strong front ends sweeping a rock down the ice in unison as well as the noise associated with that. The real characters of the game are gone. Like Ernie Richardson, Don Duguid, Kerry Burtnyk, Jeff Stoughton, Ross Howard, Orest Meleschuk, Ed Werenich & others. Those guys were very unique & colourful. The game is better in a lot of ways today with superior ice & shot making but it's also worse in some ways as well. There's a lot less individualism now than in days gone by. In previous Briers the fans would latch on to a few of the players & cheer for them... just because of the way they played both the game & to the crowd. There was a skip from Quebec 20 years ago that Brier crowds really liked even though his team never won the championship. But he was a crowd favourite & everyone loved him. I'm not bemoaning the by gone days. I'm just pointing out that the game isn't as colourful as it used to be & that may be hurting attendance. As is TSN televising every round from Day 1 to the championship. This year they even broadcast two games a draw. Why buy a ticket when you can watch it from the comfort of your home?
  22. Why are you moving east Duressler?
  23. That was when they were the only hockey in town. There was no NHL team. I think a WHL team could make a go of it but not an AHL team. What might happen is what some NHL teams have done. Put their farm team on ice (pardon the pun) until they find a suitable home & share their roster with another NHL team. The Flames did that for a complete season. Not the best situation but for a year it can be a workable situation.
  24. The building inspectors in Calgary (and probably Alberta) are spread very thin. Friends of ours bought a brand-new expensive home in the Evergreen area of Calgary. They soon noticed that the dryer wasn"t working properly, so Bob followed the dryer vent duct all the way up to the attic. He was stunned to see that the duct was not connected to any vent, but just dumped onto the insulation, lying there pumping all the dryer moisture into the attic. Bob called the city inspector who told him to call the builder who told him to call the mechanical contractor who told him to call the new home warranty program and no one accepted responsibility or offered to fix it. The building inspector told Bob that they had 20 minutes to inspect every home, and that included travel time. Bob eventually gave up in disgust and put his own vent cap in. He went up the street and told all his neighbours- every one of the 21 other homes had the same deficiency and none were fixed by the builder. Just another example of the Alberta DISadvantage & how this province has fallen into a huge hole. Not the first time either. There have been thousands of homes built in the late 70's & early 80's in Calgary that went up so fast they weren't up to code. Builders didn't care. All they cared about was selling these places as quickly as they could for as much profit as they could possibly make & cut all kinds of corners. Built cheap but sold high to unsuspecting suckers. These unscrupulous fly by night builders went out of business in the early 80's when interest rates were at nearly 20% & owners with problems on say a 3 year home had no one to go after when problems arose. Anyone thinking of moving out here to Calgary, Edmonton or elsewhere in Alberta should think twice & stay put. It's only going to get a lot worse. Alberta is going to be a **** place to work & live.
  25. Really noticed the difference this year as far as the buzz for the Brier went. It really hurts the event no matter where it's held if the host team sucks & if Manitoba doesn't do well. I don't think the addition of Team Canada (especially because THIS Team Canada isn't the same team that won the event last year) helped at all. The lack of big names other than Morris, Gushue & Jacobs also hurt attendance. Like Noeller said this felt like a big WCT event & not our national championship. Doesn't help also when the sponsoring radio station in Calgary (CHQR) has remotes all week with some of their shows coming from the Saddledome & the biggest ass clown on Calgary talk radio (Roger Kingcaide) kept comparing curling to cricket mocking the game.
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