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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I don't like that linebacking crew as all. None can be considered starters. Role players for sure. Where the heck is Curran? I think that linebacker is the biggest weakness on the team. We have to bite the bullet & sign him.Just to clarify, the linebackers I listed there are for one possible roster spot. Not all potential starters.What we have so far is the weakest linebacking group in the CFL. I just can't see how we can leave that unaddressed going into the season.And Walters agrees with you. Just a few days ago on 1290 he said that was the area of biggest concern. I'm confident he'll figure it out. Curran would really help figure it out. Man, what I wouldn't give to have Greg Battle, James West & Ty Jones in their primes show up to play. Bottom line is that teams don't win in this league without a great Mac linebacker.
  2. I don't like that linebacking crew as all. None can be considered starters. Role players for sure. Where the heck is Curran? I think that linebacker is the biggest weakness on the team. We have to bite the bullet & sign him.Just to clarify, the linebackers I listed there are for one possible roster spot. Not all potential starters. What we have so far is the weakest linebacking group in the CFL. I just can't see how we can leave that unaddressed going into the season.
  3. He really doesn't want out but the Flames won't pay what he wants. He never demanded to pay me or trade me.
  4. I don't like that linebacking crew as all. None can be considered starters. Role players for sure. Where the heck is Curran? I think that linebacker is the biggest weakness on the team. We have to bite the bullet & sign him.
  5. Now your bias is shining through. Lots of the players on this team were brought in by Joe Mack. This regime has a lot of ground to make up to even come close to the level of recruiting Mack did. You hate Mack though so I just expect you to downplay the things he did do welll. . I don't see in his post where he said Mack didn't recruit some good players. "Lots" is a subjective word. I count 12 guys on the roster that predate Walters taking over. My beef with Mack was his disdain in not wanting to sign players in free agency or to hold onto our own. And of course the horrible qb'ng situation. He was probably right to draft Andy Mulamba as he was a very good player. Almost every GM has drafted a player who decided to give the NFL a whirl. Sure he brought in players. It was the failure of free agency & the LaPolice firing that turned me off him. That Mulumba draft all the top guys gave the NFL a try basically and Mulumba was one of the ones they didn't think had much of a chance to stick, but he did. Worthwhile gamble IMO. Really Macks biggest failing was hiring 2 duds at head coach. The free agency thing was a big issue for me as well like I said.
  6. Now your bias is shining through. Lots of the players on this team were brought in by Joe Mack. This regime has a lot of ground to make up to even come close to the level of recruiting Mack did. You hate Mack though so I just expect you to downplay the things he did do welll. . I don't see in his post where he said Mack didn't recruit some good players. "Lots" is a subjective word. I count 12 guys on the roster that predate Walters taking over. My beef with Mack was his disdain in not wanting to sign players in free agency or to hold onto our own. And of course the horrible qb'ng situation. He was probably right to draft Andy Mulamba as he was a very good player. Almost every GM has drafted a player who decided to give the NFL a whirl. Sure he brought in players. It was the failure of free agency & the LaPolice firing that turned me off him.
  7. I agree 110% with what you say 17. However, I truly appreciate the work the guys put in. Walters has done more for the Bombers in 18 months than Joe Mack did in nearly 3 years plus he seems to get how a championship team is built. Pieces are found through recruiting, drafting & free agent signings. However, that one sentence describing Miller... Guess I'm the Third Negatron. Like Noeller says just give us the pbp without the other stuff. Now your bias is shining through. Lots of the players on this team were brought in by Joe Mack. This regime has a lot of ground to make up to even come close to the level of recruiting Mack did. You hate Mack though so I just expect you to downplay the things he did do welll. Yeah, I won't argue that. I did hate him. I'm not the only one. There was even a Fire Joe Mack twitter account.
  8. And Walters shook his head & said... "Thanks Wade! I needed that.!!" From which the exulted & oh so wise, kind & wonderful Wade Miller exited the room. "My work is done here," he said.
  9. All this tells me is that quality assistants follow quality coordinators. Also just reinforces how absolutely ugly that Etcheverry hire was. Bellefeuille better have a great year with his offense & play calling or he'll be replaced.
  10. It's risque but nothing is shown.
  11. I agree 110% with what you say 17. However, I truly appreciate the work the guys put in. Walters has done more for the Bombers in 18 months than Joe Mack did in nearly 3 years plus he seems to get how a championship team is built. Pieces are found through recruiting, drafting & free agent signings. However, that one sentence describing Miller... Guess I'm the Third Negatron. Like Noeller says just give us the pbp without the other stuff.
  12. John Barrow was totally dominant. Never took a play off. Big, tough, strong & mean but he played within the rulebook. If he knocked a running back into next week it was a clean tackle. Angelo Mosca had a reputation of playing on the edge but Barrow was one tough SOB.
  13. Screw Migs. He's a mental case. Nutbar Rider fan.
  14. One of the most dominant defensive linemen in the 1960's former Hamilton Ti Cat John Barrow has passed away at age 79. He & Angelo Mosca terrorized CFL offenses for over a decade. http://www.cbc.ca/sports/football/cfl/john-barrow-tiger-cats-stalwart-dead-at-79-1.2962698
  15. I always knew the Argos were a country club... Surprised that "eh?" wasn't thrown in their for effect.
  16. C'mon Kev, go to the Als. Screw the Riders.
  17. Fowles turned down the job as did Reinebold. #backtosquareone
  18. So change up the colours & make the logos bigger.... Not much to the imagination. I noticed the Bronco helmet no longer had the cyber horse but the old school logo.
  19. I was a head football coach in Calgary 10 years ago & we made the playoffs. A tv station showed up at our practice unannounced & I was interviewed. It was awkward, I stumbled over my words, the bright light from the camera blinded me as it was done outside at our practice field where it was dark. I did not enjoy the situation. I thought I looked & sounded like a geek even though I did about 3 takes. Actually interviewed twice that season & both times it was nerve wracking. I get where Colin is coming from. 17 or anyone familiar with the Calgary media may know the guy who interviewed me. It was Joe Sports from Global TV. He unfortunately passed away 6 or7 years ago from cancer.
  20. Tacklewasher, just sayin' that if there's a decent conversation going on there at OB then I'll be a part of it.
  21. This is one of the most active CFL websites around. I don't know the membership numbers but I know it's not in the thousands like Riderfans. But damn, it's busy here & most of us are pretty passionate about the Bombers. I also go on CFL Horsemen which is the only Stamps fan site & there are days you could shoot a cannon through it figuratively speaking & not hit a soul. From Day 1 here it's never been like that here. It's always been active or busy. Lots of great discussion going on. There's no comparison between here & CFL H. CFL H just doesn't have the traffic this place does. Although that site is pretty friendly & a good one. But it's a different kind of website than what we have going on here as they do social activities & have a tailgate BBQ before every Stamps home game in the McMahon Stadium parking lot. And beers with John Hufnagel & Gord Norrie (Stamps President) where the guys that run CFL H book a room once a year in a pub or bar & the HC & team Prez Norrie actually show up & talk to Stamps fans from CFL H over a few wings & beer. Only members of CFL H can attend. It's pretty cool to be at the same table as John Hufnagel asking questions about the Stampeders & he actually answers them. As far as Our Bombers go, Colin let things slide for too long. I don't pretend to know what brought on the schism from OB to why this site was created. But his not being proactive when it happened did the OB in. Now, it's going to be a struggle for Our Bombers to get back to even a quarter of what it used to be. Trying to revive the site nearly 2 years after this place started is going to be very difficult. I have no negative thoughts or bad feelings directed at Colin. He always treated me very well. I like the guy. Now that I'm unbanned (because of that ****** Shankman) if there's something worthwhile to post over there, I'll do it. Just like I will here. I'll support both sites. But this is the place to be no question if you're a Bomber fan.
  22. at it's best it was pretty ******* epic, but that was a long time ago and a lot of those posters don't do the message board thing anymore. Back when men were men, dames were broads, and you could tell a moron that he was a moron without fear of repercussion. Before the days of political correctness. I miss the days of Paul Martin.
  23. But can you fill Stoudemire's jockey shorts? Alright, there have been several "Stoudemire references" on the forum. What did I miss? And I hope I won't regret asking... Click on my avi and take a close look. The picture is small but what you'll see isn't. Or you can see the picture on his twitter account: https://twitter.com/_Stoudermire11 Oh my...
  24. The left is ludicrous as usual.
  25. Ya im sure that wont piss them off more. Stick around and occupy their land? Thats what pissed them off in the first place. Did the USA not back Saddam at one time? Did they also not back the rebels in Afgan against the Russians? How did all that turn out? The problem is and my point is..... They dont understand these people and you cant win against what you cant understand. You dont know who to help or give weapons to because they will just turn on you like it has many times over. The fact you truly believe American regime building lacks any insight into the people or the country astounds me.. They didn't show up, hand out weapons, say "that's our guy... Screw the rest of you.." And then lay waste to everyone not American enough for them.. The problem was essentially "fixed" but Iraqi government and military leaders gave up at almost first sign of having to go alone.. I'm pretty sure if Americans stayed and held the peace and kept the terror attacks and kills low, ISIS would have been crushed.. American pressure on themselves to come home left a power vacuum that these scum have walked right into and set up shop.. It's like America lanced the tumour out but didn't get to clean and sterilize the wound... Now infection has set in and gangrene is not far away.. Well heres an idea. Go read and understand what your talking about. They all need to figure it out on there own without anyone telling them. America staying and putting up army bases is what pissed them off to start with. Tell ya what, why don't you enlighten us with your take on the situation over there.
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