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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Grigsby in the open... No one can touch him. He... could.... go.... all... the... way. Oh, he's brought down by a slight gust of wind. Outta nowhere.
  2. Rogers showed what he could do.... If he stays healthy with the system the Stamps use he'll be dominant.
  3. He knows he'll cash in if he's cut so it's a low risk gamble for the guy. I didn't think much of some of his comments regarding using the CFL as a stepping stone to the NFL. Maybe a thank you to the Stamps for drafting him after he said he wanted to attend med school may have been appropriate. Just seems like a cocky young guy.
  4. I'd be happy if it was a crossover situation for us. Just get to the playoffs.
  5. Sometimes players need that chip they have knocked off their shoulder. Releasing him a day later wouldn't have affected recruiting or signing of FA's. Anyway, not worth fighting over as he's gone.
  6. Just as an aside, former NHL defenseman Steve Montador was found dead in his home early this morning. He was 35. He had been dealing with severe concussion issues which ended his career as well as depression from that injury. An autopsy will be done to determine cause of death. Sad news.
  7. He's a free agent. Still don't understand with the stunt he pulled on us why Walters was so nice & didn't release him a day later so he couldn't have signed with anyone. Maybe he was thinking about doing something to make Wpg a more appealing place to come to for players. Maybe but how is that making Winnipeg a more appealing place? This is a business & not a social club. He quit on us, remember? Winning changes everything.
  8. The Stamps were in cruise mode that game. They were thinking ahead to the Western Final. #ripeforthepicking
  9. No I'm not talking human rights, I'm talking anything on the right. I see it all the time on the internet. People had no trouble lambasting the view on networks like sun news, yet citing blogs from incredibly biased left wingers as truth. The left is very intolerant to anything other than their world view. Look at how much **** Alberta gets for maintaining low taxes. The left won't hear of any sort of positive, it's just a travesty and barbaric that they're not gouging the populace in order to spend spend spend. Alberta needs a PST as we haven't enough revenue when oil prices tank like now. I hate taxes but this seems like a no brainer to me, 17.
  10. Always amusing how the SUN criticized the Edmonton Oilers arena deal with Katz yet nary a peep about the $400 million in taxpayers money being used in building the new Quebec City arena. I'm sure Peladeau's potential ownership of the future Nordiques has nothing to do with that though. There is a similar situation happening with the Winnipeg Free Press, Mark Chipman and the new mayor Bowman. Bowman was championed as someone who campaigned on transparency at city hall and the Free Press seemed to go along with that idea after the shenanigans pulled by Sam Katz in his relationship with Shindico amongst other transgressions. Free Press went after Katz pretty hard and deservedly so. However, the minute that Chipman questions True North on the relationship with CentreVenture and possibly favouritism such as different terms and conditions regarding the land on the site of the former Calrton Hotel, the Free Press proceeds to write a serious of scathing articles on Bowman accusing him of endangering a True North $400 million proposal in the SHED district. The thing is, it's just a proposal at this point, nothing more, and we don't know how many millions in subsidies it would require nor do we know if it will look anything like that render and who will actually occupy all that floor space. Pretty funny though that the newspaper champions a guy who was endorsed by Chipman prior to the election on the strength of his promise for transparency and rapid transit. Now that he is questioning the dealings of True North he is getting taken to task in a series of editorials by that same newspaper. I'm sure the heavy advertising that Chipman's auto dealerships have in the Winnipeg Free Press have nothing to do with it though. Not living in Winnipeg anymore & not knowing the issue I can't really comment on it.
  11. Oliver just keeps getting more grumpy the older he gets.
  12. I still can't believe that the redblacks cut Rogers. Wow.
  13. Well, I could ask you the same question about Marve. How many GC appearances & wins? When was the last time we won a Grey Cup?
  14. Yes because the bonus money pool for undrafted FAs in the NFL is about $80,000. Thanks for that.
  15. Experience only KBF. Insurance. Marve has done nothing in this league. I don't want him getting the keys to the franchise yet.
  16. Pall's had it pretty easy for a long time. Do nothing & get paid. Nice gig if you can get it.Pall played in a couple games for the Bombers late last season. Great, that makes 4 in 3 seasons. #specialteamsterror
  17. And what do you base that on? Marve's Grey Cup appearances with 2 different teams? Oh wait...
  18. With expanded seating the place will seat more - 10,000 or so by the looks of things. About the same as some of those exhibition games they played in the Maritimes (think Halifax and possibly Moncton without the temp seats) several years ago. Edit: I think Moncton blew their chances at any further games, exhibition or regular season, by not selling out the last 2 regular season games there, the latter at a reduced capacity no less. That's really too bad. I'm moving to the east coast this summer, so would have been nice to see a game there. Closest I could get to is Montreal which will be 9-10 hours away. Is your family moving out there? Be a good time to make a break from being on the Dark Side as a Rider fan & join US as a Bomber fan now.
  19. He's a free agent. Still don't understand with the stunt he pulled on us why Walters was so nice & didn't release him a day later so he couldn't have signed with anyone.
  20. Does a $35,000 signing bonus show the Colts are serious about Heenan?
  21. Was Nic Grigsby released by Hamilton?
  22. Funny that you didn't unleash this same logic in the Glenn thread. Because we're talking inexperienced rookies at qb in the Glenn thread. We had experienced OL & they still sucked. Asking a rookie qb with limited experience to carry the team on his back if he has to is just asking for trouble. So apples to oranges. Ummm, no. He's suggesting that these experienced O linemen might not live up to expectactions. That their performance might not be all that we're hoping for. Which is the same sort of logic that could be applied to Glenn, that maybe he wouldn't be the savior of the season if he played. Anyway, sorry for hijacking the thread, but the irony was just too good to pass up. More of a what if scenario. 17's not saying they won't play well. As far as Glenn goes his experience would give us a better chance to win games & give us us a better chance to get a playoff spot if Willy got hurt.
  23. Funny that you didn't unleash this same logic in the Glenn thread. Because we're talking inexperienced rookies at qb in the Glenn thread. We had experienced OL & they still sucked. Asking a rookie qb with limited experience to carry the team on his back if he has to is just asking for trouble. So apples to oranges.
  24. They really didn't have any credible personalities on the air.Ezra was Ezra & was bombastic. Michael Coren came across as crotchety & know it all. And some of the other personalities were like, "Look at how stupid the Libs & NDP are...".Not being on basic cable really hurt them. The other thing that ticked me off was paleadeau a separatist still has shares in the Sun chain even though he sold to Post Media.
  25. Yeah, that's surely a What If & a valid question but I think the guy took so many hits last season that it affected his confidence & he began playing scared. I think with an improved line as well as run game it'll take a lot of heat off of Drew & he'll be much better. No one could absorb that kind of punishment game in & game out & not be affected by it. I'm sure the word that trended in the huddle the most was "Sorry".
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