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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. They have guys who can play both but generally it's not interchageable. Could Keon Raymond play in the middle of the Calgary linebacking corps?
  2. Too bad work gets in the way for me...
  3. Those are all 3 different positions. They're not interchangeable. Curran is a stud. That's the guy I'd like in the middle.
  4. Do they care? #justpaythefine
  5. We better be top 2.
  6. If I was dat guy & I wanted to come over here I'd pick a name so different that I'd never be connected...
  7. Do you have a source for Grey Cups continuing at the Dome ? Not that I don't believe Grey Cups could continue at Rogers Centre if they felt like it, however according to Tim Leiweke it would be held at BMO. http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/24-7/winter-classic-could-be-coming-to-toronto/ https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/blogs/cfl-55-yard-line/tim-leiweke-comments-putting-grey-cup-bmo-field-191351780.html http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/acc-bmo-field-plan-upgrade-leaving-rogers-centre-behind/article21515673/?page=all Special Event seating also states Grey Cup, although it looks as though the 40k number is for the soccer setup. https://argosadmirals.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/bmo40k.png Lastly, bare in mind that the Rogers Centre is solely owned by Rogers not MLSE. A lot of money is being put into BMO, it would stand to reason that holding major events there would generate more $$$ for MLSE not just Rogers. All the stories I've read are that future Grey Cups would be held at the BMO Field & not Rogers Centre. MLSE wants the Grey Cup to generate revenue for them. The Jays & Rogers want the CFL out & it's why I will never buy a device from Rogers as long as I live. Rogers can go **** themselves.
  8. Not really. Well Mike, you may be right. Maybe the real answer is somewhere in the middle. After the mass exodus to here when this site opened up in 2013, there were many members who stayed loyal to OB & never followed for one reason or another. Some because they felt they owed Colin. Others because they never heard about this place. Over time, more & more people heard about MBB & came over. I've learned over the years that once people decide that a website isn't worth staying with or going to, it never recovers. Some real big CFL sites have come & gone or are still around in skeletal form this past decade or so. I think it's just a matter of time now.
  9. Grapes is being torn apart today on social media by overly sensitive & politically correct @$$..... who just lie in the weeds waiting for Cherry to say something they don't like. Then the FIRE HIM NOW! chants start up. What was Ron MacLean thinking even bringing up seal burgers to Cherry? Like he doesn't know his partner after all these years & he might say something??
  10. A league without the Argos means a hugely diminished tv deal & I think the ultimate doom of the league as teams will again be strapped for cash. Like it or not... & I don't like it... but we need the Argos to be a viable franchise in the CFL to make it a success. The way Braley is running things now is grinding that, team into the ground.
  11. Pretty damning stuff from Cherry & Wheeler. Sad when a 6 year veteran like Kane has to be lectured to like that. Like he's 17.
  12. I always liked OB.com & was going to be a regular over there & here. I was even asked to be a mod over there but I said no. However, within a week of Shankman taking over as one of the mods he was busy lecturing people to stay on topic. Even a slight deviance off topic would get a rebuke from the guy. He still acts like a grade one teacher trying to keep his/her students in line. In the first week I was warned three times to stay on topic. I was told to behave or I'd be temporarily banned.Then he & the other mods over there started deleting my posts & the posts of others. I just said the hell with it & left. Nah, the guy is an idiot. I get the sense a lot of members there left & came here because of him.
  13. The prices for most of those upper deck seats at BC Place were ridiculous, especially the corners at $288 Imagine the prices for a Grey Cup in Toronto at BMO Field under MLSE ownership................................. Imagine the CFL with no Toronto...
  14. The Flames will have to go this alone. For the third time the Province has axed a much needed new cancer centre in Calgary. They can't go to the Tories & say fund a third of this project without huge blow back from just about everyone.
  15. It's dead. Been saying that for almost 2 years about Shankman. He definitely is one of the main reasons why that place has died. I hope he likes listening to the sound of crickets chirping. Just checked & as of now the last post was made Tuesday February 3rd at 8:25 pm. Not one post after that. "The Last Post"... Ironic isn't it?
  16. Iso any word in Calgary about the rumoured joint arena/stadium proposal for the Stamps/Flames of late? Or is that on the backburner with the drop in oil and probable huge deficit in Alberta? I've heard rumours that some kind of announcement is coming "soon", whatever that means. The word soon has been for a couple of years now. All 3 levels of government have said no to any kind of public funding & now with the provincial economy in the tank the Flames would be crazy to even consider that as an option. The primary Flames owner Murray Edwards is a billionaire & I've heard stories a new arena will be 100% privately funded by him but it will come at a price for fans. If you want season tickets to watch the Flames, rock concert, circus, pro lacrosse then you'll have to pay expensive individual seat licenses. If it's anything like the 49ers owners have done then I'm thinking maybe ten to 15 grand financed over a five year period for a decent seat. I also think the arena will be stand alone & no new stadium will be attached with the project. I'm just speculating here. From what I've heard, it's going to be a massive development similar to Lansdowne. If Ken King can be taken at his word, "it will be the largest development that Calgary has seen in 50 years". Ken King ing always says what people want to hear. He's the extreme huckster. If you shake his hand better count your fingers after. That being said, I hope a football stadium of 35,000 is included.
  17. Toronto & vancouver used to toss the game back & forth in the 60's & 70's... Throw in Montreal in the mix back then every few years as well. I have no problem with Toronto getting a GC every three years or so. If we get the ownership situation with the Argos sorted out. Braley's gotta go.
  18. Amazing how the world turned on a dime with oil in just a few months. Eight months ago the oil industry around the world was doing just fine. If it turned down quickly as it has then it'll turn back up even quicker. I don't know much about alternative energy sources to oil like the one mentioned but I do know this. The world has an insatiable appetite for crude. And it's not going away anytime soon. Oil will be back closer to a hundred dollars a barrel sooner than even the experts think. And oil & exploration companies will be even leaner & better run so they will make their profits at $95 a barrel like they did at $120.
  19. Walters has to make some kind of splash in free agency this year. At least make it look like the Bomber organization is serious about improving as people are tired of the constant losing.Taking it slow & easy building thru the draft over a number of years may be the mantra he is preaching but let's be honest... the Bombers have to be a playoff team this season. Missing the playoffs will be a huge blow to everyone as we're hosting the Grey Cup. Taking it slow has been the death of many GM's & head coaches on many teams in all of pro sports not matter what league because most GMs don't get 5 or more years to work their plan as they've been fired. Patience is at a premium in Winnipeg as fans want to see marked improvement not another season of the team spinning its wheels. Certainly not Mike O'Shea if they go thru another 5 or 6 game winning season as he may be gone in 2016. Free agency is but one of the options the Bombers need to build a true winner & they have to be able to sign the players they covet. We're not the Stampeders with a loaded roster where they can say that free agency isn't the way they want to go as they have better players on their roster than any of the free agents that will be out there. We're light years away still from being close to the Calgary Stampeders in depth & talent. They can afford to be picky as well as conservative when it comes to free agency, we can't as we have just too many holes to fill. If signing free agents means the Bombers have to spend money they don't want to then so be it. Walters needs to target the players he wants & then go get them whether it's just a single player or a half dozen. Personally as fan, I'm tired of the excuses. If not being willing to spend the money is one of them I won't be happy.
  20. He didn't look very good. He looked okay. To me, he has potential but he wasn't great. He had his good moments & bad.
  21. Have to sign one of those 2 first which may not be easy. There'll be plenty of teams throwing money & promises to them (like Ottawa) out there. I'd bring January back. Why not? Let him compete for a spot.
  22. If Brohm wants to leave there's the door & good luck. He'll need it.
  23. Iso any word in Calgary about the rumoured joint arena/stadium proposal for the Stamps/Flames of late? Or is that on the backburner with the drop in oil and probable huge deficit in Alberta? I've heard rumours that some kind of announcement is coming "soon", whatever that means. The word soon has been for a couple of years now. All 3 levels of government have said no to any kind of public funding & now with the provincial economy in the tank the Flames would be crazy to even consider that as an option. The primary Flames owner Murray Edwards is a billionaire & I've heard stories a new arena will be 100% privately funded by him but it will come at a price for fans. If you want season tickets to watch the Flames, rock concert, circus, pro lacrosse then you'll have to pay expensive individual seat licenses. If it's anything like the 49ers owners have done then I'm thinking maybe ten to 15 grand financed over a five year period for a decent seat. I also think the arena will be stand alone & no new stadium will be attached with the project. I'm just speculating here.
  24. This guy has all the talent in the world but has been a pain for years now. Some guys like Kane just don't grow up until it's too late. Look at how Sidney Crosby has handled his career, spotlight & pressure since he came to the NHL compared to Evander. Like night & day.
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