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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. If they can renegotiate Willy's contract down that'll be a great thing financially for the team.
  2. Trump calls Hillary a bigot. The Trump campaign has just entered into its desperate phase.
  3. Yeah, I do actually. Thank you.
  4. A few months ago the same people now defending Willy by saying he had a shitty line blocking for him compared to Nicholls are the same ones who defended the OL a couple of months ago by saying Willy was holding onto the ball too long. So it was his fault for the majority of the sacks we had, they said. Especially after Bob Wylie whined, bitched & snarled at the local media at training camp over the record number of qb sacks the past 2 seasons before this one. Then Willy got benched & Nicholls started winning. Now the same people have conveniently gone back to blaming the OL for Willy's poor play yet seemingly giving no credit to Nicholls for guiding the Bombers to 3 wins.
  5. A thousand fans in a 3,000 seat facility still looks better & has much more fun atmosphere than a thousand at IGF. Other than decent locker rooms what else does junior football really need. compared to what they used to have? The Rifles were housed out of a trailer underneath the north grandstand for years at Canad Inns Stadium. They also used an auxiliary locker room under the west side where I'm sure black mould was present the way it leaked from the stands above. I remember having to go in there for a parents meeting & it was a cold, dank & disgusting place.
  6. I've never seen that side of Durant that you're referring to as an arrogant team player. i think he has a very good rep as a team leader with the Riders.
  7. You guys got what you paid for, ARF.
  8. Rider fan angst over this move. The honeymoon with Jones is definitely over.
  9. http://leaderpost.com/sports/football/cfl/saskatchewan-roughriders/saskatchewan-roughriders-release-receiver-john-chiles?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter I hope we pick this guy up. I'd like to give him a chance in our offense.
  10. The absolute foundation of a championship team is the OL. We build that & we will win a championship.
  11. Nice to see not only former junior players like Andrew Harris play & star in the CFL but coaches as well. Adam Blasetti who was the OL coach with SFU in 2015 used to be the OC with the Calgary Colts before he came to the Clan. He's now the running backs coach with the BC Lions.
  12. That's a tall order J5V. Everybody handles things differently. I'm sure Willy will play again this season. Then we'll know if being benched helped or not. He'll have to play well right away the next time he gets his chance.
  13. My feeling has always been that although PFC teams with CFL stadiums use them for home games, they really need 2-3,000 seat stadiums to create an atmosphere that is fun & where the home team has the advantage because of the crowd. In the PFC it's nothing but empty seats in Regina, Winnipeg & Calgary. there is no 'home field advantage". Sure, in CFL cities junior football is waaay down the list of things to do & the local media doesn't care but the empty massive stadiums for PFC home games just drives the point home to people that junior football is something definitely not cool to watch when truthfully it is. That is unfortunate.
  14. Hillside is a nice stadium. Perfect size for football. Check out Westhills Stadium the home of the Westshore Rebels (Victoria) & Langley Rams (McLeod Athletic Park) stadium on either their websites or on Google.
  15. If a community wanted it then it could have been done. Especially since the stadium in Kamloops was built with infrastructure money. The stadium in Kamloops isn't made of bricks & mortar. It's an aluminum & steel structure built like Tempire Stadium in BC that was used when BC Place was undergoing renovations. A 1,000 seat stadium wouldn't have been that big of an investment especially when the feds would have paid for it. Anyway, my son did play 2 years for the Rifles when they played at Canad Inns Stadium before he went to SFU.
  16. The Argos love Ray. if they let Harris leave why would they pursue Franklin? Just askin'.
  17. When Nicholls took over the season had already started to unravel. We started both Brohm & Marve after Willy got hurt & they were abysmal. Especially Marve vs the Stamps It all went downhill from there. There were a couple of winnable games we should have won, like the Eskimo game that particularly stands out.. So, instead of 2-6 he might've been 4-4 so Nicholls record as a starter might've been much different. Not rewriting history but your version isn't quite right either.
  18. Disagree. Willy was continually getting killed. Every game he was taking hard shots. We all knew it was just a matter of time before he got injured & he did. When Nicholls cane in the football left his hand much faster. I wouldn't say Nicholls record was any indication of an improvement as the team had a lot of holes to fill but even with Bellefeuille's offense it looked better with Nicholls running it.
  19. Not easy, I know. Our depth is razor thin. on the roster & with the salary cap.
  20. As I've said previously, my son coaches in the BCFC. Every one of their stadiums are between 1500 to 3,000 seats. Really nice little football stadiums, We've been to games in Kelowna & Kamloops & both are well attended. the games are fun & have great atmosphere. The Okanagan Sun sold out the 3,000 seat Apple Bowl which is no surprise owing to them being such a successful organization. Kamloops is 0-4 but they had close to a thousand people at their game in a stadium with a capacity of 1500 seats. The BCFC teams play in much smaller stadiums than the PFC instead of massive CFL stadiums in Calgary, Regina & Winnipeg. My wife & I really enjoyed both those games as the fans were really into it. Every PFC team should have a 3,000 seat stadium to play in. Not 33-35,000 seat stadiums where 3,000 fans look like a bunch of ants all on the 55 yard line & the place is dead. Interestingly enough, there was a sign outside the stadium in Kamloops where the stadium was funded by the Harper Conservatives under their infrastructure program
  21. Well, first of all I never said Nicholls won any games single handedly last year or this. However, we did win with him at qb last season. And he did play better behind that line than Willy did. And Nicholls survived last season because he made quicker decisions. Got rid of the football faster. Based on all that I think Nicholls played better everytime he got in since he got here from the Eskimos. Is Nicholls the long term answer? I have no idea but he gives us a better chance to win when he's playing, IMO. So, he needs to stay in there.
  22. Okay, you tell us where they can trim the fat? What, sit or cut Wild & play Hurl? Cut Randle & keep Roberts? Get rid of Dressler & Smith?
  23. I go back to last season as they both played behind that putrid OL that was a disgrace. Nicholls played as well or better than Willy did before his injury in 2015. He made quicker reads, better decisions & released the football faster than Willy did.
  24. I think the Esks beat them to it.
  25. The way the qb position is set up now, they're maxxed out because of Willy's contract. They really are hamstrung in that they can't go out & sign a promising player or make a trade. Backups don't make $410,000 in the CFL & make a lot less. So I agree, this will have to be dealt with in the off season. Either Willy agrees to a substantial & serious paycut or he won't be here anymore. The other thing is that Willy or anyone else should never be given a starting position. Whoever comes out on top thru competition should be the starter by earning it. Not an announcement at a media conference by O'Shea. So, if Willy agrees to a paycut & has to work for the starting spot then he can be brought back. If not, probably time to move on.
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