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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. What.. No other parade to rain on today?My word. Be he speaks the truth broseph Uh.. No.. Not really.. When the media prints a quote like "expect a decision on the DC being hall or benevides in 48 hrs.." Leads me to believe that both are interested... Both want the job and both are waiting to see who get it. Not, both are balking, neither are gonna be bombers and the sky is falling yet again, oh noes! All I said was that until it's official I won't be jumping to conclusions because of what happened with our DC last off season. Stubler coming here was supposedly a done deal as well. Then he showed up in Calgary & Huff was grinning like a Cheshire Cat as he knew he stole him away from the Bombers. If you think that's being negative well then so be it. I was just being realistic. I swear, this place gets more like Riderfans everyday. Probably one will sign here but I'm just saying things can change, that's all. I can't believe I have to explain to justify what I said.
  2. I'm no economist but to me, the Canadian way of always wanting a weak dollar to help with exports... Why can't we become competitive with the US & quit leaning on subsidies & monetary policies from the feds to be competitive in the export markets? Needing a cheaper dollar to compete tells me we're not competitive & need to become so in the 21st century. we were promised that free trade would make Canadians more wealthy & make our country an even bigger player on the economic world stage back in the late 80's when Mulroney was doing his NAFTA selling bit to the Canadian people. Didn't turn out that way.
  3. I think isolation is a pretty harsh word. Not everyone worries about that or we'd have no pro teams in Winnipeg.
  4. What? If any society is isolated it's Quebec. They prefer it that way. you missed the point my friend.. Montreal is much closer major metropolitan centres then winnipeg, regina, edmonton or calgary are.. SPuDs, Calgary, Edmonton & Vancouver are closer to Los Angeles, Hollywood, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Denver, San Diego as well as other cities in the Western US than Montreal is. I think saying the West has relative isolation is totally wrong.
  5. What.. No other parade to rain on today? My word. Oh go stuff it, really. Can't post anything here without someone twisting what I said around & making it into something it isn't. All I meant was that until it's official nothing is sure & anything can happen. That's it. Nothing else. And in reality, it's true. After Rich Stubler strung us along for over a month & then went to Calgary at the last minute last off season I'm being cautious as I thought his coming here was a done deal.
  6. Hate to rain on people's parades but it is possible we get neither. Benevides may take the DC job in Saskatchewan & Hall could also return to the Riders in another capacity. Until the actual announcement is made I won't count on anything. #weweresupposedtogetstublerbutgotetchinsteadremember?
  7. A seventy cent dollar is not good for anyone except the manufacturing sector in Ontario & Quebec. The politicians from Upper & Lower Canada want a cheaper dollar so the flow of wealth can start going back east. Away from we upstarts out west.
  8. What? If any society is isolated it's Quebec. They prefer it that way.
  9. As what? Cuz special teams ain't available here. DL coach? Lb coach? Db? Doubt it. Why not... our ST is nothing to write home about As what? Cuz special teams ain't available here. DL coach? Lb coach? Db? Doubt it. Why not... our ST is nothing to write home about That would be a demotion, I think.
  10. From what I understand the reason he would only sign with the Stamps had to do with med school. So if he doesn't get any offers from the NFL, has anything changed regarding his situation at the UofC? I certainly can't answer that. I guess that'll be Jones call if & when the time comes.
  11. It was a dickish question... I can see why players hate the media & don't trust them.
  12. Cuz imports are dime a dozen.. Blah blah blah.. Not every American can pick up the nuances of the CFL game.. How many wash out every year? Top tier american players are worth paying for because you know what your getting.. Bear woods would have been valuable, especially to us.. You'd think these American free agents would at least wait to see what's out there. Bear Woods would have been coveted by a lot of teams. I can understand a Canadian resigning as a lot of them put down roots in CFL cities they play in. Get jobs & become a part of the community. But chances are in 10 years, a guy like Woods will be back in the US. So why not cash in while they still can?
  13. Make us a winner.
  14. In Alberta we have a deficit of $6-7 BILLION dollars.... Just this year. You guys have it good. And the Flames want a new arena? Good luck with that.
  15. Well, have to give it a shot. Nothing to lose & everything to gain!
  16. Oiler fans are drooling for McDavid. Keep the losses coming they say.
  17. Don't dismiss Jones going back to Regina. His parents are Riders season ticket holders.
  18. Yeah, the stadium situation & Braley's assertion the Argos are worth $20 million is ridiculous.
  19. Yeah 17, that sounds way more correct. The Riders were the league doormats until Roy Shivers came along & cultivated Rider Nation based on Raider Nation in the NFL. I was around in the 70's watching Edmonton always beat the Bombers in the playoffs & I HATED the Esks back then because of it. The Bomber teams back then were just as talented as the Eskies were & had we beaten them even just once or twice we'd have 2 more GC victories to our credit as an organization. Now, 35 years later I have great respect for what they accomplished. Winning 5 GC's in a row will never be be tied or beaten I believe. The West back then was tough. Like it is now. Just to get out of it was something. If I don't hate the Eskimos for what they did back then, there's no reason for a 25 year old Rider fan today to hate them either.
  20. It sounds permanent.
  21. Nice. Like this.
  22. Goodlow & Sellers also have an NFL pension coming..
  23. I think the refs owed everyone an explanation when the decision to overturn was made. The NFL Head of Officials should be talking to the media today about this & why the call was reversed. Everyone is owed an explanation.
  24. Is Duthie popular? TSN decides who hosts & we just tune in. We, as viewers have no special engagement with the host or panelists as we don't decide them. If it was based on popularity, Rod Black would have been off CFL broadcasts years ago.
  25. I just have a feeling that Ron will be gone in a season or two.
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