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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. THIS. Shameless Khari fanboi checking in, get that man on the Bombers coaching staff somehow already. Love to see KJ here as well. But that may not play out until after all the OC positions in the CFL are taken care of. As far as Buck being the qb coach I think that would be a great idea.
  2. How can you say that? Look at the stats vs the run & the number of sacks we had. He would be a huge upgrade on our DL. Using a player who is not good against the run and comparing it to a scheme that wont be here next year is not a good argument my friend Sorry but it is. I'm sure every coach who was fired has said if they had talent they'd never lose.
  3. I could be a wrestler but never fight in the UFC. It's way tougher. One kick to the head & it's lights out.
  4. How can you say that? Look at the stats vs the run & the number of sacks we had. He would be a huge upgrade on our DL.
  5. HNIC... err... Rogers, I guess.
  6. Your memory is failing you Iso. Thornton was traded to the Argos in 1967. Bud Grant had taken over the Vikings and Zaleski was the Bomber head coach. Okay, loooong time ago.I couldn't remember if it was Grant or Zaleski who got rid of him. However, Thornton did say that.
  7. Weak kneed President. Putting the screws to North Korea with even tougher economic sanctions would be a start.What sanctions are left to impose? I don't know. I suppose there's always something.
  8. I wonder who is present at the interviews?Mike O'Shea is present. Is that it? Who else needs to be there?
  9. Merry Xmas, Mike.
  10. SPuDS, let's be clear. All I said was that I believe that the Bombers aren't as close to the Ti Cats as some here believe. It wasn't a criticism. It was factual in my opinion. I have no idea how saying something like that can upset people when it's true. We won 7 games & had an eight game losing streak going before we beat the Stamps in Calgary. I was being realistic. It had nothing to do with criticizing the direction of the team, coaching or management. It was what it was, just an opinion. You said calling you a trained seal was excessive & you're right so I do apologize but at the same time what I said about the team wasn't meant to be a bad thing. In the end, I'm more pragmatic than you are. I will question & criticize. Doesn't mean that we both aren't true fans who want the Bombers to be a success. I walk around Calgary wearing my home Dieter Brock jersey just like you would if you lived out here. I have got a few snickers behind my back but that's okay because I know that Stamps fans, next to Argo fans are the most fair weather in the entire CFL. When the team starts losing, they'll abandon the Stamps like they have the plague. The other thing is that most Stamps fans think my last name is Brock when I wear that jersey so I get a good laugh out of that. Bottom line is that at the end of the day you & I want the same thing. For this team to be a winner.
  11. Yeah, we'll have to see what happens. Isn't it amazing that it seems the only team who never has this problem are the Riders? Yet they have more veterans & are an older team across the board so they're payroll should be bigger than the Ti Cats.
  12. Well, if the Bombers ever want to know the pulse of the REAL fans then this is the place for them to check out.
  13. He also said, when traded to the Argos by Bud Grant that the best thing about Winnipeg were the roads leading out of it. He needed a change of scenery as I think his relationship with Grant was deteriorating. I can only imagine that he wasn't very amused with his attitude a lot of the time. But that was Thornton, a free spirit.
  14. Brock couldn't compete anymore. He was never run out of UFC as you said.
  15. They also worked together at Cal too. I think Tedford & Cortez had a falling out. He either left or was fired by Tedford. I don't think it ended nicely. Yeah that still is interesting. Cortez 'left to pursue an NFL job' and wound up taking the Riders OL Coach vacancy. Cal went through a few OCs during that time period. It's a tough gig to try and stay on top of a Power 5 conference. Why didn't you bring this up today? Rids, why wasn't what brought up?
  16. Why didn't the skeleton go into the bar? Because he didn't have the stomach for it.
  17. Sounds like the movie theatres didn't want it which left Sony on the hook.
  18. Hamilton stands to lose: Brandon Banks, M Bowman, Delvin Breaux, Greg Ellingson, Samuel Giguere, Bakari Grant, Nic Grigsby, Justin Hickman, Dan Lefevour, Luke Tasker and Greg Wojt……Antonio Coleman DL, Mark Dile OL, Marc-Antoine Fortin DL, Stephen McGee QB, Timothy O'Neill OL, Taylor Reed LB, Hamilton has extended Lee Norwood. The Ti-Cats are virtually out of 2014 cap room, so their signings are R/rec Quincy McDuffie, DE Adrian Tracy RB Sam Ojuri Winnipeg stands to lose: Brian Brohm, Desia Dunn, Johnny Sears, Glenn January, Demond Washington, and Ian Wild……R Bryant, B Carter, Mike Cornell, Gord Hinse, Aaron Kelly, Dan Knapp, Devin Tyler, and Carl Volny. Winnipeg has extended Troy Stoudermire, Chris Greaves, Pat Neufeld, Maurice Leggett, and Derek Jones, and have re-signed Zack Anderson, Paris Cotton, Matt Buchnor and Josh Portis…so far. If you think Hamilton is that much further ahead than Winnipeg in talent, I would suggest they lost a little ground lately. Every team has an extensive list of free agents this off season due to the new CBA & higher salary cap & I think by the time Feb 10th comes along most teams will have their key guys re-signed. Having said that, my comments about the Bombers shouldn't be taken so literally by some people here. Our Canadian depth is the worst in the CFL. Our OL is the worst as well. But we also have some very good players at other positions. Just because I said I don't believe us to be as close to Hamilton doesn't mean I think the Bombers are ****. Our Internationals are better than 2013, our qb situation appears to have solidified. We have some building blocks to add onto. I just think the rebuild by MOS & Kyle Walters will be a 3 to 4 year year thing. We are a much better team than they were in 2013. I look at a team like the Argos who I think are in decline. They have guys like Ricky Ray (35) with shoulder problems & Chad Owens who is 31. They're an older team on the decline. We are a team on the way up. SPuDS, that's my true feelings about the Bombers. Don't misconstrue what I said into something negative. I'm hopeful that we can be serious playoff contenders in the West. I think BC can be had, the Riders are also getting old & I really don't believe the Eskimos are a 12-6 team.
  19. I'd be more interested in Odell Willis, Ricky Foley, or Justin Hickman if we are going to bring in a free agent. Whether any of those 3 actually make it to free agency is a different story. I do still like Kashawn Fraser and Marvin Booker as well. I have no interest in ever seeing Odell Willis play for us again. Curious as to why? He looks like he's matured a lot as a player. I'd love to have him back.
  20. Well, it's relevant to the conversation here about Lesnar. He got his ass kicked. That's why he left for the easy $$ of the WWE where he can be the World Champ & never wrestle. Just look mean & intimidating. Yes he was run off from UFC. Pffffft Who said that? Never said that. He couldn't compete anymore. That's why he left & Vince McMahon opened the WWE bank vault for him as a PART TIME wrestler. Easy money. Lesnar when healthy was a force in UFC. But health reasons were his downfall.
  21. Hamilton stands to lose: Brandon Banks, M Bowman, Delvin Breaux, Greg Ellingson, Samuel Giguere, Bakari Grant, Nic Grigsby, Justin Hickman, Dan Lefevour, Luke Tasker and Greg Wojt……Antonio Coleman DL, Mark Dile OL, Marc-Antoine Fortin DL, Stephen McGee QB, Timothy O'Neill OL, Taylor Reed LB, Hamilton has extended Lee Norwood. The Ti-Cats are virtually out of 2014 cap room, so their signings are R/rec Quincy McDuffie, DE Adrian Tracy RB Sam Ojuri Winnipeg stands to lose: Brian Brohm, Desia Dunn, Johnny Sears, Glenn January, Demond Washington, and Ian Wild……R Bryant, B Carter, Mike Cornell, Gord Hinse, Aaron Kelly, Dan Knapp, Devin Tyler, and Carl Volny. Winnipeg has extended Troy Stoudermire, Chris Greaves, Pat Neufeld, Maurice Leggett, and Derek Jones, and have re-signed Zack Anderson, Paris Cotton, Matt Buchnor and Josh Portis…so far. If you think Hamilton is that much further ahead than Winnipeg in talent, I would suggest they lost a little ground lately. I don't think he truly believes Hamilton is that ahead, he's just so trained to slam the bombers that every team is eons ahead of us regardless of the truth of the matter... Wow, who's the trained seal around here more than SPuDs?? I just think anyone saying that Hamilton isn't much further ahead than us is daft. There's being a fan & then there's being a total complete buy in, believe everything the team says, fan boy like you are, SPuDs. I believe that we're on the right track but are still a few years away from competing seriously for the Grey Cup. Just getting into the playoffs in 2015 will be an accomplishment. I'll take the playoffs. That's the next big step for this team.
  22. Think Denver Colorado, summer 2012. New York City today. Australia last week & Ottawa in October Nutcases are everywhere.
  23. or that we are. Just saying Brohm had one good half. Pretty small body of work to judge his abilities on.
  24. LOL! Do we have THAT MUCH pull? Obviously the Bombers read this site as witnessed Kim Babij-Gesel posting here but somehow I don't think Walters or MOS will take our advice.
  25. Hope so, I'm a veteran of watching perennial loser seasons so it'll be a refreshing change They're closer than Winnipeg, but they still have a few holes to fill. Losing their offensive weapons like Tasker, Gigueurre Ellingson, and Banks (possibly) could be detrimental as well Closer than us? We're light years behind!! How do you find time to post here all the time...what with avoiding that sky that keeps falling? How I find time is my business. I'm a realist not a dreamer like you. We have a lot more holes to fill than the Ti Cats. Tell me how we're close to the Ti Cats?
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