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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. You love me the most...even though I hate you with every fiber of my being. You can't help it. Man love.
  2. Someone has to take the fall for Durant's elbow injury. There has to be some accountability there. Gotta respect the way Chamblin and Taman are selflessly and unselfishly spreading the blame around. C'mon it's not their fault. Those damned asst coaches were terrible.
  3. I was in Vegas two months ago. The service industry pays poorly. Where are people who live in Vegas going to find the money for season tickets?
  4. I suggest a MBB Meet & Greet at a pub GC week. Touch football tourney might be a tough sell if it's minus 25 with 15 cms of snow on the ground.
  5. From everything I have read, the NHL will not deal with separatists.
  6. Yeah but Paul Levesque (Triple H) wouldn't.
  7. Calgary had its locker room sale this past Saturday. A fan paid over five grand for Bo Levi Mitchell's Grey Cup helmet. He got into a bidding war with another fan. Then he bought more stuff. People are crazy. I have Dave Dickenson's 2007 Stampeder away jersey & happy about it.
  8. Hey, I did nothing to try to derail this thread... http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/107/4/8/Sergeant_Schultz_by_wintersnowflurries.jpg
  9. I think the season will be moved up, Dee.
  10. Saudis want to shut down all oillsands & shale gas production & explorations so they (OPEC) can control the price like they used to. We'll see.
  11. Other than a core of complainers here that I've read the fanbase in general is staying patient. Other than a core of blue & gold koolaid drinkers here who'd jump off a cliff if Walters told them to, the general fanbase wants to know what's going on.
  12. Tick... tick... tick... The clock is running & the silence is deafening from the Bombers. Other than a core of supporters here that I've read the fanbase in general is getting impatient. As far as being active.... the GM isn't going anywhere so player signings are normal. This time it's taking to do a coaching review is not. Five weeks & counting to decide whether the coaching staff should come back???
  13. He'll get killed but he's athletic. He wants to go down to 170 lbs & fight at that weight. He'll have to be super fast because every good fighter I've seen at that weight is just that, super quick & fast. Being 36 & starting out is a huge handicap. I figure he'll do it for a year or two & go back to pro wrestling. Maybe even back to WWE & make peace with Vince & Triple H. I wouldn't count Punk out but I just can't see him lasting too long.
  14. I blame Lawrence Phillips. This is 2014 not the 80's & 90's. Times change.
  15. Every team goes thru cycles. Let's see what Mike can do with a college that has the financial resources & high profile to compete for the top graduating high school talent.
  16. He was the lowest paid head coach in the Pac 12 at $1.5 million per year according to reports. Got the Beavs to 8 Bowl games & won 6. Like anyone else, if he can better himself job wise as well as financially, he has that right.
  17. Question ... how come you're not all over Brendan Taman for waiting almost a week to address reports of Cortez being let go? That's not exactly a quick resolution either. When did our season end Mike?? How many days?
  18. What? I was thinking that there are more than one coach who could be considered the best candidate. How about more than 1 available coach who are better than what we have? What? I was thinking that there are more than one coach who could be considered the best candidate. How about more than 1 available coach who are better than what we have? What? I was thinking that there are more than one coach who could be considered the best candidate. How about more than 1 available coach who are better than what we have? That's what I thought you said too.
  19. As traditionalist I'd love to see a Hamilton-Winnipeg Grey Cup someday. That would be awesome.
  20. Zackly. The experienced vet playing behind BLM.
  21. What? I think the author of that quote means it in a general sense.
  22. What often gets left out of this thought process - maybe they just have better things to do with their time than appease the fans with a pointless press conference. I'd rather they be working, myself. They had a presser at the beginning of November, and people thought it was pointless. Now the same people want the same presser, just a month later? W#ell,you'd think they'd have progressed from then, don't you think? Tell you what, fans can vote with their wallets & not go to games anymore. That'll end the talk of fan entitlement.
  23. Crazy that people in the Lower Mainland allowed the politicians to do that.
  24. I think Duressler has left...
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