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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Personally, I don't get the hatred between them but then I'm a dumb Canuck so what do I know? Friends of ours went to the Civil War game in Corvalis last Saturday. They are Duck fans & a large contingent came up from Eugene to watch the game as well as around the State. After the game where the Beavers were pounded, my friend & her two kids were accosted by some Beaver fans. Cooler heads prevailed but my friend who is a Mom was going to wade in if her 2 kids were assaulted. I've seen the rivalry here between Edmonton & Calgary but these are university kids playing not professionals. You also see that in Alabama between that team & its fanbase & the fans from Auburn. It can get pretty crazy at times.
  2. There was a time when it was the program everyone in the country looked at as the model That would have been when? When Bud Riley was there in the late 60's?
  3. I'm on board Sure. Two road blocks... One, Mike O'Shea. Two, he'll want a boatload of money maybe more than our HC is getting. Won't happen.
  4. OSU are always the poor cousins to Oregon. The Ducks have Nike backing them, have more money, bigger stadium & a wider following not only in Oregon but nationally in the US as well. Nebraska is in the Big 12 & I don't know if it's a bigger program than OSU but no question the entire state is behind that team. Unlike Oregon where there is a deep seated hatred between the fans of both teams in that state.
  5. If you were a rookie HC, what situation would you want to come into? The Stampeders or a team like Winnipeg that MOS took over? Dickenson knows the city, the organization, the assistant coaches & the players. And everyone knows him. To stay is a no brainer.
  6. Oilers suuuuuuuck.
  7. Atomic's post is what a lot of fans are thinking right now. I don't think it's sarcastic at all.
  8. Not to mention they'd also have far better equipment. Skates in particular were brutal in that era. Yeah, equipment is better & lighter for sure. Especially skates. And the skating surfaces as well in rinks everywhere is much better than 50 years ago.
  9. Never happen. Barker was in total control of the Argos on field product. He was a CFL exec. I don't think being an OC is what he would do. I think he's pretty well set financially & could just say it's time to retire.
  10. The great players like Howe, Orr, Beliveau. Hull, Messier, Gretzky & others would be superstars in any era. Thing is, if they were playing today they'd have adapted to the NHL of 2014 as they'd have gone thru junior before getting to the NHL.
  11. I think John Hufnagel did this knowing that if he didn't step aside Dave would leave. It's not like Huff to string anyone along so I think this was a compromise. I'm sure Hufnagel wants to get 100 regular season wins as a CFL HC. He's at 92 now so he should reach that mark by Labour Day next year. if he wins another Grey Cup all the sweeter. I think Wally was going to make Dave an offer he couldn't refuse especially if he wouldn't tell Dickenson when he'd be retiring so Huff acted on it.
  12. Yeah but the Riders talent base was this wide & that thin.... Besides a smart ass attitude by both Barrett & Shivers did them in. Not to mention Nealon Greene and whoever they were trying to turn into a QB. Funny story. In 2003 I took my son who was 12 at the time to the Washington State football camp in June that year. I was watching a drill with the qbs as my son was part of it but with kids his own age. A qb fumbled the ball running when he got hit & one of the American college coaches started yelling, "Nealon Greene. Nealon Greene. Just like Nealon when he fumbles." For a CFL fan & one who can't stand the Riders that was both a funny & precious moment for me.
  13. I'm glad you have so much faith in the guys running the team. I think that's great SPuDS, I really do. Props to you for being that way. I think myself & others here just want to see some sign where this team is heading coaching wise next season. My faith will either be strengthened or weakened depending on who does or doesn't come back as coaches next year. What faith? You obviously don't have any because you don't trust them to makes the right moves for the team! Whatever, I could care less what you think. I really don't. Go pick a fight with someone else.
  14. Himself... I can see him calling the plays.
  15. Yeah but the Riders talent base was this wide & that thin.... Besides a smart ass attitude by both Barrett & Shivers did them in.
  16. I'm glad you have so much faith in the guys running the team. I think that's great SPuDS, I really do. Props to you for being that way. I think myself & others here just want to see some sign where this team is heading coaching wise next season. My faith will either be strengthened or weakened depending on who does or doesn't come back as coaches next year.
  17. You're fantastic. Never change...I could be waiting in line for water while my hair is on fire and still not be able to match your level of impatience. You're kidding,right? LOL!! A month & I'm impatient??? If Nate was here he'd be calling Kyle Walters "Mr Dithers". The Stamps just won the Grey Cup this past Sunday & already they've made a move announcing 2015 will be Huff's final year as head coach with Dave Dickenson taking over in 2016. Other teams are making moves. Yeah, I'm impatient alright. You read this thread & some of the comments?? But hey, we extended Patrick Neufeld who played in something like 3 games since we acquired him in 2013.We are making moves too. They're just not the moves you're anticipating so I suppose to you, they don't exist.Here's a suggestion - go find out who has extended the most pending free agents so far. It's not the FA'a I'm concerned about. It's the coaching staff moving forward to next year. We'll sign some of our guys that I know & be active in February but the coordinator positions are a real concern to me & most Bomber fans. To say that I'm the only one impatient isn't true. Must be your tone or something. I've been accused of that before. No biggie, Mike.
  18. You're fantastic. Never change...I could be waiting in line for water while my hair is on fire and still not be able to match your level of impatience. You're kidding,right? LOL!! A month & I'm impatient??? If Nate was here he'd be calling Kyle Walters "Mr Dithers". The Stamps just won the Grey Cup this past Sunday & already they've made a move announcing 2015 will be Huff's final year as head coach with Dave Dickenson taking over in 2016. Other teams are making moves. Yeah, I'm impatient alright. You read this thread & some of the comments?? But hey, we extended Patrick Neufeld who played in something like 3 games since we acquired him in 2013. We are making moves too. They're just not the moves you're anticipating so I suppose to you, they don't exist. Here's a suggestion - go find out who has extended the most pending free agents so far. It's not the FA'a I'm concerned about. It's the coaching staff moving forward to next year. We'll sign some of our guys that I know & be active in February but the coordinator positions are a real concern to me & most Bomber fans. To say that I'm the only one impatient isn't true.
  19. How many 15-3 seasons has Walters had?
  20. You're fantastic. Never change... I could be waiting in line for water while my hair is on fire and still not be able to match your level of impatience. You're kidding,right? LOL!! A month & I'm impatient??? If Nate was here he'd be calling Kyle Walters "Mr Dithers". The Stamps just won the Grey Cup this past Sunday & already they've made a move announcing 2015 will be Huff's final year as head coach with Dave Dickenson taking over in 2016. Other teams are making moves. Yeah, I'm impatient alright. You read this thread & some of the comments?? But hey, we extended Patrick Neufeld who played in something like 3 games since we acquired him in 2013.
  21. A month to do a coaches evaluation, Mike O'Shea??? Like honestly, he doesn't know yet? At this rate, we're on track to win our next Grey Cup in 2085. This is getting ridiculous.
  22. No, in 1990 it had the big base. They put that on in the mid 80's. In 84 it was still just the Grey Cup itself.
  23. Just heard the news. Captain on all those great Montreal teams in the 50's & 60's. Great hockey player & even greater person...RIP Jean. http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/jean-b%C3%A9liveau-beloved-canadiens-hockey-legend-dead-at-83-1.2708477
  24. Got to love Wally, he's a blur at this time of the year. While Walters is just reaching out tentatively for his first kiss, Wally has already done the job and is zipping up his fly. Guess the Bombers will settle for sloppy seconds or worse when it comes to choosing from available coordinators again. Could use a bit of Elvis's TCB around IGF. Are you serious? Negotiated extensions with Stoudemire, Anderson and Cotton. Wow...Wally announced he wont be bringing back 5 players from his 2014 roster. He's a freaking genius Got to love Wally, he's a blur at this time of the year. While Walters is just reaching out tentatively for his first kiss, Wally has already done the job and is zipping up his fly. Guess the Bombers will settle for sloppy seconds or worse when it comes to choosing from available coordinators again. Could use a bit of Elvis's TCB around IGF. Are you serious? Negotiated extensions with Stoudemire, Anderson and Cotton. Wow...Wally announced he wont be bringing back 5 players from his 2014 roster. He's a freaking genius Winningest coach in CFL history. Won 3 Grey Cups as GM/HC. Just about.
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