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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I think any coaching candidate the Lions are interested in would tell Wally to back off or he wouldn't take the job.
  2. I'd like to see him moved to QB Coach. Yes,I know we already but it would be a natural fit for the guy.
  3. Wasn't Etch let go in Saskatchewan because Marshall wanted to bring in his own guy. I would say that's a very good assumption as all coaches want that.
  4. Shank-you...er...thank you for giving this site a try! The mods here are first rate and the technology is always getting better. This site is the only site for me when it comes to all things Bombers. Being a mod over at OB is a Shankless job, Man.
  5. I am sort of new over here - what split are you referring to? I am still over on Our Bombers and sort of found this site by accident. Our Bombers appears to be on the downside at the moment just not sure why. I still post over on the Blue Bomber Forum but find this one a little more balanced. Glad you're here BBRT.I remember you from Our Bombers. A lot of us have been banned at OB & can't post there anymore. Not that we'd want to anyway.
  6. Herosian was a beast at safety. Players were afraid to run crossing routes over the middle. He took their heads off.
  7. Lots of members stopped posting when the split happened. I wonder why? They aren't on either board.
  8. Question by the Moody Blues.
  9. Yeah, in a lot of ways it would have been better if that sucker punch to Rich would have killed him as his quality of life isn't very good now. Hate saying that... You should hate saying that... Rich was sucker punched from behind in a bar. The guy who did it ran out of the bar but was apprehended. Rich fell & his head hit the floor hard & he suffered a severely fractured skull. Along with a fractured skull he suffered severe brain damage. He is in a special care facility now. He can't feed himself. He needs assistance going to the bathroom. He has limited communication skills. Rich was a prolific CFL poster, a huge Lions fan since 1954 & was a stockbroker in Vancouver. I feel so bad for the guy now & what he & his family are going thru. The life he knew is over. The prognosis is that he'll never recover or get any better. Yeah, it sounds cruel but what he's going thru now, is just so tragic. I didn't say I wanted him to die. I just said that in a lot of ways it would be better. Iso, I believe most old schoolers here are aware of the entire situation. I also believe most of us dont believe in considering such an option when it pertains to life. It does suck that he is now incredibly diminished in functionality and what not but to suggest death would have been a better option... At the very least, a topic for general discussion lol. I didn't mean anything bad by it. Just that a guy like Rich, so full of life is in the state he's in now. I know he was looking forward to retirement as he was in his early 60's when this happened. And that dirt bag who did this is probably free by now. A sad, sad situation.
  10. Retired players... Wear with pride. Well, #11 Ken Ploen, #27 Dave Raimey, #77 Ernie Pitts, #64 Bill Frank, #55 Joe Critchlow, #7 Don Jonas, #52 Harry Walters, #30 Brian Herosian, #27 Jay Washington, #38 Willard Reaves, #35 Tyrone Jones, #10 Rod Hill, #2 Tom Clements, #70 Jeff Boyd.... Those guys come to mind.
  11. Retired players... Wear with pride. Well, #11 Ken Ploen, #27 Dave Raimey, #54 Phil Minnick, #77 Ernie Pitts, #64 Bill Frank, #55 Joe Critchlow, #7 Don Jonas, #52 Harry Walters, #30 Brian Herosian, #27 Jay Washington, #38 Willard Reaves, #35 Tyrone Jones, #54 Greg Battle, #10 Rod Hill, #35 Bob "Hoss" Houmard, #2 Tom Clements, #70 Jeff Boyd.... Those guys come to mind.
  12. Can't wait for the thrilling news Etch & Bellefeuille have been given contract extensions.
  13. Yeah, in a lot of ways it would have been better if that sucker punch to Rich would have killed him as his quality of life isn't very good now. Hate saying that... You should hate saying that... Rich was sucker punched from behind in a bar. The guy who did it ran out of the bar but was apprehended. Rich fell & his head hit the floor hard & he suffered a severely fractured skull. Along with a fractured skull he suffered severe brain damage. He is in a special care facility now. He can't feed himself. He needs assistance going to the bathroom. He has limited communication skills. Rich was a prolific CFL poster, a huge Lions fan since 1954 & was a stockbroker in Vancouver. I feel so bad for the guy now & what he & his family are going thru. The life he knew is over. The prognosis is that he'll never recover or get any better. Yeah, it sounds cruel but what he's going thru now, is just so tragic. I didn't say I wanted him to die. I just said that in a lot of ways it would be better.
  14. Yeah, in a lot of ways it would have been better if that sucker punch to Rich would have killed him as his quality of life isn't very good now. Hate saying that...
  15. She got married, had kids, got old. Like a lot of us here. You realize those PP ads were 30 years ago.
  16. Migs just got banned at CFL Horsemen for threatening Duressler in a PM. Called him a derogatory name & basically said he was going to get him. Total douchebag.
  17. Did he ever post here? He was a mod for awhile at Our Bombers for like 2 weeks in 2013 then disappeared.
  18. I'd like to know whatever happened to Grumpy Old Man?
  19. Wally's the best coach the Lions have, And he's the GM. Makes you wonder why he gave up the HC role when he meddles all the time. If he is not happy with Benny then Wally should fire him& take over as HC again.
  20. Migs can go **** himself.
  21. Seems to me drafting a starting OL means he is one of the best players available.
  22. Panic move. That's all it was. They threw Sunseri under the bus. Bringing in Joseph was a slap in the face to their young qbs. Should have let them play.
  23. It's a beautiful morning....
  24. Nah, not Hitler. Mussolini. He was an Epic Fail.
  25. Every fanbase has its share of wingnuts but the Riders seem to have a lot more of them. Oh, hi Migs.
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