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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Your comments remind me of TV's Pee Wee (Herman's) Playhouse before he jerked off in a porn theatre.
  2. Good grief??? LOL! Since when is it a crime to challenge on PI. That's what it's there for?
  3. I got one better - as a coach I survived not one but TWO 2 - 14 seasons, back to back, with an existing club. Granted, I was a legend in that town, and was fired after the second year, but I learned. I went on to be a very successful Coach in Edmonton and Hamilton, winning a Grey Cup in each city as a coach, in between my gigs as a color commentator on the CBC. Do you know who I am? Jim Spavital went 2-14 in 1970 as the rookie HC of the Bombers. He wasn't fired in the off season which some fans had hoped for but GM EarlLunsford kept him around. He was rewarded for his loyalty to Spav as the team improved to 7-8-1 in 1971 to snag a third place playoff spot in the West for the first time since 1966. Then under Spavital the Bombers improved to 10-6 in 1972. They were the best regular season CFL team that year only to lose the West Final to the Riders at Winnipeg Stadium. A team that just got into the playoffs with an 8-8 record. Massive upset. So, maybe the redblacks improve enough to get a playoff spot next year or win 6 or 7 games. Who knows? But to fire Campbell after a single season? Well, that would be a typical dickish Marcel Desjardins move if he thought he'd be saving his own skin.
  4. Coaching isn't the issue. Having a crappy GM who screwed up his qbs was. The Glenn/Burris thing & now the Burris albatross contract no one will want.
  5. I think Walters is well aware of this based on his comments on H&L yesterday. He basically said a successful long term strategy is to draft 2 OLineman each draft. One early that can compete with the team this year and one later that can develop and come back the following year. Unfortunately you can't magically fix an O-Line over night. Amazing how fast Drowsy Joe Mack took it apart two years ago. That was like, two days. Lost Labatte & Picard. Now it takes years to rebuild.
  6. Threads get derailed constantly. Whooda thunk it, sweep the leg?? My post started out with we're doing this in depth life is hanging in the balance organizational review when they know the answers already to all of the questions while the Als announce Higgins is coming back & their season isn't over yet. with no reviews. A tale of 2 teams & how they conduct business. That's how it began & got a little sidetracked.
  7. The Coyotes. the team that just keeps giving... Meanwhile in QC they're crying for a team. And it would be a phenomenal success.
  8. No need for the Als to do this exhaustive review of the past season like we seem to be doing here searching for answers to what happened. Like Walters & MOS don't already know but won't say. I watched Walters presser today for about 10 minutes as I was working. I have never heard anyone say so little over such a long a time span in front of the media. Why was there even a presser to begin with? Do the review & then talk to the media. Kyle didn't want to talk straight about anything. The funniest part I saw was Walters explaining that everyone will need to be be evaluated & decisions will come from that if anyone goes. Someone asked Walters to grade his performance & he mumbled something about how difficult is to grade himself & how he doesn't like the process. he wouldn't comment on how he thought he did. Don't get me wrong. I am for Kyle coming back next year but he really seemed like he had no answers other than everything is under review. He still looks & acts at times like a rookie GM. He also said something that surprised me. Something along the lines that there wasn't a lot of planning going into the 2014 season just how the OL was going to be rebuilt & that was the reason for 3 Internationals starting & how that has to change next season. Maybe I got that wrong but it just seemed like a strange analysis when he was keeping everything else close to the vest. if I am wrong please someone explain what he was saying but that is how I interpreted it.
  9. Look for Keystone XL to get approved now with a Republican Congress.
  10. Standard. So far talking but not saying much... Pretty vanilla.
  11. Obama, maybe the worst president since George W Bush... Remember when he was first elected. he was going to change everything. He was going to change the way Americans thought. Well 6 1/2 years later you have a President who has failed in everything from forced Obamacare to domestic & foreign policy. Especially in the Middle East. Obama... Epic Fail. Just look at the mid terms last night.
  12. Cave dweller.
  13. Stamps are sitting him out this last game. he'll have 3 weeks to heal up. Hopefully that is enough time.
  14. Ricky Ray for MOP?
  15. Why don't we just keep DST? I'd rather have an extra hour of daylight after work in the winter. Around Xmas the sun goes down at 4:30. I'd like to see it stay until 5:30. So what if the sun comes up at 8:30. I'm at work anyway. I used to live in Thompson 25 years ago. Sun was up after 9am & went down a little after 3pm. I got used to the shorter days.
  16. Lirim had a phenomenal season. Looking forward to big things from him in the years to come.
  17. Faaaaaaar more people have came and stayed then came, got butthurt then left.. No need to verbally martyr yourself (again) on the "be nice to others" topic... Again. Overall, I think I'm pretty respectful here to people. However, if someone comes after me I won't shy away as you know. I get into it sure but I'm a lot better than I used to be on other sites I was on in the past. I try not to be combative here like I was elsewhere. Not a martyr SPuDs. Just giving facts. if you were a regular on 13thman back a decade ago you know 2/3 of the mods there were power hungry dickheads led by a bully named Section W from Montreal. It deserved to crash. You always reference that board but what we have built here is nothing like that.. It won't become a boys club mentality and it won't become a power mad ran dictatorship.. Frankly, for the most part we self regulate better then any forums I've been a part of.. I disagree, SPuDs. This is becoming a wild west board. Shoot first & ask questions later. How can you say it's better regulated than most others as I don't think it is? People are insulted & attacked all the time if their opinion isn't what some others like. As for me, I have a thick skin so it doesn't bother me as much as would others. Not to say that I sometimes don't get angry & say stupid things as I know that I do. Look, I'm just saying what I see. If I didn't like it here I'd leave but I'm not so I'm okay.
  18. How much thinking did you have time for during the one sentence you wrote between finding it funny and not? Who cares?
  19. Faaaaaaar more people have came and stayed then came, got butthurt then left.. No need to verbally martyr yourself (again) on the "be nice to others" topic... Again. Overall, I think I'm pretty respectful here to people. However, if someone comes after me I won't shy away as you know. I get into it sure but I'm a lot better than I used to be on other sites I was on in the past. I try not to be combative here like I was elsewhere. Not a martyr SPuDs. Just giving facts. if you were a regular on 13thman back a decade ago you know 2/3 of the mods there were power hungry dickheads led by a bully named Section W from Montreal. It deserved to crash.
  20. There is very little about you worth respecting, whether I agree with your opinions or not.It's something that is earned, not given. The motto of this forum should be a middle finger. Lol. Wow. Way to be welcoming and all inclusive. Not to sound like an ass but have you followed smokinblues posts.... At all.... This season? nothing but disrespect, condescension and narcissism.. For mike to finally lower himself to that level after a season of this is actually showing some impressive restaint.. I'm on this site probably more than anyone & I haven't noticed him that much. There are others here that I have noticed way worse than smokinblue.
  21. I like the middle finger logo suggestion for here. From mods on down that is how this place rolls. We're lectured to show respect then some of the people in charge don't. ROTFL. Don't ask the members here to behave if the mods or admin won't. Actually it's not funny upon thinking about it. It's hypocritical. If people are going to get constantly insulted, they will leave. I've seen that very thing happen to some huge CFL boards over the past 14 years because of bad mod behaviour & disrespect shown to members by others. Total CFL, 13thman & CFL Zone are just 3 where disrespect, petty fighting, bad mod behaviour & favouritism brought all 3 sites down. 13thman had thousands of members a decade ago. I remember when posting on a subject(s) there wasn't just posting a comment then & coming back later to see the response. It was instantaneous like our chats here during games. You could have a thread with a couple of hundred responses in an hour. Literally could be on there for hours & posting in real time on a thread carrying on conversations in the discussion threads. It was awesome talking with CFL fans all over the country. Well, 13thman is a ghost town now. No one would ever thought that the place would die off & fast... Like within 6 months. People said **** it & left when a few mods started bullying, insulting, perma banning & intimidating the people they didn't like. The mods thought they had all the power & acted like that but the members had the last say. That site is still around but hardly anyone goes there anymore. As far as the third site I mentioned, CFL Zone doesn't even have discussion anymore. Take it for what it's worth & don't shoot the messenger but if people don't feel welcome here or there is bad mod behaviour & cliques develop this site then will be deader than a doornail faster than you believe. I like this place that's why I come here & invest my time. I'd hate to see it go the way of the others.
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