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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. When this is done & even if by chance he avoids jail time, he won't even be able to get a job at Pizza Hut making pizzas.
  2. Hate the Riders. Love to see them 0-18. That would be sweet.
  3. Just about everyone here knows I cheer for the Stamps as my second team. Reason? I've lived in Calgary since 1990 so i think it's the thing to do. I've coached football with a number of former Stamps. I spent an entire day of training camp in 2002 with the Stamps as a guest of the team & had lunch with them. Hung out with the coaches. sat in on a defensive meeting & out on the field on the sidelines with the players that day for both practices. Players treated me like I was one of their own. Lot of kibitzing & kidding around on the sidelines. Met Wally Buono that day as well as former Stamps prez Stan Schwartz who didn't seem to like me being there. Especially for lunch as he seemed to be counting pennies & I was an unnecessary expense in his mind. Greg Peterson the former safety with the Stamps kind've told him to chill & that was the end of it. Greg whispered to me that he's in big trouble now with Stan but not to worry about it. Guess Greg went ahead & set things up thru Wally but no one told Schwartz & he wasn't impressed. Bit of tension between Greg & Stan that day. I appreciated everything Greg did for me including sticking his neck out for me. But the Blue & Gold blood is still in my veins. Always will be.
  4. That was a brutal losing streak. Wow. We have a lot of skeletons in the closet we have to expunge as a team because we've been so bad for so long...
  5. His last comment is telling. You just never know about concussions... Hopefully he's alright. He thinks he is. http://www.stampeders.com/video/index/id/105479
  6. We'll see about Neufeld staying healthy. We don't know how good he might be.
  7. Offensive line is Job Number 1. But the Bombers have been trying to upgrade that unit for years. So how do we do anything over the off season.
  8. Make or break year for MOS next season....
  9. As of 12pm, Calgary temperature plus 2. Raining steadily with a few flakes mixed in. I anticipate more snow than rain after the game starts. Especially closer to 5 pm MDT.
  10. Upgrade, get bigger, meaner, tougher & more physical. Not only make for a better pass rush but a better run stopping D. It'll never happen under Etch so he has to go. Sunday. You're twisting everything to fit your narrative of firing Etch. Bigger, smaller, tougher, meaner I don't give a **** about any of that, I just want better players. Vega was terrible this year for whatever reason, Peach was himself, which is a plugger, Anderson was good but got hurt, Turner was pretty decent... we need better ends at the very least and that will make the D better. Etch or no Etch this defensive line wasn't good enough to have a good defense. So, thinking a bigger & more physical DL isn't part of improvement? Why do you think we can't stop the run or don't get a pass rush? We're too small. We get pushed back 5 yards when teams run so the second level makes more tackles then our DL does. We get stood straight up when we pass rush as we have no push. We rely on our undersized linebackers to make our plays on the run & the pass & we got killed doing that all season. Don't you think coaching philosophy just as much as personnel has something to do with this? We all knew this would happen going into this season.
  11. Yeah, and that's here in Kelowna. I'm going to be very careful going out this weekend, like avoiding public places, call it a black out if you will. Why can't there be figure skating every weekend from late June to the end of November every year?
  12. It was a question. Nothing more. It's not strategy or an Earth shattering question. There are readers that want answers. MOS chose to handle it the way he did.
  13. It's MOS decision to deal with them that way. So, ultimately it's on him. And of all the "bunch of jerks" as you put it, so just who are they? Wiecek? Sure constantly. Lawless? On occasion. Who else?? Show me where the media in Winnipeg is anti MOS & hates the guy as I don't see it. Where are the other jerks? MOS has to grow up & deal wth the media. That's his job as well as coaching. Bottom line. The Winnipeg media isn't the problem for the Bombers.
  14. Upgrade, get bigger, meaner, tougher & more physical. Not only make for a better pass rush but a better run stopping D. It'll never happen under Etch so he has to go. Sunday.
  15. Ottawa receivers suck. Grigsby sucks. Just didn't care about that game or who won. Even when the score was close with 7 minutes left I switched to Blue Bloods on CTV.
  16. Well, Rod Black is busy doing figure skating (Thank God)!! So, he shouldn't be here today doing the game,I hope.
  17. It went away. Hasn't snowed since which is weird if you know Southern Alberta.
  18. Especially after such a nice day yesterday. Typical Calgary weather.
  19. The Forzani coverage won't bother me. Living in Calgary the past 24 years I know how much he meant to the Stamps & the city. Probably outsdide Alberta viewers may even go who was that guy?? He has donated countless millions to Foothills Hospital, started the Forzani Mothers Day Walk & Run for cancer, was a philanthropist, bought & saved the Stampeders in 2005 & was an all around nice guy from everything I read. His loss is a huge blow to Calgary.
  20. In sports everything goes in cycles. Team are on top. Then the same team on the bottom. Some do seem to have more of a roller coaster ride than others but eventually it will be Calgary's turn to suck... Could happen next year or 5 years from now. But it will happen.
  21. Took my dog for a walk at 10:30 this morning & it's c-c-cold. Not 2014 winter cold but colder than what we've seen here this fall. It's Brisk Baby!!
  22. I don't understand why you can't understand that he is focused solely on this game, and told the media that "everything" would be under review after it. What your saying is MOS can't multi task? Have ideas about what's gone wrong when talking to the media yet still prepare for today's game? What MOS says is a cop out as he just refuses to deal with the media who like him, have deadlines & other things going on in their lives as well. Some of the media people have more than just the Bombers to cover & may have to file 3 or 4 stories that day & are under the gun to get it done. Their job is to ask questions so he needs to deal with it. To me, even though MOS is pushing 40 or is around that age, as this season progressed he acted immature & showed that he wasn't ready to take on the gargantuan task of rebuilding this team. I only hope he learned from this season & is better next year. If not, he'll be gone.
  23. I personally think a rookie GM & HC was the wrong way to go but I was willing to give them both a chance. This season is done for now & it ended like last season with a bunch of losses. Unless we pull off a huge upset today. Next year, well... there better be a huge improvement & I mean playoffs in the West or crossover. That's my expectations two years into a 3 year mandate. And Walters has to tell MOS to take the chip off his shoulder & quit acting like an arse. No one is out to get him. Paul Wiecek is a light weight when it comes to journalism so he has to get over it. Pro sports is a performance oriented business. Win & you're fine. Lose & you're done. Players aren't paid to play. They are paid to win. Coaches aren't paid to coach. They are also paid to win.
  24. So, raising prices after another stinker season? Even with a Grey Cup game this year Wade Miller has a lot of balls to do that.
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