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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Even international players can be duds. It's up to our scouting dept to find good OL. Not slugs or moving pylons. they haven't so far. maybe Jace daniels will be but too early to tell.
  2. I say ADD 5 Canadians to the roster (at a low cost) for developmental reasons ... in a few years we will have better quality National players I say ADD 5 Canadians to the roster (at a low cost) for developmental reasons ... in a few years we will have better quality National players Respectfully disagree as half to three quarters or higher will never start. You'll be developing backup & special teams players. Not front line players.
  3. Forbes was funny once. Back in the 90's.
  4. O'Shea hasn't made an enemy out of the media. Wiecek said it himself that their testy exchange was a rare occurence. I'm not sure why some people have decided this is a thing now. It's been that way all season. Had a chip on his shoulder from Day 1. Not impressed by either by his attitude toward the media or the fact we've lost 9 in a row & he's still acting like a wiseaker. Outside of Paul Wiecek & one or 2 others, the Winnipeg media treats the Bombers pretty well.
  5. The Board hires the President who hires the GM who hires the HC so how does it not start with the BODs?
  6. WINNIPEG Blue Bombers head coach Mike O'Shea volunteered Thursday his 6-11 football team "needs to get better, from me on down." As opposed to mild mannered coaches who always last forever? Sure, know it all coaches like Mike Kelly always have great coaching careers in the CFL.
  7. I find with the exception of a few most Calgary sportscasters & writers are clued totally out about the CFL. The CHQR radio crew know the league very well as they are the Stamps rights holders for local radio as do guys like George Johnson of the Calgary Herald & Scott Mitchell of the Calgary Sun. There's also a female beat reporter for the Herald that is knowledgeable. But the others don't follow it closely enough or prefer the NFL. They all love the Flames though.
  8. It was a dickish ad for sure.
  9. Yup, O'Shea is right. He's got a game to prepare for right now and the media should be smart enough to realize that. You don't quit preparing for games till the season is over and Mike O'Shea is focused in on it. Besides, he just got done saying the team needs to get better, he doesn't need to go give a big old breakdown at every position trying to triangulate what should be done just yet. Finish the season first, then address areas. Plus it's stupid to say he or Walters are not gonna make any moves at all to address areas. They will, but you worry about those situations in the office, not at the Press Conference. I'm sure that he has NEVER thought about what is happening with his team & the reason for the 8 game skid??? Really, cmon? If he can't handle the heat from a few local reporters then maybe he's not ready to be a HC even after a season already. This isn't Denver, New England or Green Bay. I bet Rex Ryan would love the media here. It would be like a weekend retreat for the guy. Why can't MOS acknowledge that yes, there are problems that need addressing & everything will be under review including his performance after tomorrow. Then next question as we are preparing for a game Saturday.These CFL head coaches with the big egos & impatience never last. Seen em all come & go in 50 seasons watching the Bombers & other teams. They always get fired eventually.
  10. Sad news to report that former Calgary Stampeders majority owner & later a minority ownership partner with the Flames, John Forzani passed away in Palm Springs, CA today at age 67. Big loss for the football community here. He meant a lot to football at all levels in our city from the CFL to 8 year old Atom football. He rescued the Stampeders from F Troop (as they were called) Michael Feterik & Fred Fateri in early 2005 & put the team back on the road to prosperity & later selling them to the Flames. Talk about a self made multi, multi, multi millionaire. He should have written a book... http://www.calgaryherald.com/touch/business/Calgary+businessman+John+Forzani+dies+California+hospital/10341972/story.html?rel=841484
  11. Cops can press charges & I think they'll be going that way. If a female victim goes to the media I think it's a good likelihood they'll testify in court. Eight women have said publicly that Ghomeshi sexually & physically assaulted them. He should go to jail & I hope he does. Not because he's a celebrity & I know that we like to see arrogant pricks be taken down but because it's the right & proper thing to happen.
  12. Yes, of couse he does. But the Bombers don't. Willy getting 1% better has more value to this franchise than Marve getting 10% better. Very deceitful of you to remove the most relevant part of my post. Willy has absolutely nothing to gain from this game, especially if he's already ailing. ? It's right up there for everyone to read, it meanders thru a couple of different thoughts that just weren't relevant to my point. Do you re-read every original post thru all the re-quotes? That's pretty sweet, having that much time to kill. Willy has less to gain, not "absolutely nothing". That is because he is further along in his development. He's not at the end of it. And every gain he makes now will be incredibly important in the future. Quoting someone's post & then deleting part of it to suit your POV is tacky. And I don't agree with Your Face but I think it has to be said. If you don't agree with his quote then don't use it.
  13. I think you are selling short guys like Stephan Charles Aikem Hicks and Linden Gaydosh. Not selling them short as they are great athletes but some of the players I saw down there were amazing. The only reason most of them were playing JUCO was because their SATs were too low to get into an D1 NCAA 4 year school or their marks weren't good enough. Some had issues with the law which derailed their college careers & they're trying to get it back. Or they fell thru the recruiting cracks. (You'd be amazed at how many players in the States that actually happens to). They go to a JUCO & can transfer to a 4 year school after 2 years & still have 2 yrs of eligibility left. Or 3 if they redshirted their first year. There are no Samoan athletes playing in the CIS. Cam Newton played junior college in Texas. That's the kind of athletes you see.
  14. LOL! We are always the nice guys like releasing Grigsby a day too early. But hey, it's the Cowboys... The NFL. So why the hell not.
  15. I feel these points have some merit. I will now drink some rye until that feeling goes away. There's only one way to fix this. Drop the number of starting Canadians in a game from 7 to 5 so that we can play 2 more Internationals on the OL without blowing up the ratio. The OL on most CFL teams suck, sorry to say. Not enough quality Nationals.
  16. The SMS cap jumped this year to $5M. It goes up $50,000 next season.You sure? I thought it was fully official next season as all teams had their budgets set as the new collective agreement was ratified by both sides after the season started. From the CFL website: http://m.cfl.ca/article/new-five-year-cba-ratified-by-cfl-and-cflpa Thanks for that. I'd say then that we have a lot of cap room to work with as I'd be hard pressed to believe we're anywhere close to the cap with the players we have.
  17. Just going to say the same thing. Make it all 3. The guys will clean out their lockers Monday, have individual meetings with Walters, MOS & go home as the season is done.
  18. Just an aside. My son played qb at a junior college in Northern California two years ago. He faced a team from Sacramento that had 2 gigantic Samoans playing on the DL. On one play one of the Samoans broke thru the line but barely missed tackling the running back behind the LOS. He ran downfield & caught the same back from behind for about a 7 yard gain. This guy went to the NCAA on a 2 year scholarship. There are no DTs in CIS as big (over 300 lbs) who can run that fast or are as strong as those 2 Samoans were. The only time our Canadian boys face guys like John Chick or Charleston Hughes is at the pro level & they get their lunch money taken away from them.
  19. So, with these allegations & women coming forward I'd hope the police arrest this loser & he's charged with rape & assault, Among other charges.
  20. CIS OL vs NCAA DL. The majority of Canadian linemen are finding it difficult to block guys like this as they never faced anyone like them in Canadian university. Bigger, faster & stronger.
  21. The max protect schemes worked for Montreal because: a) They had a QB who could throw into tight coverage effectively The running game was effective enough to keep the D off balance So why can't we do that? Seems easy enough to implement to me than an empty set, one on one OL blocking schemes.
  22. No argument from me ISO. I'd only wanna see marve last week 4th quarter if it was feasible and this week if we are getting blown out or blowing them out... Maaaaaaaybe 4th quarter just because if O'Shea feels it will aid his ability to review his season going into next year... While we would like to win, this is essentially training camp 2015 I want to see Marve as well but give Willy the majority of the work especially if we are winning.
  23. Speaking of defending themselves... Then there's Jan Ghomeshi. Wonder if he thought 8 women & counting would speak out after he throws a $55 million lawsuit out at the CBC? Pretty evident that the lawsuit is nothing but a smokescreen to scare accusers off. Didn't work, Now back to our regular discussion.
  24. The SMS cap jumped this year to $5M. It goes up $50,000 next season. You sure? I thought it was fully official next season as all teams had their budgets set as the new collective agreement was ratified by both sides after the season started.
  25. Here is what is was like growing up in Canada in the 1960's. If you were from Western Canada you cheered for the Leafs. They were Western Canada's team no ifs, ands or buts. If you were in Quebec or parts of the Maritimes you cheered for the Habs. When the Leafs won the Stanley Cup last in 1967 it was like we all won the thing from Manitoba to the West Coast. I remember those days really well. Saturday night was a big night like it still is now with Ward Cornell hosting HNIC & Bill Hewitt's son doing play by play. There were no regional games. Everybody west of Toronto saw the Leafs on CBC. Everybody east saw Montreal. And when they met on national television, man oh man, it was a big deal. Just like the SC Final in 1967... Canada's 100th birthday. It was a huge deal.
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