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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Darryl Sittler, Lanny MacDonald, Borje Salming, Ian Turnbull, Mike Palmateer. Yeah baby! Darryl Sittler, Lanny MacDonald, Borje Salming, Ian Turnbull, Mike Palmateer. Yeah baby! I was BEFORE Salming. What about that???
  2. Daniels has had his moments.I saw him dominate one DL on one play but got beat by the same guy on another. It's too early to tell. Hopefully he comes back next year & has a solid training camp.
  3. Drew Willy hasn't been half-decent in approximately two months. What makes you think he'll suddenly turn it around this week? He's our starter. Simple as that. Go talk to MOS & convince him to start Marve instead. Good luck btw.
  4. Of course we all know that the Stamps should have a C on their helmet & not a horse. Not for Calgary but for the word CHOKE. In the Stampeders defense, this is a radio ad no doubt written by the rightsholder 770AM CHQR as it isn't playing on any other station here from what I know. So, the radio guys made this 30 second POS ad.
  5. It was moronic. And yeah, kids stuff.
  6. last time I was a Leafs fan, Jacques Plante & Bernie Parent were in net, Rick Ley & Mike Pelyk were on defense & Davey Keon was centre.
  7. We should have room especially as the new salary cap will be in play next season. Yeah, I'd throw the proverbial bank at the guy to sign him. And another FA OL as well. We are going nowhere with the players we have now on the line.
  8. Ad on the radio here in Calgary on the radio for this weekend's game: Little kid talking to his dad asking why the W on the Bomber helmet isn't a big L for loser. Dad tries to explain the W means Winnipeg & he spells it real slow. "W...I..N...N.. for win" says dad. The kid fires back. "So they can't even spell the word win? That's a shocker!" Just a real insult of an ad. At least to me anyway,
  9. I'm not sure that this post is directed at me but I suspect it might be... I haven't criticized Willy all year until this last game, and I realize now that the vitriol that I've expressed should probably be directed at the coaching staff more so than Willy himself, as they are the source of my frustration. Anyhow, I apologize if my recent comments have made this board harder to read. Not gonna name names. People know who they are. Anyway, appreciate the apology.
  10. I've said this many times. You can be a true fan & yet still question decisions as well as criticize. Being critical doesn't mean you aren't a good fan.There's nothing wrong with asking What the hell is going on? Or expecting Bomber management, players & coaches to be accountable. Being pissed off shows people care. If they stop then the Bombers need to really worry as people have stopped caring. Now if posters here are always pissed off or saying the same things a hundred times over then okay they can be called out. We've seen posters here constantly non stop criticize Drew Willy. One post after another post after another. The same people. It gets old after awhile. As far as treating posters negatively, I can certainly be that way but it's hard not to be like that with some of the comments being made. Bottom line is we should at least try & respect one another.
  11. The BOD's should be the last ones laughing at anyone. The problems with this team all starts with them.
  12. Painful only begins to describe it. This is Head of CFL Officiating Glen Johnson's baby & he needs to know that his crews are ruining the game.
  13. This caught me off guard. But then I thought about it ... and I don't think you're too far off. I don't think we'd have to go that high, but realistically he could ask for a quarter mil per season and get it from multiple teams, so yeah, $900,000 over that term might just be what it takes to make it happen. If money is the only thing that matters to a player, Ottawa will have a tremendous advantage over the rest of the CFL. Even if they don't come to their senses and get rid of Burris. I wouldn't be surprised if Ottawa is almost maxed out salary cap wise. I think Desjardins spends like a drunken sailor.
  14. You are correct. Potential riders to go if push comes to shove would include Picard, Fulton or maybe Best. Bottom line is we have way too much cap space tied up in this group. At this point Labatte is the only untouchable on that line followed by Heenan. I'll take Picard &/or Best. That's an upgrade.
  15. The refs have totally taken over the game & killing it. Penalty after penalty just grinds the game to a screeching halt. And taking away offensive plays.
  16. SPuDs, Drew Willy is our starting qb & will be for awhile. If he's good to go he plays simple as that. The Marve Mania around here shown by some is commendable but at the end of the day I still believe that Willy gives us the best chance to win. He's had 20 CFL starts. & Marve has had zero. Now, play the kid against Calgary. I have no problem with that but MOS isn't benching Willy & that is the right decision.
  17. Losing does that to us. We are INSUFFERABLE!!!! Shoot me. I'm just the piano player.
  18. Swiston gave it his best here. He never quit on his teammates like that loser Grigsby. Best of luck to him.
  19. I'm assuming this comment is directed at me... I never said Willy sucks. I said he's been awful in the second half of the season, which is 100% true. Based on this downward spiral he's been in, I'm fairly confident that Marve gives us a better chance to win at this point. Furthermore, my belief that Marve is a capable quarterback stems from more than just one quarter of football. He evidently has potential, as shown in mini-camp, in preseason, in practice, and again in limited regular season action. He could stand to gain some experience, and as such, I'm somewhat disconcerted in O'Shea's decision to start Willy this week. None of us said Willy sucks, which goes back to the point I made earlier about people being unable to read and communicate without making things up or assuming things they haven't even read. Very hard to discuss football when that's all people ever want to do here. Your as guilty as the people you accuse. Your "You Guys" comments proves that. You only agree with people who agree with you so again you can point fingers but I'd recommend you look in the mirror first when you do.
  20. LOL! Not after you pissed in it.
  21. I had season tickets from 1974-90 when I lived in Winnipeg. I'd still have them if I lived there. The Blue & Gold flows in my veins. But I have been & everybody as a fan... has a right to be angry & pissed off. And to expect more from the team. It's a fans right to ask questions & to be critical, I believe.
  22. Problem with a lot of posters (in general) is that when times are tough .. they lack the ability to step back and look at what's going on objectively .. did Willy have a perfect season? Hell no. But there are a tonne of positives to build on and you can see he's easily the best quarterback we've had here in a long while. All I can hope is that we haven't absolutely crushed the guy because we didn't do enough to protect him. it quite the opposite I'm looking at things as objectively as can be done. I'm pointing out obvious negatives willy has and needs to work on, I'm not saying I want him gone. It's not my problem it took you guys so long to see these obvious faults because you were too clouded by hope to look at things objectively and we're too excited with willys start to the season. Who are "You Guys"? What makes you the sole expert here & the last word on quarterback performance? I think your logic is absolutely flawed so the "You Guys"comment is ridiculous. If I say YOU don't know what you're talking about would that be too harsh?? Comparing Willy to Mitchell is ludicrous. Mitchell is in qb heaven with the Stamps compared to Willy who is in qb hell. Mitchell has an actual OL that gives him protection. He has Dave Dickenson as an OC & qb coach. He has John Hufnagel as his HC. Willy's has no pass blocking thanks to a putrid OL, a 70 year old qb coach in his first year learning the CFL, MB as a so so OC & MOS a former linebacker as a HC. There is absolutely no comparison. Oh & should we compare talent with the Stampeders. Should we go there as well????
  23. Hopefully Royal Blue next year.
  24. Someone like Wasylicia-Leis, Ashton & the Conservative loser from Calgary Rob Anders should find a real job to buy a clue. In Anders case that may just be the case. Having had a "real job" doesn't mean a politician has a clue. Au contraire. I think it does. Most people don't have the income, perks & benefits/retirement packages politicians have. I think if you are a career politician especially one who has never worked at anything else in their lives except politics then they get very insulated from the world outside City Hall, legislature or parliament. They certainly can't relate to the majority of Canadians, I believe.
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