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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. It is to be expected.
  2. Especially since it's only 24. 25 seasons.
  3. Just as long as it's not the frigging Riders in that game. I'd give my GC tickets away.
  4. If a guy is leaning to the NFL then pass... I don't care how good he is. We don't need another Mulamba. We can't afford it.
  5. The OC & qb coach have to help him out. Willy needs a competent OL. He doesn't have any of that. Considering the clusterfuck on offense he's done pretty well. Put Willy on the Stamps with Dickenson & Huff & he's an all star.
  6. It's like slipping right where you need to sit down. A brilliant move? No. just plain luck. That's the way I see krunch's rants. He may have a point but he's totally messed it up conveying the message so no one takes it seriously.
  7. No Russian cyber attack? No former disgruntled member out for vengeance after being run off here? We ran out of disc space? You should make up this great story for us to believe in...
  8. This is correct. They've made some puzzling roster decisions at times this year, but I do think they've gotten over that recently. Much more willing to make changes to things that aren't working. Losing will do that. Not as smart as they thought they were. It's a fine line to walk though, you want to show faith in your players. I really do think O'Shea learned a lot this season about head coaching. I think if we run this guy out of town we're going to regret it. He'll have one more season, 17. He won't be run of unless he keeps his coordinators which I'm afraid he will.
  9. Well, it's next year country now. Something we are all too familiar with. This may be how we all feel today... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKWi5T2bSuc
  10. This is correct. They've made some puzzling roster decisions at times this year, but I do think they've gotten over that recently. Much more willing to make changes to things that aren't working. Losing will do that. Not as smart as they thought they were.
  11. Good to see!!
  12. It's heading for a messy divorce next season. Replace all the coordinators, Mike.
  13. After a crappy season like this & they keep 2 out of 3 & maybe all of them? Then fire MOS as he'd deserve it. The entire coaching staff under MOS really should go. What a clusterfuck if there are no changes.
  14. iso iso iso - NO ONE is open on a Hail Mary. Since when do you see an 'open receiver'? You know that for crissakes. Take your fingers out of your ears and stop going LALALALALALALALA. In a Hail Mary you send everyone down the short side, you roll that way, you get about 4 seconds or 5 (and he had that) and you heave it up there and hope for a miracle catch or a PI call. That's why the play is called a "Hail Mary". The chance of success on that play is about 0.01% but the chance is zero if you don't throw the ball. I know you know better, you just can't wrap your head around it. And again Willy himself says he blew it. GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF SAND How could Willy throw the ball when he didn't have time & his pass blocking broke down? But we know you think Robert Marve would have completed that pass, right? Just because you say so. Of course, you'll love the guy until he fucks up then **** all over him. That's what fans like you do.
  15. No no no - no one was open. Aren't you reading the posts in all these thread? LMAO. Hey - know what I want to know - and I want You Tube links not some 'willy boy' just spouting off. How many times this year as Willy 'looked off' the defense? Cause that's what I hate - the man plays like a 20 year old high school kid. He targets ONE guy, and stays locked on him, Been doing that all year. He admitted it too (for last nights game anyway). I don't ever recall him though, not once this year, looking left when right or center was his target his whole time, then turning and throwing it there (as an example). My fav part of that 'hail mary' play was when he ran to his left. He can't throw ball like that anyway. As soon as he went that way I knew he'd be sacked. And that isn't coaching, - NO ONE told him to do that - that's allllll on Drew Willy. You sure have all the answers to none of the questions. Or are totally clueless. You & Your Face.
  16. To who? Nobody? How is that better?? Maybe if we had an OL that could actually pass block.
  17. I would bet that almost every running back in the league is somewhat banged up at this point, and the Stamps have first place pretty much sewn up, so why not give Cornish some downtime to heal? The Stamps can afford to do this. Most other teams can't.
  18. No logic to that and waaaay too much of a gamble in the precarious situation the Bombers find themselves in after this season. Best to get out of the blocks early in the off-season and grab the best fishes in the CFL pond. Giving it to Buck is the last thing we need. He needs more experience to progress to OC. Long learning curve even for a former veteran qb.
  19. It being a meaningless game, hopefully MOS will come to his senses. Hopefully Marve doesn't try to run the ball himself 50% of the time. Stamps will figure that one out after the first series. Be good to see a few other PR players get some game action. Cameron Marshall maybe? And Portis, I'd like to see what he can do. What about Philpot??? Hint: Check previous threads.
  20. If MOS comes back next year more humble & without a chip on his shoulder towards anyone outside of the Bomber organization such as local media & fans then maybe he's learned a thing or two & will be a better head coach for it. We'll see.
  21. Okay, other than saying the same thing over & over & over about how bad Willy is/was/ always will be, you tell us why a qb who suffered thru 11 sacks tonight would hold onto the football too long instead of getting rid of it quicker. I'd be interested to read what you have to say. Go ahead... Oh & don't give me that shell shocked answer as it is more complex than that. Shell shocked means he'd be panicking & throwing the football too early. I want a real insightful answer. How am I supposed to know what's going on in his head?? Maybe it's just a lack of pocket awareness (as has been on display all year), or a case of Willy trying to protect his stats, as SmokinBlue suggested? I surely hope it's not the latter... Not surprised with your answer because it's as I expected. Protect his stats? Yeah, that's what he's thinking alright as he's running for his life. Just spouting continual garbage. I know it might seem a little far-fetched but honestly I can't see any other explanation for him to continually hold onto the ball like it's his child during the entire game. It seemed like the only time he threw the ball was when he had someone wide open, but even then he was making bad throws. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as we are all Bomber fans & tired of the continual losing & we all want them to start winning. I'm just going to say that there are a lot of reasons why things went sour last night. Since we aren't privy to the talk on the bench & won't be in offensive meetings reviewing this game let's just agree on the fact that things need to majorly improve greatly in all areas if the Bombers are ever going to become a winning team. Surprised no one touched on the interception & lateral called back last night. To me, that was the turning point of the game. We made a great play & scored but the DB was down when he lateralled. We never recovered from that setback & folded like a cheap tent in a light breeze after that. Seems we don't have the character or leadership in the locker room to bounce back from adversity. Everything has to go the Bombers way in order to win. It shouldn't be that way but it is.
  22. Okay, other than saying the same thing over & over & over about how bad Willy is/was/ always will be, you tell us why a qb who suffered thru 11 sacks tonight would hold onto the football too long instead of getting rid of it quicker. I'd be interested to read what you have to say. Go ahead... Oh & don't give me that shell shocked answer as it is more complex than that. Shell shocked means he'd be panicking & throwing the football too early. I want a real insightful answer. How am I supposed to know what's going on in his head?? Maybe it's just a lack of pocket awareness (as has been on display all year), or a case of Willy trying to protect his stats, as SmokinBlue suggested? I surely hope it's not the latter... Not surprised with your answer because it's as I expected. Protect his stats? Yeah, that's what he's thinking alright as he's running for his life. Just spouting continual garbage.
  23. That was me & I'll stand by that remark. MOS will have had by that time nearly 30 games to right the ship. More than enough games to have proven himself. The Death Watch will start in Regina then if we're struggling.
  24. Wow. I did not know that this was Etch's theory. But I fully agree with the notion that in 3-down CFL style football success on the ground spells success on the scoreboard. The field is so big and wide (of course you need balance between pass and run) but the successful run game always sets up the successful pass, not vice versa. But even if Etch is wrong on this, Bombers crap record this season isn't so much on the D as it is on the putrid O. Etch's high risk D has frequently helped score points or put the O in score position with turnovers. If the D hadn't chipped in with points in the first half of the season we'd be 1-16 right now. Small consolation, I know. As far as a DC we can do better.
  25. Today we had LaPo & Climie calling him out at halftime in short yardage & near the goal line for calling pass defending schemes instead of run. You know that it's bad when it gets to that as 99% of the time the panelists on TSN are vanilla not wanting to offend anyone associated with the CFL. But Etch is beyond defending.
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