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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Pretty easy to look through the fence in the NE corner of stadium. So you are confirming that you looked through a corner of the stadium? Did you do that? You refuse to answer questions. You respond that you don't comprehend to others. Frequent antagonistic challenges. Poor relational skills. Interloping into a rival sympathic forum. All signs of a disturber. We all want to know why Migs is still here?
  2. I'd throw a drink in his face if he was my former Bomber teammate & he said he loved me but left... For more than one reason.
  3. We got nothing for Hall in that trade except a guy who can't play. There's a reason why Taman & Chablin offered him up. Sorry to say but a waste of a roster space.
  4. Durant's balls hitting your chin with more force this week? That's good to hear. Tell us more. We really appreciate everything you do around here.Keep bringing the homophobic jokes. I'm here to talk football, thanks for showing us why you're here.You do know what homophobic means right? It's the fear or negative attitude towards homosexuality. Brice's post doesn't imply either. He's just implying that you're enjoying your time with Durant balls. He even states that it's good to hear. Can I play with Durant's balls too? I guess so -- that way Migs can start playing with Joseph's balls -- then they'll have a full blown QB controversy. Who's playing with Sunseri's balls now days? He might be feeling left out. He ain't feeling it & he misses it.
  5. Migs a CFL fan??? If he truly was he wouldn't be **** disturber on every board he shows up on.
  6. Fixed it for ya. What a loser.
  7. Then he has an opportunity to continue supporting his family by playing football. So, good for him. How does that change him not being a good fit here? Hope he fails? No, I choose to not be a horrible human being. If Grigsby sucks as a Ti Cat I'll laugh. Guess that makes 95% of us here bad people. BUT I DON'T CARE!!
  8. Let them rush back Durant in desperation. He's only their franchise player. He gets hurt for the future, the Riders have none. If they do & he gets hurt that's how stupid Chamblin & Napkin Boy are.
  9. I'm thinking about Trudeau & Mulcair, especially Trudeau who said we should try to "understand" why terrorism starts & where it comes from. I wonder if they're still against our CF 18's going to Iraq now? Being slimeball politicians I'm sure they are even though ISIS is a clear threat on Canadian soil.
  10. we sure are. I KNOW we are.
  11. C'mon guys we're acting like Rider Nation. We're better than that.
  12. How many cranes did we have, eight? What a stupid response.
  13. No one will outplay Willy in practice for one good reason I have been to at least 10 practices this year and no one is putting any pressure on the QBs I have never seen a practice where a player was brought to the ground. In other words everyone looks good until the real bullets fly... And on the subject of practice I have never seen where our 1 one offense goes against our 1 one defense its always first team vs scout team ? To me there are times when you go best against best and so far I have not seen that with the bombers practices... Teams don't practice like that. If anything, the defensive players are told to let the qb throw the football & finish the play. And they don't tackle in practice like it's a game or there'd be no players left to actually play. They wrap & at most it's called thud. Practice is just that... Practice. It's about the offense getting reps. The offense can't do that with the qb on his back.
  14. By far the worst in the CFL. That's saying a lot.
  15. I'd love to work in football ops. I'd do it for free. Well, maybe not but I'd sure like it.
  16. Why would Taman say Durant should be ready for the last game of the season if that wasn't true? Has zero to gain by not being honest. Think Durant "would be ready for game action" if they weren't losing??? Desperation. He won't be anywhere near 100% if & when he comes back.
  17. Make no sense to me, Willy hasn't played well for Weeks now he hasn't earned the start based on his play other players have to sit and wait their turn but Willy gets to start based on what ? I won't be watching if Willy is playing I am done with stupid coaches starting their guy let the best players play ! Tired of Romby Bryant as well and EJ would be playing if he wasn't injured MOS neesd to learn to start his best players regardless of salary or who his favorites are... Buh bye. Don't let the door hit you leaving.
  18. Make no sense to me, Willy hasn't played well for Weeks now he hasn't earned the start based on his play other players have to sit and wait their turn but Willy gets to start based on what ? I won't be watching if Willy is playing I am done with stupid coaches starting their guy let the best players play ! Tired of Romby Bryant as well and EJ would be playing if he wasn't injured MOS neesd to learn to start his best players regardless of salary or who his favorites are... Willy IS the best QB, don't be ridiculous. Suggesting he's not is bordering on idiocy. Make no sense to me, Willy hasn't played well for Weeks now he hasn't earned the start based on his play other players have to sit and wait their turn but Willy gets to start based on what ? I won't be watching if Willy is playing I am done with stupid coaches starting their guy let the best players play ! Tired of Romby Bryant as well and EJ would be playing if he wasn't injured MOS neesd to learn to start his best players regardless of salary or who his favorites are... Willy IS the best QB, don't be ridiculous. Suggesting he's not is bordering on idiocy. And you base that on what the fact that Willy has been so successful this year ? Have you checked his stats his QB rating he is very much on par with Max Hall so that puts him clearly in the lead of the current group ? I am not saying he won't be good down the road I can see that Willy does have some very good qualities as a QB however that doesn't mean he is the best QB on the roster we haven't see Marve in a full game and Portis has been on the PR...so until we see them we won't know. I have been to many practices and Willy is accurate when he sees someone open however he doesn't see the entire field and recognize where to go with the ball all of the time and he takes way too many sacks because he needs to throw the ball away sometimes... I have also not been impressed with his practices many times as he has been outworked but the other QBs and to me your Starter should lead the way... Also Willy isn't very mobile. So some good things some bad... but until you see the other QBs play a full game or more you can't say who the best is... Willy needs to improve for me to be convinced he is our future he has the potential to be a very good QB down the road but at this point I am not sure he will be time will tell.... If Willy proves me wrong this week good for him and the Bombers but I am tire of waiting for Willy to turn it around...to me this season is over in terms of the playoff so lets get the other QB's some experience and see what they can do... Wow, seriously?
  19. Value Village special in 2016. Destined to sit on the hangars forever.
  20. Make no sense to me, Willy hasn't played well for Weeks now he hasn't earned the start based on his play other players have to sit and wait their turn but Willy gets to start based on what ? I won't be watching if Willy is playing I am done with stupid coaches starting their guy let the best players play ! Tired of Romby Bryant as well and EJ would be playing if he wasn't injured MOS neesd to learn to start his best players regardless of salary or who his favorites are...You DO understand the concept of starter, right? #1? The first string?Marve should leapfrog the depth chart based on a half of football and ten passes when playoffs are still a (distant, yes but still) a possibility? No... Not likely.. Absolutely agree 110% with you SPuDs.
  21. Willy is our starter so id he's good to go he plays. Simple as that.
  22. So should Ken Ploen. Chamblin & Taman just admitted without saying it that Sunseri & Doege aren't good enough...
  23. I like him. Rumor is Milanovich wont re-up in Tor I think Popp will scoop him up and we may see Burke tagging along with him. If that's the case I'll be interested with Thorpe too. In house, Tracy may be a good candidate for DC and I want Oshea took over the ST. For OC, I am interested with Bob Dyce. Tracy's special teams have been horrible all year. Why should he get a promotion? He can go back to the CIS as far as I'm concerned.
  24. He wasn't available. He was protected. Teams could only protect one QB and there's no way the Stamps protected Tate over Mitchell. And if they had there's no way the RedBlacks would have taken Glenn over Mitchell. Mitchell was protected not Tate. The redblacks picked Glenn. I think Huff was hoping that Ottawa would take Tate instead of Glenn. Yep, you know it.
  25. Fire phasers set to kill!
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