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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Meanwhile in the Olympics Canada's Erica Wiebe won gold today in the 75 kg Women's wrestling event.
  2. And an insolent Stampeder qb who just couldn't mind. his. own. business.
  3. Thank you! Just how hard is this????? #nitpick #nitpick
  4. No nine games after the win streak started... That's when it could be gauged but wtf who cares? Just enjoy the streak foe however long it lasts.
  5. Three games tells us nothing except we won 3 games. Don't forget in 2014 we were 5-1 to start the season & finished at 6-12. This is what it is... a 3 game winning streak. Before that we were 1-4 & looked All S*H*I*T. This tells me that (1) this team is wildly inconsistent & (2) the wrong qb was starting. Give me a large sample size of 9 games before I make a judgement. In the meantime, just enjoy the win streak & not worry if it's real or not as we'll know in another 2 months anyway.
  6. We're winning. How we win to me doesn't matter. At the end of the season the number of wins don't come with caveats or asterisks.
  7. Yet he knew. I think he's being fined not because he hampered a so called investigation but because he embarrassed the league by making it public.
  8. Or not. If there is a police investigation going on in your neighbourhood there's no guarantee the cops would tell you anything if you called them. I doubt if BLM knew anything.
  9. The national media & TSN doesn't. It's all Rider Nation. The so called "best fans" in the CFL.
  10. Riderfans has always been inflammatory but it's it's been ratched up a few notches. Was your team & fanbase ever suckered in with Chris Jones & Murphy... LOL! Didn't Rod Pederson predict that the Riders would win 12 games & finish first?? Your fanbase eats up whatever Peterson says...
  11. I'd not be heartbroken to see him released.
  12. The guy has been following the CFL for 44 years... You'd think he'd have been hired years ago to cover the CFL from an actual CFL city.
  13. Why people, why?? We should be better than that. Rider fans troll. We don't need to do that.
  14. Yeah, that was a cherished moment. Only the Riders could lose a game that way. No other team. Losing a championship like that's worse than finishing last.
  15. Happy Birthday Bob. You are simply the best!
  16. I used to post on Riderfans over a decade ago. Almost every member on that site were good people. Then, as been said, some of the new posters came on & started to insult me & other non Rider fans that were there. After awhile I just said **** it & left. haven't been there in over 10-11 years. Never will go back.
  17. If Jones thinks the ass whippings are just about over, I think they're just starting with that huge chip on his shoulder..
  18. Jones just keeps getting classier everyday, isn't he?
  19. Pederson is an idiot. Not much more to say.
  20. Dickenson didn't get into specifics but he said that Jones wasn't complimentary. So then, these record fines... Pretty clear that Jones hasn't learned his lesson.
  21. I'd like new kitchen cabinets.
  22. Don't care. It's still a joke. The entire process.
  23. And you sound more & more like Migs everyday. Your team is a joke.
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