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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Nice to see Brackenridge get smoked then screw up on the Burris TD run next play.
  2. That's mah boy, Alex!!! Coached Krausnick in pee wee football! BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE! LOL!
  3. Well..... you never know.
  4. No kidding. What kind of call was that?
  5. I can only imagine that the Drew Tate bandwagon fans are breaking their ankles jumping off hugely right now. And the Bo Levi Mitchell haters are going into hiding.There is a core of Stamps fans that hate BLM & wanted Tate to be the starting Stamps qb. The Stamps fanbase is spoiled & entitled. They should walk a mile in our shoes to realize how lucky they are to have a young talented qb in Mitchell & a backup in Tate.
  6. Tate looks like crap today.
  7. He's played four games. I almost find that hard to believe... Look at how crappy the Stamps are playing in Montreal. They're out of focus. I think they thought that this would be an easy game.
  8. What I'd like to know is if Cornish just decided that he didn't feel like playing this game when he could have? As in taking the weekend off. With some of his comments he made after he came off the injured list, Cornish said he enjoyed not playing & relaxing. The way the Stamps handled this & their cryptic last minute "maintenace issues" announcement, I get the impression that Cornish just said to Huff, "I'm not playing". They looked like they were caught flat footed & unprepared.
  9. Probably the same place they got the idea that Rod Black is a decent play-by-play guy. TSN knows that fans hate Black yet they don't care. So, why should they care about these interviews?
  10. What qb would trust that line, though?? It's not very good & the Bombers didn't do a lot to improve it over the last off season. What's wrong with Goosen & when is he coming back?
  11. The lady now claims it was a misunderstanding. She never meant to take it... Sure.
  12. I know a couple of former CFL players from the Stamps who won GC's in 92 & 98. They don't trust anyone with those rings. They guard them with their lives. They'd never even think of throwing their rings to strangers in a crowd.
  13. The Canucks were a prototypical regular season team that year. Boston was built to win the grind of the playoffs and Vancouver with their pansy players wasn't. Won't deny that. The Bruins ground them to a pulp.
  14. I never thought I'd ever call Pinball stupid but this is on him.
  15. Canucks were a better team in 2011 than Boston but lost the Cup. Money can't always buy championships.
  16. For me when Gretzky got traded I saw the end of Canadian dominance coming. From the moment the Rangers bought the cup I stopped caring. We became the hockey version of MLB for 10 years with money being the deciding factor most of the time. Now that they are back it's me and pops ranting and raving the way it should be. Sooner or later they will get older then it will be time to retire! Fixed it for you.
  17. Well, he'll be here until the end of the season so everyone will have to accept it.
  18. The term "drinking Kool-Aid" is in reference to a group suicide back in the day. Everyone followed their cult leader, drank the poisonous Kool-Aid and died. Oh The Texas thing? Ahh ok, well then it doesn't exactly apply to posts on a fan forum then. But ok. That was about US religious cult leader Jim Jones & his suck...errr.... followers in Guyana back in 1978.
  19. Never been a Milanovich fan. He rides the coattails of Ricky Ray.
  20. I wasn't talking about you Resurrection as far as the apology. Those who were cherry picking my quotes out of context know darn well what they were doing was bush league but they've done it repeatedly anyway (and no, I'm not overreacting). However, referencing another board over here is a dangerous thing to get into. The Riderfan.com/Ztella (Cornish) beef is an old and complicated one. Best to leave the battle over there. Cornish brought that on himself. He actually said that he preferred to mix it up & talk trash with Rider fans than post on his own team's board (who were begging him to participate) because he felt some Stamps fans there were losers & it wasn't busy enough. If a player goes to a rival board espcially RF.com & says dumb things then he deserves to get lit up just like we would if we did the same thing. Ztella as Cornish calls himself never posts on CFL Horsemen. Thank you. Seriously, What kind of "professional" football player posts on another teams fan board, admits who he is, and trashes the team and the fans. Cornhole is a loser and I suspect he has some other issues also. He tops it off by mooning us fans at a game in Regina. He will be hated forever by Rider Nation, period. As for the stamps, there was always a heated rivalry there anyway. Cornish is a great player but there was a lot of angst from Stamps fans when he admitted that he would never post on any Stamps board. I don't think he posts anywhere now as he may have matured. You're right, why would a player prefer to post on a board where he's hated than on a board where his team's fans are? And to take a cheap shot at them? I'll never understand the guy but that's the way he is. Same with this "maintenace" thing & missing the game in Montreal. Why the secrecy? Why hasn't the team come out & said what the issues are? We know what's wrong with the other players but with Cornish it's all hush hush. Makes me think that something's up, I think...
  21. I wasn't talking about you Resurrection as far as the apology. Those who were cherry picking my quotes out of context know darn well what they were doing was bush league but they've done it repeatedly anyway (and no, I'm not overreacting). However, referencing another board over here is a dangerous thing to get into. The Riderfan.com/Ztella (Cornish) beef is an old and complicated one. Best to leave the battle over there. Cornish brought that on himself. He actually said that he preferred to mix it up & talk trash with Rider fans than post on his own team's board (who were begging him to participate) because he felt some Stamps fans there were losers & it wasn't busy enough. If a player goes to a rival board espcially RF.com & says dumb things then he deserves to get lit up just like we would if we did the same thing. Ztella as Cornish calls himself never posts on CFL Horsemen.
  22. They are excellent. Until November. No doubt about that. That does seem to be their only downfall, when games start to matter, they tend to crap the bed. But they aren't relying on Glen this year. Been going on for longer than glenn was there. It seems to be a trend of sorts in Calgary the last few years actually, very good to dominate regular season, crap the bed in the playoffs. They are the best regular season team for quite some time. If they get it together they could roll over everyone come playoff time. Big IF as they choke every year.
  23. They have one huge problem. Absolutely stellar regular seasons... And horrible playoffs. have only won 1 GC since 2008. But as far as depth goes, yes agree 100%. When they make a pick it usually is a home run. Unless it's Ameet Pall. That was definetly a swing & a miss by Huff.
  24. I'd love to see this man get fired or quit. He is a pompous, arrogant ass. Goodell seems to have one rule about accountability for himself & another for the players.
  25. "Only 3". I find that an interesting phrase.
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