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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Rider fans will become so despondent they'll dig up that loonie they supposedly buried somewhere at IGF.
  2. Took 6 weeks for the CFL to hear the Carter suspension appeal. That is a joke.
  3. Nicholls being average is like an all star compared to Willy. He's a good game manager. Nothing flashy but gets the job done. Tom Burgess was a journeyman backup qb who never made a name for himself as a starting qb. And in 1990, he game managed the Bombers to our last Grey Cup.
  4. Sounds like George Eade made an appearance on the CM set.
  5. The improved play of the OL, Nicholls giving us a steady hand at qb, the rookies playing so well on defense. And then there's Denmark! That's the key to the turnaround...
  6. The last 3 weeks it's become a lot calmer being a Bomber fan. I just hope it lasts.
  7. Well...
  8. But no one with the ego & grating diva like personality as Roy. For what he's accomplished I don't know if he's worth it.
  9. If the Riders do have more roster violations then you know for sure it'll be a huge Eff You to the rest of the CFL.
  10. Kevin Glenn... pfffft....
  11. Is Sean Whyte a FG kicker trying to show off his guns??? LOL!
  12. Thought for a second Cuthbert was going to say, "Reilly matriculating in the pocket".
  13. This game has come to almost a complete stop thanks to the refs & challenges. No rhythm..
  14. More Fandangos?
  15. The Riders got off easy.
  16. What an offensive ad. Indian Motorcycles. And their logo of the Indian Chief??? Disgusting. How can they not call themselves First Nations or Aboriginal Motorcycles? Unbelievable. Where's political correctness when you need it?
  17. Ha, ha... LOL! No.
  18. It's to the point that when I get up in the morning I just tune into the media to see what stupid thing Trump said or did that day. The Trump campaign just looks desperate with the things Trump is saying. Yesterday it's Trump saying Obama created ISIS & he actually believes it. Today Trump is calling Obama with his middle name of Hussein like it's evil. It's not just the media that's turning, it's the GOP itself. Fascinating to watch.
  19. There aren't many HC positions available in the NHL & I don't think Roy really appreciated what he had. He may have deep sixed his coaching career by doing what he did. The guy has a reputation of being a self centred, selfish, quick to anger guy who is difficult to work with. He is a Hall of Famer as a player but he's not playing anymore. He'd bring that coaching reputation with him wherever he goes.
  20. Didn't the CFL intervene to prevent that signing? They didn't want the embarrassment of signing a guy who beats up women. I mean, if Jones wants to sign players like that then he'll be up to his neck in the mud himself.
  21. Wow, I bet Reynolds, Jones & Murphy are quaking in their boots. I still maintain Orridge is ineffective & weak.
  22. I won't argue with you on that...
  23. This Craig (?) Reynolds guy with the Riders seems like a decent guy as accountants go. But what the Riders really needed wasn't an accountant running the team, they needed an experienced football guy as President. Someone Jones could bounce ideas on & off. Someone telling him that this move would be good or this idea is bad. The Riders don't have a person like that as President & oh boy are things starting to go south fast. Like the Donald Trump campaign.
  24. With all the reports coming from different sources I think what's happening is pretty accurate. I have no reason to think otherwise. Your team has huge problems. On & off the field.
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