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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Good luck, Zack. You're going to need it.
  2. Wow, USABomberfan, you say some of the darndest things. Really???
  3. Wish Kenny Ploen had stayed 28. We'd have 40 Grey Cups by now.
  4. well I am saying this with all due respect, but you're out of your mind. This team NEEDS help on the d-line. Last couple games we have absolutely sucked getting pressure on qbs from the DL. Getting a top teir pass rusher would do all kinds of good for this team. I read somewhere that Hall doesn't fit into Etch's defensive schemes. Apparently MOS said that. I was surprised.
  5. I always wondered why Garth got the job instead of him. Because Garth was an easy target to pin the stadium delays on. That was their plan from the start. Bring in someone and blame the stadium delays on him, then fire him. Way more to it than that... I don't pretend to know the details of why Buchko was hired other than he was involved with CJOB in senior mgmt & they are the radio broadcast rights holders paying the Bombers decent coin for it so I'm thinking that had a lot to do with why he was hired. .
  6. They've been talking about this for awhile. Going to build an arena in Markham, ON. WTH, New York City area has 3 teams & LA area 2.
  7. Hamilton's is light years better than ours.
  8. You obviously weren't alive in the 1980's. Our parents didn't buy us Bomber jersies back in those days. They were too busy spending all of their money on cocaine. My parents buy me a Royal Blue Bomber jersey back in the day? Man, today's generation is sure entitled. ( Ha ha, I keed). However in all seriousness, my parents went thru the Depression & then WW2. All I ever heard growing up was how lucky I was to have a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, 3 squares a day, the clothes on my back & how I didn't really know the value of money as a teen. (That part was true). And oh yeah Son, if you want that Blue Bomber jersey, go & get a job. Blah, blah, blah... My parents were always afraid their house or what little money they had would be taken away by another depression or war.
  9. That's right Mike, wow. People can call me a lot of things but don't mention kicking a dog or animal abuse & joke about it. That'll be a mountain I'll choose to die on. Please don't include me in any comments about my dog being kicked, etc. Easy request to do.
  10. How many catchable footballs has the Ottawa receiving corps dropped that were right on the money from Hank this season? Easily the worst group in the CFL. Hank has played well enough to win games. Look at what Brett Carter did 2 games ago. Made the impossible catch & then later fumbled the game away.Meanwhile his pass catching teammates were stinking the joint out the entire game. Carter was the piece de resistance or icing on the cake vs Edmonton. How is that Hank's fault?
  11. ?? As for the rest of it, you see first there was this joke: Did Pall kick your dog or something? We're talking about bringing him in for a couple practices not making him captain of the team. Then this one: Followed by: poor dog it gets kicked a lot. Which I followed with: because as the original joke implied, you seem to be taking Pall's employment prospects very personally. Almost as if...he had kicked your dog. It's a colloquialism. A non-literal expression used in certain regions of the world. Thank you for taking the time to donate to dog things. And now I will walk away from this because I am an adult. I know what kick your dog means & it's no joke to me. I was only giving my take on Pall from what I saw & suddenly I'm this bad guy who doesn't give people third chances because Pall must have kicked my dog so I hate him. Well, football players get cut or their careers end because of injury everyday as it's a fact of life. Yes, by all means walk away.
  12. The point is to find out about him you had to search the internet which is a good thing. I knew that you living in Winnipeg would never have seen him practice yet I did. I may have not heard of the injury settlement thing or forgotten but my take on Pall was confirmed by that story & Ridsy's comments. Why the continuing smart ass comments about dogs? You advocating it's okay to hurt defenseless animals? What about wife beating? That okay, too??? Christ, some of you guys, I swear. I gave $50 US to help defer with this lady's $20,000 vet bills in Phoenix. She went to Churchill High with me. The last thing I want to see is this poor German Shepherd dropped off at an animal shelter because she can't afford the vet bills anymore which is why I helped her financially. I have also donated to the Calgary Humane Society in the past. Our Border Collie is a rescue dog from there. So, you can call me names here, you can say I'm a jerk, an @$$...., a ....head or whatever. Won't bother me. But please don't make light of kicking a dog as a joke when I never would do anything like that. You or anyone else. http://www.gofundme.com/ax9jvg
  13. Just curious.. what DL does fit our system... Pall at 5'11 260lbs doesn't... Laurent 6'1 305lbs doesnt Its a genuine question - the only DL that I have seen in pursuit as a 'hybrid DL/LB' per se is Peach... everyone else looks like they are playing traditional DL roles By the sounds of it, Zach Anderson doesn't even fit our system...? Why are you assuming that fit is based on the size of the player. It's based on the responsibilities and whether or not a player can excel with specific responsibilities. Just In case I'm misunderstanding here, when & where has Pall excelled as a player? As far as Rids comments go, those are first I've read. It was always that he left the Stamps on his own accord. No one ever said that the Stamps wanted him to pay his rehab bills first then submit them for reimbursement. That was never mentioned once in the media here by anyone covering. the team. Do I like Pall as a player? No, he's another Canadian who hung around too long & got paid for contributing virtually nothing for 3 seasons because he's a National. iso do you trust my information? I try to separate my internet posts between pure data, facts and opinion and try to post in a manner that shows which is which. My opinion is that Ameet Pall isn't a fit for the Winnipeg D. Facts are that Pall excelled over a four year career at Wofford and that he was released by Calgary during training camp. They expected him to hang around the team but didn't want to use an IR spot on him so he left. Not an arrangement that any player would likely agree to. My opinion is that Calgary was glad he signed in Montreal and that they picked him his tab. Although they likely weren't thrilled with the fact they used a first round pick on him. Rids, how can you say a 3 year veteran is "projected"? The guy has done virtually nothing as a player to this point that he was released. I consider him to be a projected player because he is far from a veteran. The only form of being a veteran is that he has attended multiple training camps. Stats wise he hasn't put up big numbers but hasn't had opportunity to do so either. Most of that is due to not performing to an adequate level in practice to earn a spot in the rotation. That's on him. Your last 2 sentences sum up everything I have been saying. So again, based on just that alone why would we bring him in & why are people who don't know him from anybody keep defending him? I know what I saw at Stamps training camp in 2012. He was the exact same way with the Stamps.
  14. If Rod Black liked me as a player the way he does then I'd be creeped out.
  15. Rids, how can you say a 3 year veteran is "projected"? The guy has done virtually nothing as a player to this point that he was released. scouting guys always focus on what a player could become, it's part and parcel with the job. That's what makes drafting a crap shoot. Sometimes guys just don't live up to the potential. It is certainly a crapshoot.
  16. No, I could care less about Pall. I just don't get the love for a guy who's done nothing for 2 teams in 3 years & has a grand total of THREE tackles in 10 games over a 3 season span. Why even bring in a guy like that? Bring in someone else. And, I don't belove the Stamps. Never have. Never will. I like them because I've lived in Calgary for 24 years but that's it. I love the Bombers. Otherwise why would I be here posting as much as I do?? So think before you say something stupid, SPuDS. I just asked anyone who comments that I kick my dog (which I find offensive by the way as I would never hurt any animal in a million years) to step up & say why he should be brought in. What's next ha ha go beat your wife?
  17. I just get tired of Rider players like Ford taking offense to something a dumb BC Lions President said & being "disrespected" yet the Riders deliberately put these billboards up in every western city they play. Well Glen Skulsky just cost the Lions a reported $2 million dollars.
  18. Do you even know who Ameet Pall is mbrg? Ever actually see him practice let alone play? I'd be curious if you ever heard of him before this thread started. Please enlighten me & tell me exactly why the Bombers should bring him in. What are his weak & strong points? How would you evaluate where he might fit in?
  19. Rids, how can you say a 3 year veteran is "projected"? The guy has done virtually nothing as a player to this point that he was released.
  20. Just curious.. what DL does fit our system... Pall at 5'11 260lbs doesn't... Laurent 6'1 305lbs doesnt Its a genuine question - the only DL that I have seen in pursuit as a 'hybrid DL/LB' per se is Peach... everyone else looks like they are playing traditional DL roles By the sounds of it, Zach Anderson doesn't even fit our system...? Why are you assuming that fit is based on the size of the player. It's based on the responsibilities and whether or not a player can excel with specific responsibilities. Just In case I'm misunderstanding here, when & where has Pall excelled as a player? As far as Rids comments go, those are first I've read. It was always that he left the Stamps on his own accord. No one ever said that the Stamps wanted him to pay his rehab bills first then submit them for reimbursement. That was never mentioned once in the media here by anyone covering. the team. Do I like Pall as a player? No, he's another Canadian who hung around too long & got paid for contributing virtually nothing for 3 seasons because he's a National.
  21. I'd be happy if he signed elsewhere than Saskatchewan. Just to see the reaction from Rider fans.
  22. So, Will Ford says the Rider players were fired up by Glen Skulsky's because he said they felt disrespected with the guaranteed win comments. Then the Riders pull this crap every year. What a jack off organization.
  23. They just need to make the schedule a little more carefully. The expansion draft really upset things. In order to accommodate Ottawa, the BOG's lowered the quality of play in the entire CFL.There aren't enough quality Canadian OL from CIS to stock the teams. It's killing offenses.
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